UPK News and FAQs

From the New York State Education Department Office of Early Learning 

Spring Edition: 2022-2023 Program Year

Important Dates and Deadlines:

Teacher with students working

  • FS-10 ZOOM Webinar: May 3, 2023. This webinar will be recorded for future viewing and available on the OEL website. Register here for the FS-10 ZOOM Webinar.
  • FS-10As for PreK Projects: All amendments are due to The Office of Early Learning by May 31, 2023. Districts should contact their OEL liaison if extenuating issues arise after May 31, 2023.
  • Student Coding Discrepancies must be resolved by May 26, 2023. Please work with your local RIC or contact DataSupport@nysed.gov.
  • Final Expenditure Reports (FS-10F) are due July 31, 2023
  • NYS PreK Final Program Reports in MVPS are due July 31, 2023
  • M/WBE Compliance Report is due July 31, 2023 for all SUFDPK programs.
  • P-3 Summer Institute: August 17, 2023, at the NYS Cultural Education Center in Albany. Stay tuned for more information!
  • Full list of important dates and deadlines for the 2022-2023 school year


NYS Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY

The New York State Education Department is pleased to announce the 2023 P-3 Summer Institute on August 17 at the NYS Cultural Education Center in Albany. The Institute is planned in partnership with the NYS Council on Children and Families. This one-day session will be open to teachers, specialists, and administrators responsible for designing programs for students along the P-3 Continuum. Session topics will support educators in creating a learning environment that reflects developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate practices and instruction. Space will be limited at this free event and registration information including the agenda will be available in May. 

Your Feedback Matters

The Office of Early Learning provides technical assistance to grades P-3 in New York State.

What does support from the Office of Early Learning look like to you?

Please complete a quick survey to let us know how we can best be of assistance.

image of the New York State Education building
photos of prekindergarten students playing with blocks

UPK Classroom Spotlight: Suffern CSD

Suffern CSD’s Universal Prekindergarten Program enrolls approximately 150 half-day and full-day students across district classrooms and community-based organizations. Recently, students engaged in a STEAM centered thematic unit on building and construction.


This purposeful play unit was introduced by showing students diverse photos of people working in construction, as well as real buildings from the local community and beyond. Teachers read fiction and nonfiction texts about building and construction to develop vocabulary and build interest in the unit.


The building and construction unit was integrated across the classroom’s learning centers. In the building center, students used drawing materials to sketch blueprints of structures they wanted to create and shared their blueprints with their classmates. A variety of materials were provided, such as wooden blocks, cardboard, and paper. Math concepts, such as symmetry, balance, and comparison were integrated throughout the unit. Students played math games like “Roll and Build 10” and created shapes with popsicle sticks. At the sensory table, sand and toy construction trucks provided rich hands-on experiences. In the art center, students used toy trucks and paint to create tracks. Students even used hammers to hammer out syllables!


This unit helped students learn how to communicate, problem solve, and cooperate with one another. A sense of community was achieved by working together to sketch, construct buildings, and give feedback. Students continued to use building vocabulary during their play and learned concepts that carried over into other purposeful play units throughout the year. 

Office of Early learning Fiscal Webinar May 3rd 3:30 to 4:30



May 3, 2023, at 3:30pm.

Register for the FS-10

ZOOM Webinar


Budget Amendments: DUE MAY 31, 2023

Any change to a budget is considered a budget amendment and requires an FS-10A. The FS-10A must be submitted to the Office of Early Learning at the New York State Education Department for approval.

The original wet-ink signed FS-10A and two copies must be mailed directly to the Office of Early Learning's new address:

New York State Education Department

Office of Early Learning

EB 514 West Mezzanine

89 Washington Ave

Albany, NY 12234

For more information, please watch the previously recorded FS-10A Webinar by visiting our website.

Helpful Resources/Professional Development:

UPK Classroom Spotlight Opportunity

The Office of Early Learning is looking for best practices from districts, CBO, and Direct Contract Agency UPK classrooms to spotlight throughout the year. If you are interested in sharing a success story in any of the following areas, please submit your story via email to the Office of Early Learning at OEL@nysed.gov.

  • Learning centers
  • Theme integration
  • Building classroom community
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Kindergarten transition
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion in the UPK classroom
  • Anything the district is inspired to share with the field

You will need to include the following information in your submission:

  • Subject: UPK Spotlight Submission
  • Local Education Agency Name
  • Teacher Name
  • Photo of the best practice in action
  • 1-2 paragraphs describing the best practice and highlighting any results since its implementation.

We look forward to hearing from you!

New York State Education Department Office of Early Learning logo

Erik Sweet, Executive Director, Office of Early Learning

Lori Smart, Supervisor

Tanya Amodio-Kovacs, Samantha Chobot,

Paulette Coppin, Lauren Cosamano,

Carly Feldman, Eric Feml-Nelsen,

Jason Gish, Noelle Lake, Christine Lyons,

Sean Murphy, Terry Onofrio, Brandon Orszulak,

Tina Rose-Turriglio, Christina Ryan,

Michelle Sidoti, Zachary Snyder, Vicky Woods