MORE INFO! COVID Phase 1B Vaccine Update
Dear ACHS Patients,

I am writing with an update to the email that you received from me on Friday.

It has come to our attention that not everyone with 2 qualifying conditions was captured in our programming which generated the phase 1b contact list that we sent to the state. In addition, the NH state department of health let us know they would like us to confirm that you want the vaccine before they dedicate personnel to trying to reach you.

So, I have a whole new set of instructions for you.

  • If you are 65 or over, you are still all set to register yourself. You do not need anything from us. Go to and sign up!
  • If you are under 65 and qualify, with two or more of the health conditions listed below, please notify us that you would like the vaccine by calling your home ACHS site or sending a message to your provider via the patient portal.  In your message, include your first and last name, date of birth, phone number, email address, and what 2 conditions from this list you feel you have:

  • Cancer (active, non-skin cancer)
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
  • Down Syndrome
  • Heart Conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies
  • Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from solid organ transplant
  • Obesity (body mass index of over 30)
  • Pregnancy
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Other High-Risk Pulmonary Disease (does not include asthma)
  • Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Our staff will check your medical records and let you know if you do qualify and send your information to the state if you do. The state will then contact you to schedule an appointment. We are also actively reaching out to qualifying patients directly by phone. If you already spoke to staff within the past week, you do not need to call again—we got you!

Well, that’s today’s update. Some of you don’t want the vaccine or know you are not likely to be eligible until spring and I’m sorry for cluttering up your inboxes! Many of you are anxious to get vaccinated and I know it is frustrating that there isn’t enough for everyone yet and that the process is confusing and keeps changing. It’s scary and we all want this pandemic in the rearview mirror!

I understand and felt enormously relieved (in addition to achy and tired!) after getting my second shot and wish the same for everyone soon. But, realistically, we still have months to go until everyone will be offered the shot. Please continue to wear your masks, limit gatherings, and get tested if you feel at all ill. In addition, consider helping older family and neighbors who might not be technologically savvy to sign up for the vaccine.

We can do hard things. And it will be easier if we help each other.
Sarah Young-Xu, MD
ACHS Medical Director

P.S. For our VT patients. Unfortunately, state guidelines have limited vaccines to NH residents only. contact the Vermont Department of Health about how and where to get the COVID vaccine.
PLEASE NOTE: ACHS IS NOT A CURRENT COVID19 VACCINE SITE - Despite what the VAMS website says, you should NOT schedule your COVID19 vaccine appointment at any ACHS location.
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