7 PM MONDAY JAN 9, 2023

Come early if you wish to speak.

Scroll down for a video message from Pastors Jack Hibbs and Dave Ax

The Caldwell School Trustees want to force Gender Confusion and Transsexual Brainwashing on kids and want to hide it from parents. As an activist group, we need to be there with Calvary Chapel Star, Calvary Chapel Mt. Heights and many other churches. (Click here for the obscene policy they want to push)

It doesn't matter if you have kids in the Public Schools or don't have kids, or have kids in different districts, this is YOUR battle, this is OUR battle. Give up an evening to fight it. Let's make an example of them. It will also be a lot of fun with lots of fellow believers.

We need to show the public’s overwhelming opposition to this policy and anything like it. It's going to be all about the numbers. We need to show up in force. Don't let Idaho become California.

The meeting will be held at the Caldwell School District Office, 1502 Fillmore Street, Caldwell, ID 83605. (click for directions) Monday, January 9 at 7:00 PM.

More details are below from Calvary Chapel Star. But here's what you need to do to be effective at the meeting:

We all need to have an action plan. If we just voice our opposition, they will nod and then do exactly what they want. They think we are toothless. But that is false! The action plan is to RECALL and campaign against anyone who votes for this Grooming Policy. And we need to tell them exactly that at the meeting, otherwise they don't care. We must be polite, but FIRM and RESOLUTE. We are not messing around anymore.

Two trustees are up in 2025 (so we'd need to do a recall for any that vote for this), 3 trustees are up this November (we can do a full on campaign against them, calling them pro-grooming if they vote for this).

We've created a mailing list to gather the troops. It is

Sign up everyone you know. If anyone votes for this policy, this website will become Recall Central.

So here's the plan for tomorrow.

Dress warm in case we can't all fit inside.

  1. Everyone needs to bring a sign, so there is no question what side you are on. They need to see 100's and 100's of us against them. Without a sign, if you don't get to speak, they'll never know. Either buy poster board at the Dollar Store, or just print different messages on both sides of an 8 1/2x11. Handwritten is fine too. Bring a few extra for others.
  2. Each side of the sign should say:, followed by a few words against the policy. E.g. Don't groom kids. We will remember this! No secret brainwashing by teachers. No Groomers. No forcing teachers to ignore biology. No "boys" using our girls restrooms. No "boys" sleeping with our girls on trips. Etc. Read their policy for more ideas. (Click here for the policy details) American flags are also great.
  3. Plan on a 2-minute talk if you are comfortable doing so. Briefly mention the, so they know we have teeth. It can just be 10 seconds too: "I'm against this policy and everyone here should sign up for" Let them hear it 100 times and reaffirm it. If they let us, applaud for everyone on our side.
  4. Right now, after you read this email - email each and every one of the Trustees and anyone you know in the conservative Media. Email addresses below for the trustees. Very politely explain that you are against this policy and if they vote for it, you will work and donate to a recall or a campaign against them as groomers who want to hide this sexual brainwashing from parents. Since it's exactly what they are trying to do, tie them to the drag kids event and the drag queen story hours and naked performers in drag events in CA and Oregon and WA. We all know it's a short, slippery slope to CA.
  5. FORWARD THIS EMAIL to your pastor, your friends and family. (Delete the unsubscribe link at the bottom first, so no one unsubscribes you). If they can't come to the meeting, have them email the trustees today and tomorrow.
  6. Share this email right now on social media (use the buttons below). We only have a few hours left.

Let's go stand for our kids and protect the innocent from the snares of the evil one. If you don't do this, who will? See you there. I'm the tall Indian with the VAC pin.

Neil Mammen

President, Values Advocacy Council

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A message from Jack Hibbs and Dave  Ax

A message from Jack Hibbs and Dave Ax

Hit "Close" if you don't have an Instagram account to watch it.

Then copy the link and share the video!

Trustee email addresses (see bottom for all of them together):

[email protected]

Zone 5 -Election is 2025 Recall

Travis Manning, Vice Chair

[email protected]

Zone 3 - Election this year: Campaign against- if he votes for the groomer policy

Manuel Godina, Treasurer

[email protected]

Zone 2 - Election this year: Campaign against- if he votes for the groomer policy

Andrew Butler, Trustee

[email protected]

Zone 4 -Election this year: Campaign against -if he votes for the groomer policy

Patricia "Trish" Robertson, Trustee

[email protected]

Zone 1 -Election is 2025 Recall if she votes for the groomer policy

Clerk of the Board (info only)

Keely Cheney 

[email protected] 

All the emails in one place- copy and paste this into your email address field:

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Note some emails may require you to change the commas to semi-colons so use this

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Note: the recall will cost us about $30,000. But if the Lord is in this we just need 1000 people donating $30. More critical: We will need folks to help lead the recall. So let us know if you will help lead it or just be part of it. Email us at [email protected]

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The letter from a Calvary Chapel Star father and mother.

Citizens of Caldwell, Idaho and neighboring communities, parents, and faith leaders,

It has come to our attention that the Caldwell School district is proposing policy 3281 (link below), titled “Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation”. This policy, in its current form allows minor children to proclaim their “gender identity”, thereby allowing them access to bathrooms and locker rooms of the opposite sex, to participate in sports and other activities with the opposite sex, and to stay overnight in a room with children of the opposite sex. School employees who do not comply with the policy will be disciplined. School employees will be required to use the children’s preferred name and pronouns at the school. However, the policy requires school personnel to use the student’s correct legal name and pronoun “corresponding to the student’s gender assigned at birth” when contacting parents or guardians. This is a plain attempt to conceal from parents what is taking place at the school.

Those supporting the proposed policy include the chair of the school board, Marisela Pesina, who has posted pictures on social media of herself at drag events (see below). Her son, Miguel Pesina, a drag performer in Boise, spoke at the December 12, 2022 school board meeting in support. Shamefully, only 4 citizens spoke at that meeting; two for the policy and two against.

Does this remind you of the Drag Kids event downtown? Be assured, they are all tied together and to this: 'Drag Queen Story Hour' Moves into Public Schools: 'The 1st Graders Loved It'

Friends, the time has come to stand up.

It is time for those who call themselves followers of Jesus to become involved before it’s too late. It’s time for pastors to challenge their congregations to action. We have to leave the comfort of our Monday night routine and sacrifice a few hours for the sake of innocent children and our community. If we do not stand up now, this policy will in all likelihood be passed. We are all aware of the stories of abuse around the nation. We have all seen the results of girls having to compete with boys in sports. The devastating, permanent effects of puberty blocking drugs, gender transition hormones, and horrific surgeries that mutilate children are well known and documented and clear to anyone willing to see. Now, the policies and people that guide children down these destructive paths are right here in our community. Beyond the physical and psychological danger these policies pose to children, there is the matter of truth itself. We pay for the schools and must demand that they teach true things. Boys cannot become girls and girls cannot become boys.

We are asking everyone who is able to attend the next Caldwell School Board meeting on

Monday, January 9 at 7:00 PM. We need to show the public’s overwhelming opposition to this

policy and anything like it.

The meeting will be held at the Caldwell School District Office, 1502

Fillmore Street, Caldwell ID 83605.

If you live in the Caldwell School district, your children are

at risk. If you do not live in the Caldwell School district, these children in your neighboring

community need you to stand up for them. If you attend, please sign up to speak with the

clerk prior to the meeting. You can also email the clerk, Keely Cheney, prior to the meeting at

[email protected].

Caldwell School District board meeting schedule https://



Todd and Vanessa Foster

Middleton, Idaho

Proverbs 31:8-9 - Open your mouth for the speechless, In the cause of all who are appointed

to die. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.

Psalm 41:1 - Blessed are those who have regard for the weak; the LORD delivers them in times

of trouble.

Jeremiah 22:3 - Thus says the Lord: Execute judgment and righteousness, and deliver the

plundered out of the hand of the oppressor.

Matthew 25:40 - And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch

as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’

Psalms 82:3-4 - Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the

oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

Micah 6:8 - He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you

But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?

Esther 4:16 - And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!”

Copy and share this elsewhere. We only have a few hours left.