Dear UNMC Periodontics Alumni,
I hope that this note finds you well and thriving in 2023. Here at the College of Dentistry, we are making sincere efforts to keep our alumni connected to each other and to our programs. I consider myself fortunate to have been able to participate in the celebration of the UNMC Periodontics Program's 60th anniversary almost one year ago, where we honored Drs. Tussing and Kaldahl with many of you in attendance.
In the continued spirit of celebration and collaboration, I would like to announce a giving opportunity that will directly benefit the UNMC Periodontics Program.
UNMC Giving Day is a university-wide campaign reaching out to alumni for direct support to their colleges and programs. I am thrilled to announce Dr. David Okano, our own alumnus and current president of the American Academy of Periodontology, has kick-started our UNMC Periodontics Program campaign by pledging to match gifts up to $1,000.
Please join Dr. Okano, myself and others by contributing to the UNMC Periodontics Program via UNMC Giving Day starting at 10 a.m. on March 30 and concluding at 5 p.m. on March 31. You can donate online here.
You can be assured that your donation will go directly to the UNMC Periodontics Program Development Fund. This fund is used to support our current and future residents with technology, travel to meetings, speaker support and other program necessities.
I am continually grateful to you, our alumni, for continuing to honor and support our graduate programs. I look forward to the future knowing we have such a dedicated community of support.
J. Bruce Bavitz, DMD
Chair, Department of Surgical Specialties
UNMC College of Dentistry