A Special Message from UPPCC
Across the globe, individuals, families, communities, and businesses are adjusting to a new reality which is COVID-19. UPPCC extends its most heartfelt sympathies to all that have been impacted by the virus and its sincere gratitude to the members of the profession who are working to ensure that essential services continue or to secure the much needed supplies to battle this unprecedented disease. 
UPPCC Seeks Input from Certified & Non-Certified Practitioners!
UPPCC is requesting participation from ALL public procurement practitioners in the 2020 Job Analysis survey. Certification is not required to participate . In fact, we want to hear from anyone and everyone with a role in public procurement. No matter your level of experience, your geographic location, whether you work for a large state agency or a small K-12 school system - UPPCC wants to hear from you!

The results of the survey will be used to update the CPPO and CPPB certification exams beginning in 2021 and will also provide the public procurement community with valuable insight and information regarding the important work performed by practitioners. Please consider sharing the survey link with your own public procurement contacts, internal/external colleagues, professional networks, social media, etc. to generate a diverse and high rate of response.

Sharable survey link:

UPPCC began its routine Job Analysis process in November 2019 well before the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic. We appreciate that the environment has changed drastically since then and that the timing for our survey is now less than ideal. However, if your situation allows you the opportunity to participate or support the survey by encouraging others, we hope that you will do so. The survey will be open through Friday, May 1st.
UPPCC Offers Remote Testing to May 2020 Candidates
UPPCC notified all exam candidates of modifications that it will be making to ensure the safety of candidates for the May 2020 window as a result COVID-19. UPPCC announced to candidates that it would be cancelling all center-based testing appointments for May to allow for new, remotely proctored testing appointments to be scheduled using Prometric's ProProctor TM platform.

ProProctor TM is a secure, live remote proctored testing application that will be offered for the May 2020 window only. It will provide many candidates with the ability to test at their home or office using their own computer. Also announced was a 2-week extension on the May window (May 4-30) to allow for flexibility in scheduling the new remote testing appointments.

"We are excited to be able to offer this option for our candidates. Many have invested a lot of time in preparing to test in May and it was important for UPPCC to give those candidates the option to proceed with their testing. Other candidates are facing different challenges as a result of COVID-19 and will prefer to test in October 2020," said Ann Peshoff, UPPCC's Executive Director. UPPCC has extended both options to candidates for the May 2020 exams.
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The CPPO and the CPPB are the only globally recognized certifications specifically designed for government procurement professionals. Wholly owned and operated by the independent certifying body, the Universal Public Procurement Certification Council, the CPPO and CPPB represent the gold standard in public procurement certification.