- Recently, the Governors' of Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin issued executive orders mandating closing of non-essential businesses to safeguard against the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). However, mailers and vendors to essential businesses are allowed to remain open.
Over the past few days, many have asked if there is a letter or a template that can be used to provide your employees and the authorities if there is ever an issue as to your status. To this end, we have created a sample letter that you can edit to serve your needs.
*Please note, the list in the letter is not exhaustive. It will be your responsibility to edit appropriately to suit the needs of your facility. Additionally, if you provide products and/or services to a printer that is a supply chain vendor to essential businesses, you too are exempt.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (262) 522-2212.
Joseph Lyman
Great Lakes Graphics Association