January 24, 2023

Dear WHC Community,

Once again, we write to you with an update on our ongoing legal case about our ECCs (Early Childhood Centers). Last week, some of the parents who filed a lawsuit against us published an open letter on social media offering their version of events, claiming what we’ve told the congregation has been misleading. We respect their choice to share their story, but we disagree with their interpretation. 

While the case is ongoing, we are bound by the terms of protective orders and can’t address the letter’s specifics other than to note that, contrary to what was written, our clergy and lay leadership have met privately with the families and heard their pain and frustration.  

As to the families’ other allegations, as we’ve said before, everything in the case was relayed to the D.C. police and the United States Attorney’s Office who fully investigated and chose to take no action. 

We will continue to defend Washington Hebrew in this matter and will allow the court, not the court of public opinion, to decide the outcome. 

Lewis Wiener

WHC President

[email protected]

Lindsay Feldman

Executive Director

[email protected]