May 5, 2023

St. Paul branch of the American Association of University Women's Business Board, as well as AAUW St. Paul (300 members), passed resolutions opposing the separated raised bike trail.

Thank you!!
The fight is not over!

We have had some wins. A few people are listening. But the proposed bike trail for Summit Avenue is still on the City Council agendas:

  • Public hearing May 24 Time TBD
  • A vote on JUNE 7.

We need you to keep raising your voices! Contact City Hall!
Scroll to the bottom of the home page to sign your name.
3,011 petition signers and counting!!
Feel strongly about street safety, trees, historic character?
Join the cause and contribute here:
ABOUT SOS (Save Our Street)
Save Our Street is a citizen group that seeks to educate and advocate for the preservation of the historic streetscape of Summit Avenue as a treasured St. Paul destination and a safe, tree-lined, multi-modal corridor for generations to come.
SOS Steering Committee Chair: Gary Todd [email protected] 651-470-4720
SOS Public Relations Carolyn Will [email protected] 612-414-9661
SOS PR & Volunteer Coordinator Susan Ritt [email protected]