Office of Early Learning UPK Newsletter banner with crayon drawing snowflake and snowman

Winter Edition: 2024-2025 Program Year

Important Dates and Deadlines:

text reading important reminders against a winter background

  • May 8, 2025: Navigating PreK Day - This event will take place in Albany, NY at the Cultural Education Center. Join the waitlist here.

Help Us Improve - Your Voice Matters!

The Office of Early Learning provides technical assistance to grades P-3 in New York State. We greatly value your feedback and insight.

Please take a moment to let us know what support from the Office of Early Learning looks like to you!

Take Our Feedback Survey
image of the New York State Education building

2024-2025 PreK Child Counts Reporting Deadline and Guidance

The Office of Early Learning has released the 2024-2025 PreK Child Counts Reporting Deadline and Guidance memo. Please refer to this memo for guidance on ensuring accurate and complete data are reported. Errors in coding may result in a reduction in the district’s reimbursement amount.


In response to concerns raised by LEAs who experience significant change in enrollment throughout the year, and to align with the K-12 data system, all PreK student counts must be entered monthly via the Student Information Repository System (SIRS). To calculate the final payment for the 2024-2025 program year, OEL will look at the data from October and March and select the higher of the two.

Following the data sets in October and March, OEL will contact LEAs with recommended changes. Please note that districts, per IRS, should enter UPK enrollment numbers monthly so the Department can analyze trends in enrollment to inform our decision-making and policies. 


LEAs receiving SUFDPK funding are also required to input their child counts via the SED Monitoring and Vendor Performance System (MVPS) on or before the close of business on March 12, 2025.


Please reach out to your OEL Liaison or with any questions. 

Read the 2024-2025 Child Counts Memo Here
colored hands with a world and the text supporting emergent multilingual learners

Play in Early Childhood: The Role of Play in Any Setting

When children play, they can reduce sources of stress, strengthen core life skills, and build responsive relationships with caring adults—all of which are core principles of early childhood development. Watch this video on the importance of play in early childhood from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University to learn more about the importance of play.

photo of people working at tables during the october collaboration council meeting

October UPK Collaboration Council Meeting

The NYSED Office of Early Learning, in conjunction with the NYS Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS), has formed a UPK Collaboration Council to identify successes and challenges to prekindergarten collaboration between school districts and community-based organizations (CBOs). Membership is comprised of school district and CBO representatives, representatives from the Governor’s office, and other community stakeholders.

On October 16th, the Collaboration Council conducted its second meeting of the year, this time in person at the OCFS Training Center in Rensselaer, NY. The focus of this meeting was to further discuss the challenges regarding UPK collaboration and to brainstorm potential solutions. The day opened with remarks from Executive Director of NYSED’s Office of Early Learning, Erik Sweet, and Deputy Commissioner in the Division of Child Care Services at OCFS, Nora Yates.

The meeting provided a valuable platform for all stakeholders to engage in a productive and open dialogue regarding prekindergarten collaboration. Members of the council were placed in workgroups based on topics of interest identified in previous meetings. Topics included funding, program requirements, teacher qualifications, and instructional requirements.

Overall, the meeting underscored the importance of continued dialogue and problem-solving between all stakeholders to better strengthen prekindergarten collaboration and access across the State. Collaboration Council meetings will continue throughout the 2024-2025 school year, with the next meeting taking place in January 2025, where stakeholders will begin to identify actionable steps that can be taken to overcome some of the challenges identified throughout this process. 

Thank you to the members of the Collaboration Council for dedicating their time to this important work:

Alyson Tarek, NYS Governor’s Office

Ashley Young, Buffalo CSD

Bob Frawley, Adirondack Birth to Three Alliance

Bonnie Caldwell, CSEA Voice Representative

Carolyn Wiggins, NYS Head Start Association

Christina Guastella, Central Islip UFSD

David Kolczynski, Care-A-Lot Child Care

Dr. Florence Prophete-Barbour, Harbor Child Care

Erika Bezio, Saranac Lake CSD

Geraldine Laybourne, Day One Early Learning Community

Howard Milbert, Ossining Children’s Center

Ileana Infante, NYS Governor’s Office

Jacob Dixon, Choice for All

Jennifer Coggio, East Ramapo CSD

Simone Hawkins, NYC Department of Education– Early Childhood Division

Kristen Kerr, New York Association for the Education of Young Children

Maureen George, Cheektowaga CSD

Meredith Menzies, Early Care & Learning Council

Michael Burns, Questar III BOCES

Pam Ratliff, Copenhagen CSD

Patty Persell, NYS Council on Children and Family Services

Sandra Polikowski, Amsterdam CSD

Sharon Hutchinson-Jones, Northern Rivers Early Childhood Center

Sheridan Miller, NYS Governor’s Office

Vonetta Rhodes, Western New York Action Team

Yessenia Rosario, QUALITYstarsNY

We look forward to continuing these discussions throughout the 2024-2025 school year.


Erik Sweet (New York State Education Department) and

Nora Yates (Office of Children and Family Services)

office of early learning staff at the kindergarten transition summit

The Office of Early Learning Presents to the Field: Fall 2024

The Office of Early Learning (OEL) has been busy this fall presenting to the field at several conferences. OEL was invited to present at the New York State Kindergarten Transition Summit on October 30, 2024. Sponsored by the New York State Council on Children and Families, OEL was able to share information regarding best practices in regard to helping students and families make the transition between prekindergarten and kindergarten.

office of early learning staff at the RISE conference

On November 12th, OEL had the opportunity to host a table at the 40th annual Religious and Independent Schools Educator (RISE) Conference in Albany, NY. Staff from the office were available to answer attendees' questions regarding early learning, prekindergarten collaboration, and more!

office of early learning staff presenting at NYSRA

Also on November 12th, the Office of Early Learning presented at the 2024 New York State Reading Association (NYRA) Annual Conference. The office presented on the Literacy Briefs produced by Dr. Nonie K. Lesaux, and how the literacy briefs can be used to strengthen knowledge of evidence-based literacy practices in P-12 education.

Image of the cover page for the Implementing the CR-S Framework in the PreK Classroom

Implementing the CR-S Framework in Prekindergarten

As an extension of the Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework, this guidance was designed to support Prekindergarten educators in creating student-centered early learning environments that honor, reflect, and affirm the student diversity found in our classrooms today. Implementing the Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework in Prekindergarten is grounded in four principles, which include: A Welcoming and Affirming Environment, High Expectations and Rigorous Instruction, Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment, and Ongoing Professional Learning. This resource can be found on the Office of Early Learning website.

Office of Early Learning

2024-2025 Webinar Series

The Office of Early Learning is pleased to offer a series of webinars designed to support and enhance our early education initiatives. These sessions will cover a range of topics, including science, inclusion, supporting Emergent Multilingual Learners (EMLs), and fostering positive behavior. We believe these webinars will provide valuable insight and resources to help you and your schools foster exceptional learning environments for our youngest learners.


Make sure to mark your calendars and register for the webinars below. See the flyer for more information.


Fostering Positive Behavior in PreK – February 5th, 2025 (3:00-4:00pm)

Supporting EMLs in PreK – March 5th, 2025 (3:00-4:00pm)

Inclusion in PreK: Why it Matters – May 14th, 2025 (3:00-4:00pm)

Recordings of past webinars can be viewed on the Office of Early Learning's Webinar Series webpage.

prekindergarten students looking at a 3D printer in their classroom

UPK Classroom Spotlight: Questar III BOCES

Recently, Questar III BOCES received a Helping Kids Mini-Grant from AASA, The School Superintendents Association for Early Childhood Education. This grant allowed us to get two 3D printers for our PreK program. While we mostly see 3D printers being used in our high schools, we are using them in PreK to show our early learners how items such as toys are made! Two of our teachers were up to the challenge to learn about the printers and then create lessons they could do with their PreK students. The students were excited and amazed!


One of our PreK classrooms first voted on a toy they wanted to create. They used the Smartboard to cast their votes, colored a bar graph and learned how to print spinning tops, toy dinosaurs and more. They also reached out to a local humane society and created toys for their pets! 


In our East Greenbush classroom, the students watched as the printer created Play-Doh letter stamps that they used during center time. While nothing fancy, the students could not wait to use the stamps that they helped create! 


With the rollout of K-12 Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards we want our students to have all the tools they need to be kindergarten ready. Using the printers gives our early learners a great start understanding the impacts of computing, computational thinking, networks and system design. They are also pretty cool!

2023-2024 UPK Data Available

graph with the text 2023-2024 upk data

The Office of Early Learning’s data website has been updated to reflect 2023-2024 prekindergarten data. This website answers typical data questions, such as counts of prekindergarten children served and counts and types of prekindergarten programs providing such services. This resource may be useful to school districts’ Boards of Education, advocacy groups, researchers, educators, students, and their families


An additional resource on the website, the New York State (NYS) Administered Prekindergarten Fast Facts document provides an overview of State funded prekindergarten programs, including the research-based benefits of such programs.


Any questions regarding the OEL Data Website for Prekindergarten can be directed to

Helpful Resources/Professional Development:

girl with graduation cap and the text p-3 instructional toolkit webinar release

P-3 Instructional Toolkit Webinar Release

The Office of Early Learning is excited to release a series of recorded webinars on the P-3 Instructional Approach. P-3 alignment aims to enhance coordination from PreK through 3rd Grade and beyond by ensuring horizontal and vertical consistency across grades and systems.


The P-3 Instructional Approach Webinar Series focuses on the implementation of a P-3 instructional approach. In this series, participants will hear first-hand examples from school districts throughout New York State on how they have used the P-3 Instructional Guidance Toolkit to achieve better alignment across early grade levels and strengthen student outcomes.


Recorded webinars in this series include:


  • P-3 Instructional Guidance Toolkit Overview
  • Effective P-3 Instruction
  • Supporting & Strengthening P-3 Instructional Practices
  • How to Begin a P-3 Approach


The P-3 Instructional Guidance Toolkit and all recorded webinars are available on the Office of Early Learning’s PreK-3rd Grade Learning Continuum webpage.


Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Office of Early Learning at with any questions.

Are you a district looking to start a UPK program using State-Administered PreK funding? The Office of Early Learning is here to help! OEL liaisons are available to walk you and your staff through the process of applying for UPK funding and running a successful program. Contact us at 518-474-5807 or

classroom highlight flyer

UPK Classroom Spotlight Opportunity

The Office of Early Learning is looking for best practices from districts, CBO, and Direct Contract Agency UPK classrooms to spotlight throughout the year. If you are interested in sharing a success story in any of the following areas, please submit your story via email to the Office of Early Learning at

  • Learning centers
  • Theme integration
  • Building classroom community
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Kindergarten transition
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion in the UPK classroom
  • Anything the district is inspired to share with the field

You will need to include the following information in your submission:

  • Subject: UPK Spotlight Submission
  • Local Education Agency Name
  • Teacher Name
  • Photo of the best practice in action
  • 1-2 paragraphs describing the best practice and highlighting any results since its implementation.

We look forward to hearing from you!

New York State Education Department Office of Early Learning logo

Erik Sweet, Executive Director, Office of Early Learning

Lori Smart, Director

Tanya Amodio-Kovacs, Supervisor

Paulette Coppin, Supervisor

Grace Bombard, James Bordis, Samantha Chobot,

Lauren Cosamano, Carly Feldman,

Eric Feml-Nelsen, Jason Gish,

Tiffany Koo, Noelle Lake, Christine Lyons,

Terry Onofrio, Brandon Orszulak, Madison Ramnes,

Tina Rose-Turriglio, Christina Ryan,

Rachel Schlude, Michelle Sidoti,

Zak Snyder, Megan Tobiasen, Vicky Woods