December 11
Media Watch attacks
ABC Media Watch attacks the AVN and parents of vaccine-injured children

On December 4th, ABC Tasmania aired this interview with the AVN’s President, Aneeta Hafemeister, discussing the concerns of Australian parents regarding vaccine safety and effectiveness.
It was an unusual event due to the fact that it is rare for this side of the vaccination debate to ever be aired. 

Apparently, complaints from those within the mainstream medical community led the ABC to re-examine this interview and to raise questions about whether or not live virus vaccines actually do shed, infecting others and also creating a situation where the person who is vaccinated can develop an infection from the vaccine. 
This excuse was used by Media Watch to attack not only the compere of the Tasmanian program but also, the parents and health professionals represented by the AVN.

Yesterday, Meryl Dorey from the AVN sent a letter of complaint to Media Watch as well as filing an official complaint to ACMA due to the lack of balance evidenced by the ABC on this issue.

At the recent Vaxxed II screenings, there was a great deal of interest from those in attendance as to what our supporters could do to help raise the profile of this issue.
Anti-vaxxers on Aunty: ABC Hobart fails editorial standards by airing an uncontested interview with an
anti-vaccination advocate.
We ask everyone reading this now to send a letter to both Media Watch and to file a complaint with ACMA as well.
Feel free to borrow the information from our letters if you wish, though using your own words is always preferable. If you know someone or have someone in your family who’s been injured by vaccines, please include that information. The mainstream media is trying to take our voice again - speak loudly and clearly to support your rights!

Here are the contact details:

These actions will not take you long but their positive effect on these government bodies paid for by our tax dollars can be far-reaching.

We would also appreciate it if you could send copies of your correspondence to
Meryl's Letter to Media Watch
How convenient to state that you should not have told the truth about vaccinations (something which the ABC rarely if ever does). But the interview with Aneeta Hafemeister, President of the AVN, was verifiably truthful and the so-called expert you had on to 'debunk' her is wrong.

Please see the following information on shedding from live virus vaccines.

King JC, Treanor J, Fast PE et al. Comparison of the Safety, Vaccine Virus Shedding and
Immunogenicity of Influenza Virus Vaccine, Trivalent, Types A and B, Live Cold-Adapted,
Administered to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-Infected and Non-HIV Infected
Adults. J Infect Dis 2000; 181(2): 725-728.

Payne DC, Edwards KM, Bowen MD et al. Sibling Transmission of Vaccine-Derived
Rotavirus (RotaTeq) Associated with Rotavirus Gastroenteritis. Pediatrics 2010; 125(2).
McKenna M. Polio vaccination may continue after wild virus fades. CIDRAP Oct. 16,

Kapuskinsky B, Minor P, Delwart E. Nearly Constant Shedding of Diverse Enteric Viruse

Where were the references your doctor provided in order to prove that anything Aneeta Hafemeister said was incorrect? Was it just their word against hers?

The ABC is supposed to represent all aspects of the public debate - stating that there IS no debate is neither fair nor balanced.

For once, you actually did your job as part of the fourth estate. Now, you are back-peddling because you told the truth. Tens of thousands of Australian families are dealing with vaccine injury. They deserve a voice on the public broadcasting service. Do not pretend they don't exist. Do not turn your back on those who 'did the right thing' and vaccinated; those who you now refer to as anti-vaxxers. 

There is much science you are unaware of. If all you watch is media that disagrees with corporate interests, what good are you anyway?

Meryl Dorey
Founder and Past President
Australian Vaccination-risks Network Inc.
Advocates for vaccine safety and informed choice since 1994.
Meryl's Complaint to ACMA
ABC Hobart had conducted an interview with the President of the Australian Vaccination-risks Network, Inc., Aneeta Hafemeister, on the 4th of December, 2019. You can find the recording at this link -

Media Watch took issue with the fact that Ms Hafemeister correctly stated that live virus vaccines such as the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine can both shed, infecting others and can revert to virulence, causing the disease it is meant to prevent.

They quoted an 'expert', Dr Jessica Kaufman, from Latrobe University who claimed:

" ...there's not a risk of actually catching the measles from being around someone who has been vaccinated with a live vaccine."

This is simply not true. 

In the package insert for the MMR II vaccine (Merck), under Contraindications it states that:

Excretion of small amounts of the live attenuated rubella virus from the nose or throat has occurred in the majority of susceptible individuals 7 to 28 days after vaccination. (

This article from the journal, Vaccine, discusses infection with measles vaccine virus in recent vaccinees. - (

And this article from Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics talks about horizontal transmission of mumps and influenza viruses from the vaccinated to those they are in close contact with. (

In this warning sign from the prestigious Johns Hopkins Hospital, patients are warned that patients should:

"Tell friends and family who are sick, or who have recently had a live vaccine (such as chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, intranasal influenza, polio or smallpox) not to visit. and
Avoid contact with children who were recently vaccinated"

It is obvious that Media Watch has been spreading dangerous, incorrect information which could place the lives and health of cancer patients and the immunocompromised at risk.

I would like to ask that a full retraction be issued and that these mistatements by media watch be immediately and publicly corrected.
Media Coverage
This article (below) appeared in the Courier Mail newspaper (behind a paywall online) and, aside from all of the errors made by the so-called journalist who penned it, it once again attacks those of us who have made informed choices not to vaccinate or to vaccinate selectively. This paper should be ashamed of the fact that they allowed such hate speech to be published within its pages. 

If you could please send a letter to the Chief of Staff of the Courer Mail at and once again, if you can send a copy of your letters to us at, that would be very much appreciated.
Make your own statement

You can also stage a personal walking protest with your very own Vaxxed II shirt.

If you haven't managed to get to one of the sold out screenings, you CAN pick one up off the avn website
Measles in Samoa, Fiji and Tonga
We have been inundated by questions from our readers about the current situation in these 3 island nations. Meryl Dorey will be presenting a special Under the Wire episode on Thursday night at 8:00 PM AEST and would love for you to join her at that time on both the AVN Facebook page as well as on the No Compulsory Vaccination page.

She hopes to bring comprehensive, scientifically-based data for everyone to allow them to understand and share the truth about these tragic circumstances. The fear-based, non-factual propaganda being spread by the media and the government has gotten many unnecessarily scared and has also further incited hatred and distrust of our families.


Show up. Speak up. Be brave.
Do you want a film screening near you?

We have had many, many people asking us to bring film screenings to their area and, whilst we are happy that you are interested, we also need you to be aware that putting on events such as this are both expensive and a lot of hard work!

Neither of these issues have stopped us before, but we are asking those who would like screenings to please contact us at to say what area you live in and how many hours you will be available to help us in organising the event. We also hope that if we do bring the screening (or a seminar) to your area, you will be able to help publicise it amongst your networks to make it as well-attended as possible.

The AVN is a network meaning we need to work together with you - our community - to spread this message as far as possible.

We appreciate your help and commitment.
How to End the Autism Epidemic
The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio
Navigating the Vaccination Program
The HPV Vaccine On Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed
Crooked: Man-Made Disease Explained: The incredible story of metal, microbes, and medicine - hidden within our faces.
Calling the Shots: Why Parents Reject Vaccines
Dissolving Illusions
The Peanut Allergy Epidemic
Annual membership to the Australian Vaccination-risks Network, inc.
Monthly AVN Sponsorship
abn 077 002 923
AVN PO Box 177 Bangalow 2479 NSW