UPDATED: CA State Budget for 2021-22 Gives CAEP Additional Funds
CAEP Annual Plans Due in NOVA by August 15th
New Launch Alert! Advancing CA Adult Education Website Promo Video: Research and Practice
Reminder: Submit a Model Program for Recognition at the CAEP Summit 2021
CAEP Summit 2021 Call for Proposals
WestEd’s Understanding and Using the Adult Education Pipeline (AEP) Dashboard for Continuous Improvement Train-the-Trainer Session
Deadlines and Deliverables
CA State Budget for 2021-22 Gives CAEP Additional Funds
The recently passed State Budget for 2021-22 included an additional $13.7M for CAEP, bringing the total increase for 2021-22 to over $21.8M. Click on the below link to access the new allocation amounts for 2021-22 by consortia (which includes the increase). The allocation amounts are final. The CAEP Office will release a guidance memo next week on how to approve the increase in NOVA via an allocation amendment, and the exact amounts that direct funded member districts will receive (as calculated by the State).
In addition, join Carolyn Zachry and Neil Kelly this Friday, July 9th at 12:00 p.m. for a review of the State Budget for 2021-22 and its impact to CAEP (and preview the allocation guidance memo).
CAEP Annual Plans Due in NOVA by August 15th
Time to start planning! The CAEP annual plans are due in NOVA by August 15, 2021. The annual plan is a two-phase process. The first phase is submission of the consortium annual plan, by August 15, 2021. The annual plan references the consortium’s key accomplishments, goals and strategies (based on CAEP objectives) for the 2021-22 program year. The second phase, certification of the consortium budget and work plan, is due by September 30, 2021. The annual plan, consortium budget and work plan will be submitted directly into NOVA. Review the annual plan guidance memo for details regarding each section and the information to be included. Additionally, the annual plan memo contains NOVA instructions and helpful tips. Review the annual plan memo and contact CAEP TAP at [email protected] or (888) 827-2324.
New Launch Alert! Advancing CA Adult Education Website Launch Series: Research and Practice
The new Advancing CA Adult Education website launched almost a month ago! The new website is a repository of innovative, emerging, and model adult education programs throughout California that have demonstrated positive outcomes for students, agencies, and/or consortia.
In a series of launch videos, last week we highlighted how to connect with adult education practitioners and join the community based on a CAEP state priority and area of focus. In this week’s launch series segment, we introduce you to the Research and Practice section, a one-stop repository of adult education-specific research and associated practices. we also walk you through how to contribute to the growing body of research and practices. Click on the link below to learn more.
Reminder: Submit a Model Program for Recognition at the CAEP Summit 2021
CAEP TAP is still accepting Model Programs nominations. Model programs are reviewed and added to the repository via a nomination process and are awarded annually at the CAEP Summit. The Advancing CA Adult Education video will provide details on how to submit a model program, including a live demonstration with step-by-step instructions. Review the video and submit today.
CAEP Summit 2021 Call for Proposals
The number of proposals to present at the CAEP Summit 2021 continues to increase each week! Don’t wait to submit as slots are filling up fast. The CAEP Summit 2021 Planning Committee and attendees are interested in learning from you and how your program and practices have aligned with the CAEP State Priorities. This opportunity only comes around once a year so don’t miss out.
Submit a proposal today! If you experience any difficulty, contact the CAEP Summit 2021 Planning Committee at [email protected] to receive answers to your questions.
WestEd’s Understanding and Using the Adult Education Pipeline (AEP) Dashboard for Continuous Improvement Train-the-Trainer Session
Interested in joining a group of adult education practitioners who will lead their consortium, region, or a group of adult educators in better understanding the Adult Education Pipeline dashboard. Join us for a 1.5 hour train-the-trainer session on the Adult Education Pipeline. We will walk you through and answer your questions about the ready-made PPT and the accompanying Facilitator Guide so that you can easily present Understanding and Using the Adult Education Pipeline (AEP) Dashboard for Continuous Improvement to a group of adult education professionals. PreKnowledge Required: This session is for people who are already familiar with the Adult Education Dashboard; it is not a training for novice users. Participants need to be familiar with the metrics on the AEP dashboard, know how to navigate the AEP dashboard, be familiar with the data sources (MIS, EDD UI wage files, CASAS TOPSpro) that inform the metrics on the AEP dashboard, know the basic vocabulary associated with data (e.g., denominator) and understand the purpose of the AEP dashboard. Prework Required: Participants will be required to review the PowerPoint and Facilitator Guide prior to the session (estimated 60 minutes of prework).
We have designed a brief interest form that will help you decide both your readiness and interest in this train-the-trainer opportunity. Thank you for taking the time to respond to the Interest Survey. We hope to see you at the training!
CA State Budget 2021-22
Friday, July 9, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. PST
Join Carolyn Zachry and Neil Kelly, on July 9th at 12:00 p.m., to review the latest state budget and discuss plans for implementing items that will affect adult education in California. Discussion points include COLA, fund disbursement, and more.
Why Does My Data Reports Look Different: A Continued Discussion on the AEP Dashboard and TOPSpro Enterprise
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. PST
This webinar will include a 15-minute walkthrough on the differences between a CAEP Summary Report and the data presented on the AEP Dashboard. We will then move into a 40-minute question, answer, and discussion period so that people can ask additional questions about the differences between the reports and more general questions about how TOPSpro data relates to the AEP Dashboard data.
MIS Coding: A Continued Discussion of New and Other Key Metrics
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. PST
The WestEd AEP Team will host a webinar to answer questions about the new MIS metrics. This webinar will include a 15-minute targeted presentation focused on new metrics and existing key metrics. We will then move into a 45-minute question, answer, and discussion period so that people can dive into these metrics or ask more general questions about coding in MIS.
What’s it all About: CB 21, NRS Educational Functioning Levels, and Curriculum Alignment
Thursday, July 22, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. PST
Delve into the purpose of AB705, what it means for CB21 courses and NRS Educational Functioning Levels (EFLs). Explore the rubrics that help you align your CB21 courses with the WIOA NRS EFLs so that your classes provide standardized content.
CAEP Program Area Report Results for 2019-20
Friday, August 13, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. PST
The State CAEP Office again contracted with Workforce Enterprise Services, Inc. (WES) to analyze the results of the 2019-2020 Hours and Expenditures report submission. This webinar will review the results of our analysis, and will provide an opportunity for CAEP providers to ask questions about the results and recommended changes to reporting requirements. Tim Harmon, President of WES, will lead this discussion.
Aug 1: Student Data due in TOPSPro (Q4) FINAL
Aug 15: Annual Plan for 2021-22 due in NOVA
Sep 1: 19/20 and 20/21 Member Expense Report due in NOVA (Q4)
Sep 1: July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 expenses by program area due (estimates only) in NOVA *
Sep 30: 19/20 and 20/21 Member Expense Report certified by Consortia in NOVA (Q4) *
Sep 30: 21/20 Member Program Year Budget and Work Plan due in NOVA
Sep 30: End of Q1