Hello SYEP 2023 Emerging Professional,

Thank you again for choosing us as your SYEP provider! We missed you last week for our in-person orientation. Keep reading this message to see how you can make it up!

We are just 35 days away from the program start date. Below you will find a pre-recording of our SYEP 2023 orientation!

Please view the entire recording as it will provide you with all the information you need to get started with SYEP.

SYEP 2023 Orientation

Please take a moment to ensure that you complete the following by Friday, June 9th:

  • Watch our Pre-Recorded Orientation
  • Review the SYEP Orientation Presentation
  • Take the Post-Orientation Quiz
  • Hats & Ladders - all tasks labeled "SYEP Orientation"
  • NY Sexual Harassment Interactive Training
  • Submit the certificate of completion via email to 
  • The subject line must read "SYEP 23 BX-OY, First & Last Name, and the Type of Document"​
  • Working Papers - Only youth ages 16 - 17 years old by July 5th
  • If you have not submitted your working papers, please do so by uploading it via the participant document uploader
  • Selective Service Registration - Young men ages 18 or older by July 5th
  • If you have not submitted your signed certificate, please do so by uploading it via the participant document uploader

All of the items listed above must be complete to receive paid summer placements.

Once all your orientation tasks are completed, you will receive an invitation on Monday, June 12th for Job Placements which will be held on Friday, June 16th.

Additional Resources

The deadline to sign-up for Direct Deposit is Friday, June 30th, 2023 @ 11:59pm.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kindest regards,

Youth Employment Team

(646) 217-4877