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In This Issue

October 13th
Sandra Couillou

October 23rd
Robby Schwarz

October 28th
Bob Reip

October 30th
Augie Banfe

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Submit your article for the November edition of the Messenger no later than October 26
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Rick's Ramblings
Greetings from Rev. Rick 

Rick's Ramblings...
It hasn't been the easiest of Septembers! A few weeks ago I learned I had torn the meniscus in my right knee, probably while attending the Wild Goose camping festival in July. That trip would be cut short by a swollen knee. After removal of fluid and a cortisone shot, I was back on two feet the rest of the summer (even doing games for VBS!) until the weekend after Labor Day when it ballooned up again. An MRI soon after revealed the tear.
Upon successful arthroscopic surgery on the 16th, I spent the following week recuperating and have now returned to work, though trying not to overdo it. The month of October will see me doing rehab three times a week, with a follow up eval just before Halloween. I should be back to running half marathons by year's end (that'll be the day!).
I am grateful for the many UPC friends who checked in on me by text, phone call, email or get-well card. And I heard good reports about the Rev. Jean Holmes, a mutual pastor friend of myself and the Roses, who filled in for me on the 22nd.
The months leading up to Thanksgiving and the subsequent Christmas holidays are always busy ones, so that's where we now turn our attention.
As congregations move into October, cooler weather reminding us of changes to come, stewardship season is usually on the front burner. In our Presbyterian tradition Sessions begin looking at next year's budget, and stewardship committees begin planning the best ways to encourage their congregations to continue faithfully supporting the work and worship of the church.
Within the next two weeks, we will each be receiving this year's stewardship packet. This year we are building on the fact that we are in our 60th anniversary year, having been 'founded' when the two previous Mt. Olive and Flanders Presbyterian churches merged in November 1959 to create the new United Presbyterian Church, Flanders. With diamonds being the stone of the 60th anniversary, we have embraced as this year's theme, "Diamonds in the Rough - God isn't finished with us yet!" Six decades of ministry - with many stops and starts, twists and turns, joys and challenges along the way-have brought us to this moment on the cusp of the year 2020 and the start of our seventh decade.
Included in this year's mailing is a small cross-shaped 60th Anniversary flash drive. On this flash drive you will find the complete 50th anniversary DVD we did in 2009 as well as an additional section with more recent pictures of congregational life. As we see ourselves, our children and our youth and our UPC friends in these pictures, we are reminded of the important role each of us has played in bringing UPC to this important moment. And the role we will continue to play as part of the UPC family.
The words of St. Paul to his congregation in Philippi are a fitting way to help us give thanks for what God has done among us and to commit ourselves to work yet undone. "I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by day of Christ Jesus" (Philippians 1:6)
For the past- Thank you; to the future - Yes!
Rev. Rick
Apple Festival
Fred Swinson Memorial Blood Drive
Come to UPC and give blood at our annual  
Fred Swinson Memorial Blood Drive
Friday, October 11th
Blessing of the Animals   Sunday October 6
The Book of Proverbs says, "The righteous know the needs of their animals..." There is a time-honored practice in the church of inviting church members to bring their beloved pets to church for a blessing. It is usually held the Sunday nearest the Feast of St. Francis, often considered the patron saint of all God's creatures great and small. Join Rev. Rick for our own Blessing of the Animals here at UPC on Sunday October 6. Church members will be invited to go home after worship to retrieve their beloved animal friends and bring them to church for a brief service celebrating our family pets out in the Pavilion at 12:30.  

Welcome Back Denise Bouvier, Youth Coordinator
She's BACK!!
We are thrilled to welcome back Denise Bouvier to her previous position as UPC's Youth Coordinator. After stepping aside last year to chase other pursuits, Denise is back with us to begin planning activities for our Middle School and High School youth. And we are sure she will tackle the job with her same sense of energy, humor and enthusiasm as before. UPC youth and parents stay tuned for communications from Denise about future times together in the Youth Garage!

UPC Youth Group Open House
Grades 6-12 Welcome
Sunday, October 20th 
11:15am in The Garage
Sunday School Teachers Needed
Our active Sunday School program is always in need of teachers for any of our rotations. We realized that teaching Sunday School takes teachers away from worship, so we do not ask for more than a week or two at a time. One of the major ways we fulfill our congregational pledge at baptism is to offer regular Christian instruction through Sunday School. Doing so, we are responsive to the Lord's invitation - "Let the children come to me..." If you can step up and help in our weekly rotation program, please see acting CE Elder Steve Mchugh or Co-superintendents Sue Repasky and Janelle Foster.
Coffee Hour Resuming October 6th

Beginning October 6th
Each Sunday after worship
Coffee, Light Refreshments and Fellowship

Deacon's Fall Foods Sale
On Sunday, October 27, 2019, the Deacons will be having a Fall Food Sale after church. We will be selling fall related foods like soups, chilis, and numerous baked goods like apple pie, pumpkin bread, and many others. Also, we will have Halloween themed baked goods.

Please sign up on the poster in the hallway if you are able to contribute an item for this sale. Thank you for supporting the work of the Deacons.

Habitat for Humanity Workday

Habitat for Humanity is increasingly active in our area, adding local "sweat equity" to that of potential home-owners to create more sustainable living situations. Habitat's mission statement: "Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope". UPC will participate in our second Habitat Day on Saturday October 19 in Succasunna. Anyone interested in putting in some time working on a local home, sign up in the church hallway or see Carole Rose, who is overseeing this effort.

Christmas Pageant

Join us for this year's Christmas pageant "Angels Say What?. Presentation will take place during service on December 22nd. If you are interested (and that means children of ALL AGES) join us for an information meeting after church, on Sunday, Oct. 20th.

If you have any Questions you can contact
Argaille (862-242-9304) or Diana Stierli (201-874-5079)
we'll be glad to answer any questions.







gn up on the bulletin board in church hallway  





Update on Tom Gilfillan
Blest Be the Ties That Bind

Long-time UPC member Tom Gilfillan continues to receive excellent care at the Menlo Park Veterans Memorial Home in Edison. He is now required to have a full time companion during waking hours, just to help monitor his whereabouts. While he does suffer from a deteriorating memory, he did recognize Rev. Rick on his visit several weeks ago. The UPC Deacons also periodically make the significant drive to Edison to bring him goodies and keep him connected to his church family. Tom is in a good place right now and enjoys the activities and companionship he experiences at care facility. Please continue to pray for Tom and for his daughter Robin, who oversees his care and visits him every weekend.

Anyone interested in sending Tom a "thinking of you" card may do so at the following address:

Mr. Tom Gilfillan
Menlo Park Veterans Memorial Home
Eagle Wing, Room 511
132 Evergreen Rd.
Edison, NJ  08837

Congratulations to Jenn Gunn and New Husband
Jenn Gunn and Joshua Doan were married in an outdoor ceremony 0n Saturday, Sept  7th. Jenn is a former UPC member. Joshua is from Penn Yan, NY. The couple now live n San Antonio, Texas.

May God Bless this couple  
and their new life together as Husband and Wife!

Hot off the "Poetry Press"
(Argaille A. Di Matteo 10/1/19)
I've opened house windows. Fall Breeze blowing through,
After dancing with yellow, gold and crimson leaves too.
From one room to others, Fall Breeze has her way,
Embracing the Earth and my home on this day!
"What happened to Summer?" I hear the birds call,
While green grass still captures the leaves as they fall.
The birds and the butterflies begin turning South
To set up their Flight Plan. That's what Fall's about.
Mums, apples and pumpkins are out on display
As Fall Breeze comes flowing and blowing their way.
Children and students are all back at school.
They've brought their light jackets, for it's getting cool.
The dew on the hillsides turns slowly to frost.
Fall Breeze blowing everywhere as if She's lost
And looking for Mom Nature, as She twists and turns
Through cities and farmlands. Not long till She learns
That now She's a "Child" and soon she will grow
Into Winter Wind's cold, crystal, bone-chilling blow!
For now though, I stand in the midst of my home,
A'dancing with Fall Breeze before She does roam.
She'll fly and meander o'er God's Bounteous Earth
Before She transforms into Winter Wind's birth.
A'howling and whining, my house windows closed,
She will not be welcome ,nor my warm home exposed.
How great the Creator, Who made you and me,
To fashion Dear Fall Breeze to dance and blow free!
Then let Her evolve into Winter Wind's sting,
And then to transform into Fresh Air of Spring!

United Presbyterian Church, Flanders | (973) 584-8195 ||
58 Drakesdale Road
Flanders, NJ 07836