NOTE: This is a revision to the previously published March newsletter. Our new website launched on March 21st. The links in this newsletter have been updated to the new site.
Please note that and are no longer valid. Units can login into their tentaroo account with the existing user name and password from both the council and camp websites:
New site URLs:
Dear unit leaders and summer camp coordinators,
Here are the latest updates from your summer camp team.
Website Update:
We will be moving both our council and camp website to a new platform next Thursday. This will have an unfortunate side effect that all of the links on this page will become invalid. We will resend this newletter again with revisions to correct the links.
From the Program Team:
Our camp program director, Seamus Getty, released the 2024 program schedule along with a listing of Merit Badges. They can both be found HERE. There are six tabs on the master schedule spreadsheet. The Dan Beard (1st-year-camper program) schedule is contained in tab six.
Still in the works is a listing with more specific details on each badge, i.e. which requirements will not be covered at camp, recommended ages, whether the badge is open registration or part of our lottery system.
The team is also working fervently on program ideas for camp-wide games and competitions, such as the perennial volleyball tournament. More to come at the May virtual pre-camp leader meeting.
Program questions? Reach out to Seamus via EMAIL.
From the Business Manager:
Units can order T-shirts with their unit number, council abbreviation and town imprinted on the sleeve. Deadline for placing an order for customized T-shirts is April 15th. Visit HERE for more information and online order form.
When making online payments in the Tentaroo system, please remember you can pay via eCheck to avoid any convenience fees.
- The deadline for the tier 2 discounted fee of $545 is May 15th. AOL Crossovers continue to receive the tier 1 discount of $520.
Questions on Tentaroo payment processing, reach out to Michelle Cathers via EMAIL or call at 215-348-7205 x305.
Campership program:
Through several generous donations, the council is able to make a limited number of camperships available to Scout families with financial need. The deadline for application is April 1st. Information and the application are available HERE.
Staff Positions Available:
We still have several positions available on our summer camp staff. If you have a Scout or Scouter who might be interested in working at Ockanickon, more information and an online application is available HERE. If you have any questions about specific positions or qualifications, please reach out to me via EMAIL.
Virtual Pre-camp Leaders Meeting:
Lastly, save the date for our online, virtual leaders meeting on Saturday, May 4th. We’ll go over the most up to date program and food service information.
Key Dates:
4/1 - Campership application deadline
4/15 - Custom T-shirt order deadline
5/4 - OSR Leaders' Meeting
5/4 - Merit Badge session registration opens
5/15 - Tier 2 discount deadline
5/15 - AOL discount deadline
6/1 - Last day to reduce registration numbers
As always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions via EMAIL or 215-348-7205 x318.
With regards,
Todd Warner
Director of Support Services