April 28, 2020

A Guide to UUCA’s Virtual Candidating Week: April 26-May 3, 2020

What is candidating week?  
For a week and two weekends, Rev. Amanda Poppei, our candidate for Senior Minister, will be meeting with congregants and staff. Bookended by Sunday sermons, candidating week culminates in a congregational vote on calling her as our new Senior Minister on May 3. Highlights of candidating week include:
  • Four congregation-wide Zoom events 
  • More than 30 focused Zoom sessions that provide a conversational context for Rev. Amanda and congregants to get to know each other
  • A daily video from Rev. Amanda to be emailed to the congregation and posted on the UUCA website at 10:30am Monday thru Friday April 27-May 1.

What are the congregation-wide Zoom events?
They include:
  • Sunday, April 26 @ 11:30am A question and answer session  
  • Wednesday, April 29 @ 6pm Happy hour with Q&A 
  • Thursday, April 30 @ 1pm daytime Q&A
  • Friday, May 1 @ 8pm online game night 

During the Q&A sessions, you may ask a question by being recognized by the moderator, using the chat room, or raising your hand under “participants." If you prefer, you may also send questions by email to [email protected] beforehand. At any time during candidating week, Rev. Amanda would welcome your contacting her directly at [email protected] . You can also comment at  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SBWMMDX

What will Zoom focus sessions be like?
These sessions span the activities of congregational life. They include the Sunday ambassadors, the worship team, social justice (two sessions), racial justice, the music community, long-time members, humanists, young adults, Goodwin House, the financial community, the Board, covenant group leaders, the nominating committee, the Pastoral Care Team, LGBTQ community and Faith 360. Religious education sessions span teachers and the RE Council, RE parents, the Youth Group, Y9 group, the Tween Group, and Story Time. 

In these conversations Rev. Amanda would like to hear from you
• Who you are
• Why participation in this activity is meaningful to you
• What your group is doing now at UUCA
• What you and your group would like to do in the future

How do I participate?
You do not have to sign up in advance to participate. See your "UPDATED Candidating Week Schedule" email for details including Zoom links and password. For many sessions, the Ministerial Search Committee or the co-hosting group will send out reminders.

How do I learn more about Zoom?
If you are new to zoom, please watch Walter's Zoom video: https://www.facebook.com/UnitarianUniversalistChurchArlingtonVirginia/videos/1087294418329951/   
or read these Zoom instructions by the Lion's International: https://www.lions105ce.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Dummies-Guide-to-Zoom.pdf

You also can also contact Annie or Tamara for help.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington
4444 Arlington Blvd., Arlington, VA 22204
www.uucava.org | 703-892-2565