UPK News and FAQs

From the New York State Education Department Office of Early Learning 

Winter Edition: 2022-2023 Program Year

Important Dates and Deadlines:

An image of diverse children looking at the camera
  • FS-10As for PreK Projects: All amendments are due to The Office of Early Learning 30 days prior to the end of the project year (May 30, 2023). Districts should contact their OEL liaison if extenuating issues arise after May 30, 2023.

UPK Message about the 2023 Executive Budget Proposal

Dear UPK administrators and community,

Since the release of the Governor’s 2023 executive budget proposal, the Office of Early Learning has received many inquiries and recognize that you have questions. It is important to note that the State Aid numbers for UPK allocations that are available now are proposed numbers and should not be considered final until the 2023 budget has passed and is enacted. Please note that the draft 2023 UPK budget language requires serving additional or expanded slots in order to access the additional funding. The numbers do not reflect an increase in per pupil funding for existing slots. 

In the meantime, as you plan for the 2023-24 school year, please feel free to look at your numbers through your State Aid runs or on the State Aid website. On the website, you can see the proposed aid for each district, as well as the number of additional slots in the proposed budget. To see your numbers, please go to the State Aid website and follow these steps: 

  • Enter the district name in the top left box
  • Click go
  • Click on the district URL provided
  • Click “2023-24 Executive Budget Excess Cost for Students w/Disabilities and UPREK”

Towards the bottom of that page, you will see “NEW FULL-DAY 4YO SLOTS” and “2023-24 NEW UPK AID.” If enacted, both pieces will be included in UPK funding next year. 

Please stay tuned to the Office of Early Learning website for additional information. If you have questions, please contact OEL@nysed.gov. We look forward to an excellent 2023-2024 school year for Prekindergarten students. 


Erik Sweet

Executive Director, NYSED Office of Early Learning 


Budget Amendments

During the course of the program year, situations arise where a district or direct contract agency may need to revise their original approved budget. Any change to a budget is considered a budget amendment and requires an FS-10A. The FS-10A must be submitted to the Office of Early Learning at the New York State Education Department for approval. Approval is provided when OEL determines whether the move of funds is appropriate, reasonable, and necessary to support the project and programmatic goals. Once programmatically approved, the original, and one copy of the budget, is then submitted to Grants Finance.

Grant budget amendments can be submitted at any point between the receipt of the approved budget up until May 31st of the program year, and more than one can be accepted. 


An FS-10A enables both the local agency and NYSED to maintain an accurate and up-to-date record of approved changes to a budget.

After completing the FS-10A, please ensure the Chief Administrative Officer has signed the original form with a pen. No stamps or digital signatures will be accepted by the New York State Education Department.

The original wet-ink signed FS-10A and two copies must be mailed directly to the Office of Early Learning's new address:

New York State Education Department

Office of Early Learning

EB 514 West Mezzanine

89 Washington Ave

Albany, NY 12234

Image of an invitation to the Office of Early Learning fiscal webinar series on March 1 2023 from 3:30 to 4:00PM



March 1, 2023, at 3:30pm.

Register for the FS-10A ZOOM Webinar

Coding UPK and SUFDPK Students in SIRS

Each September the Office of Early Learning and the Office of Information and Reporting Services release field memorandums providing "Guidance on Reporting Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) and Statewide Universal Full-Day Prekindergarten (SUFDPK) Children in SIRS." SUFDPK grantees must also submit annual child count reports each spring. School districts' data coordinators may refer to their Regional Information Centers (RIC) for additional guidance.

Image of a chart for Coding SUFDPK and UPK students in SIRS which is available in the linked memo

Your Feedback Matters

The Office of Early Learning provides technical assistance to grades P-3 in New York State.

What does support from the Office of Early Learning look like to you?

Please complete a quick survey to let us know how we can best be of assistance.

image of the New York State Education building

Health and Safety Checklist Field Memo

A school district that is operating a Prekindergarten (PreK) program must follow uniform quality standards for PreK classrooms located in both school buildings and community-based organization (CBO) sites. The school district must ensure that facilities that house its PreK program are safe for the children in the program.

Read the Prekindergarten Health and Safety Checklist memo.

data sheet image
Visit our Data Website

NEW Office of Early Learning Data Website and Fast Facts

The Office of Early Learning has created this resource in an effort to provide timely access to prekindergarten data. Typical data requests include counts of prekindergarten children served and counts and types of prekindergarten programs providing such services. This resource may be useful to school districts’ Boards of Education, advocacy groups, researchers, educators, students, and their families. Users are also encouraged to access provided resources and research which share the long-term effects and benefits of an early start for children in prekindergarten.

UPK Classroom Spotlight Opportunity

The Office of Early Learning is looking for best practices from districts, CBO, and Direct Contract Agency UPK classrooms to spotlight throughout the year. If you are interested in sharing a success story in any of the following areas, please submit your story via email to the Office of Early Learning at OEL@nysed.gov.

  • Learning centers
  • Theme integration
  • Building classroom community
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Kindergarten transition
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion in the UPK classroom
  • Anything the district is inspired to share with the field

You will need to include the following information in your submission:

  • Subject: UPK Spotlight Submission
  • Local Education Agency Name
  • Teacher Name
  • Photo of the best practice in action
  • 1-2 paragraphs describing the best practice and highlighting any results since its implementation.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Helpful Resources/Professional Development:

New York State Education Department Office of Early Learning logo

Erik Sweet, Executive Director, Office of Early Learning

Lori Smart, Supervisor

Tanya Amodio-Kovacs, Samantha Chobot,

Paulette Coppin, Carly Feldman, Eric Feml-Nelsen,

Jason Gish, Christine Lyons,

Brandon Orszulak, Tina Rose-Turriglio,

Michelle Sidoti, Zachary Snyder