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Please note: A previous version of this newsletter was sent without a link to the 2024 Benefits Guide. This has been corrected below. Thank you!

Open Enrollment is just around the corner, which is why I’m taking over this month’s Health + Wellness Pulse to ask a very important question: Are you in? As a benefits-eligible member of the Heritage family, you have access to benefits designed to support you and your loved ones. This month, I hope you’ll take Just One Step to plan and prepare for Open Enrollment!

Your One Step This Month:

Prepare to Make Your Benefits Selections!

Reviewing plan options and costs is the first step toward making your benefits selections. If you’ve enrolled in our plans before, you might notice some changes in 2024: After hearing your feedback, we’re now offering a lower deductible plan option.

To accomplish this, we’ll be adding coinsurance and out-of-pocket maximums to both plans to keep them compliant with the IRS:

  • Coinsurance is the percent amount of the bill paid by the employee after the deductible is met, up to the out-of-pocket maximum. The coinsurance rate for in-network services will be 10% which is better than the market benchmark of 20%.
  • The out-of-pocket maximum is the maximum amount of money you’ll pay for covered services in the plan year, including your deductible. We have set the amount of the embedded out-of-pocket maximums significantly below the IRS requirements and favorable compared to market benchmark.

Adding these features allows us to offer health and wellness plans designed to provide you with great benefits you can use in the moments you need them. What hasn’t changed is how we create these plans: We thoroughly research and evaluate options while maintaining our high standards for your care.

The result is a benefits package designed to support the lives and families of our people – physically, emotionally and financially.

Ready to start planning? Here are a few ways to explore and select the right benefits for you and your loved ones.

Read the 2024 Benefits Guide

The 2024 Benefits Guide offers you a detailed walkthrough of your 2024 benefits options. You’ll also learn about all the programs included in these plans, like Anthem’s Preventive Rx Plus Plan, critical illness coverage, dental and vision coverage, and much more. Get the guide!

Take a Training to Learn More

In addition to the benefits guide, we’ve also created an interactive learning course that walks you through how the plans work, what’s changed for 2024, the benefits and wellness programs we offer, and much more. Click here to take the training!

Estimate Your Costs

The Health Plan Cost Estimator is back! This popular tool allows you to easily see annual cost estimate for each medical plan, using real-life scenarios to bring them to life. Use it to create a personalized cost estimate and choose which high deductible health plan is right for you and your loved ones.

With these tools, your benefits journey begins! I hope you’ll sign up and join in to keep you and your loved ones safe, healthy and protected—as part of our Heritage family for a long time to come.


Emily Hamrick

VP, Total Rewards