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March - 2024

BHECN Team Profiles -- Meet Cherish Harbour!

In each BHECN newsletter moving forward, we will feature a member of the BHECN team to help you get to know our team better.


In our first profile, we feature Cherish Harbor of Omaha (pictured right), who is an office associate for BHECN and with the BHECN-ARPA team. Cherish’s desk sits right by our office’s front door, which makes her the first face many see when they visit our office on the UNMC campus.


“Cherish has been a great addition to BHECN with her positivity, creating a welcoming atmosphere within our team,” said BHECN Administrator Ryan Cordts, who supervises Cherish’s BHECN work. “From the moment Cherish started, she has expressed genuine kindness and been a refreshing addition to our workplace culture." 


“Cherish is kind, hard-working, and loyal,” said Jessie Buche, Director of the BHECN-ARPA Awards Program. “She has made meaningful contributions to the BHECN ARPA team since she joined us last spring.”


Below we learn a little more about Cherish in her own words.


When did you start at BHECN?


I’ve been with BHECN for almost a year now (10 months exactly).


What do you like most about working at BHECN?


The thing that I like the most about BHECN is its ability to bring together people who are passionate about helping others. This organization is multifaceted and every extension of it works diligently to help recruit, train and retain behavioral health professionals.


Tell us about a fond memory you have about working at BHECN.


A fond memory that I have of working at BHECN would being helping to prepare for conferences and events. There’s so much that goes into curating a BHECN event. With the help of Jennifer Bull and Ann Kraft, just to name a few, BHECN gets it right every time! 


What do you do for fun in your off time?


I enjoy gardening and playing golf during my time off. 


Learn more about Cherish here!

Register for the 2024 Northeast Nebraska Behavioral Health Conference

Registration is open for the 2024 Northeast Nebraska Behavioral Health Conference, which will be held on Friday, March 22 at Wayne State College.

The inaugural conference will be held in the Kanter Student Center at Wayne State College. The event is co-hosted by BHECN Northeast and Wayne State College.

The conference is free-of-charge and focuses on integrative health care and rural behavioral health needs. It is open to all helping professionals, including educators, students, counselors, social workers, psychologists, clergy, health care providers, and administrative staff.

Contact BHECN Northeast Director Ciera Afrank at 402-375-7392 or [email protected] for more information about the conference. 

Application period for student/trainee stipend program closes April 7

Rural and Underserved Trainee Stipend Program applications are being accepted until April 7.

The Rural and Underserved Trainee Stipend Program provides funding for:

  • Nebraska graduate-level student trainees in applied behavior analysis, marriage and family therapy, or social work programs who take advanced practicum courses; and 
  • Student trainees in clinical mental health counseling programs who take clinical or advanced internship courses. 


Only applicants who intend to practice in Nebraska after graduation with practicum or internship experiences serving rural or underserved communities are eligible for the program.

Learn more about the program and access application information here.

BHECN Director inducted into American College of Psychiatrists

BHECN Director Marley Doyle, MD, was inducted into the American College of Psychiatrists last month during the group’s annual meeting in New Orleans.

The ACP is an honorary association and membership “is limited to psychiatrists who have demonstrated outstanding competence in the field of psychiatry, and who have achieved national recognition in one of the following fields: clinical practice, research, academic leadership, and teaching.” 

Congratulations Dr. Doyle!

Register today for the 2024 Heal the Healer webinar series!

Learn more and register here!

Other webinars of interest

The Rural Health Research Gateway will host a webinar on Tuesday, March 12 titled "Examining the Burden of Public Stigma Associated With Mental Illness in the Rural U.S. The webinar starts at noon Central time. Learn more and register here.

Health Center Association of Nebraska (HCAN) will host a webinar on working with New Americans on Tuesday, March 26. The webinar, which will be presented by Lutheran Family Services, will be held on Tuesday, March 26 at 10 a.m. Central time. Attendees will gain valuable insight on the refugee experience to better serve this population. Topics covered will include:

  • Resettlement Process;
  • Trauma;
  • Barriers to Care;
  • Worldview Cultural Differences;
  • English as a Learned Language(ELL); and
  • Tips for Working with New Americans.

Registration information can be found here.

Online Training Opportunities

BHECN has several online training opportunities

See our offerings here!

The 2023 Core Topics videos and CEUs are available online!

Access them here!

Heal the Healer webinar videos available online

Did you miss any of the "Heal the Healer: Incivility and Bullying in the Workplace" webinars?

Recordings and materials from the collaborative sessions between BHECN and the UNMC College of Nursing can be found here until May 29, 2024.

Looking for a job or trying to hire your next

Rockstar in the behavioral health field?

Visit today to view resumes or job openings currently available.

List your resume or job opening for FREE on, the behavioral health, Nebraska-focused jobs website.

It's FREE!


BHECN's Mission

The Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska (BHECN), pronounced “beacon,” was established in 2009 by a legislative bill to address the shortage of behavioral health professionals in rural and under-served areas of the state. It is a unique partnership among the state legislature, academic institutions, and community partners to create a statewide workforce solution to increase the number of licensed behavioral health professionals.

A publication of the Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska (BHECN)
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