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GIS Professionals Volunteering for a Better World 

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November 2017 
A Message From the Core Committee

Greetings Volunteers and Friends:  

The past quarter has been one of the busiest quarters for GISCorps to date! 140 of our volunteers participated in 12 projects during and after hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria and earthquakes in Mexico and Iran/Iraq. We are overwhelmed with their passion, enthusiasm, and dedication. We also concluded two other projects assisting two US- based nonprofit organizations, one in conducting a blight analysis and the other in customizing a Story Map. 

In addition to 12 disaster response projects, we launched two new non-disaster projects. The first project is for an organization in need of design and implementation assistance with Survey 123 to track field observations and the second project is for an organization that needed several ArcGIS Online instructional videos in Spanish. That brings the total number of completed or in-progress projects to 217 with over 1,490 deployed volunteers.

We are pleased to report that David Hansen has joined the Core Committee of GISCorps. Dave has been a volunteer since 2010 and has contributed to several GISCorps projects including MAPSAR and Community Solutions (see the story in this newsletter). Welcome aboard Dave!

The 2017 Annual GIS-Pro conference was held in Jacksonville, Florida this year. GISCorps' Core Committee members Dianne Haley and Allen Ibaugh attended the conference and gave a presentation about GISCorps' missions and activities during the awards breakfast.

We are thankful for your continued support of GISCorps and grateful to our volunteers for their remarkable service.

With warmest regards,
GISCorps Core Committee:
Dianne Haley, German Whitley, Leslie Zolman, Allen Ibaugh, Carol Kraemer, David Hansen, Shoreh Elhami

P.S. Please email   if you wish to be removed from this list.

Deployment and Partnership News

Missions in Progress
A total of six missions are currently in progress. Detailed accounts of these projects are posted on our Ongoing Projects Page.  

Featured Projects

140 GISCorps Volunteers Respond to 12 Projects During and After Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria and the Earthquakes in Mexico and Iran/Iraq
In September and October 2017, 140 of our volunteers responded to 12 projects during and after hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria and earthquakes in Mexico and Iran/Iraq. Stories about each of these projects are posted here.

GISCorps Volunteers Assist in Conducting Blight Analysis
The project between GISCorps and Community Solutions began in September, 2016. Community Solutions intends to build an approach for addressing issues of safety, health, and prosperity that can be replicated in other communities. Volunteers participating in this project were: Kristina Drysdale, Kelli Brock, Drew Wold, Trish Long, Shannon Cox, and David Hansen. Read more here.


Customizing a Story Map for a Nonprofit Organization
The Compassion Games are part of an international compassion movement that inspires participation in something greater than oneself. The Compassion Games help us to understand, connect, and learn from each other while co-creating a global culture of kindness. Earlier this year, the founder of Compassion Games, Jon Ramer, contacted GISCorps and requested the assistance of a GISCorps volunteer to modify their custom Story Map. Following the recruitment, Joshua Tanner of Oregon was selected and began working with Jon and his colleagues. Read more here.

Read about other completed GISCorps projects here .  
Read about projects in progress here.  

Conference Announcements 

GIS-Pro 2017: URISA's 55th Annual Conference
The 2017 Annual GIS-Pro conference was held in Jacksonville, Florida last month. GISCorps Core Committee members Dianne Haley and Allen Ibaugh attended the conference and gave a presentation about GISCorps' missions and activities during the awards breakfast.

During the presentation, GISCorps and URISA acknowledged the dedicated service of GISCorps' past Core Committee members:
         Mark Salling               Heather Milton          Dave Litke 

Volunteer Profile 

Project Name/Description: 140 volunteers who served in 12 projects launched after hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, and earthquakes in Mexico and Iran/Iraq. 

Volunteers participating in these projects were: Alexis Handelman, Shoreh Elhami, Abhishek Kala, Kristin Bartlett-Hoisington, Paresh Patel, Ellen Nodwell, Beni Patel, Troy Wirth, Amanda Miner, Leslie Zolman, Adrian Welsh, Katie Pickett, Langdon Sanders, Kenny Leon, Michael Dittman, Kristin Goff, Karol Francis, Mikias Wondimu Hundie, Khondaker Islam, Bhanu Vedula, Dick Kotapish, Bhavna Kalla, Phanindra Dulam, Jeff Pires, Shiva Gangaiah.Kp, Tim Hohn, Jas Sagoo, Jhon Silva, Jomals Mathews John, Eadie Kaltenbacher, Ralyne Silva, Michael Vander Doelen, Chad Ajamian, Ed Amrhein, John Haddad, Gouri Vishnubatla, Kelley McDonnell, Laura Bailey, Yang Liu, Kit Jones, Jacob Raymond, Christina Brunsvold, Jay Meehl, Aly Ollivierre, Katie Pickett, Sonja Jamilla, Janet Chipman, Bellinda Monge, Davince Koyo, Ryan Scamehorn, Malinga Prabhasara, Jomals Mathews John, Jonathan Clayton, Maria Gouveia, Bruce Willett, Deepika Singh, Sonal Raisinghani, Sarah Hartholt, Eleza Kollannur, Tawny Gooda, Michele Kmiecik, Maria Gouveia, Malinga Prabhasara, Habib Ur Rahman Qasimi, Michele Kmiecik, TM Gapinski, Davince Koyo, Amin Alhassan, Denis Krivoguz, Eleza Boban Kollannur, Jomals Mathews John, Jas Sagoo, Rahwa Embaye, ShivaGangaiah.Kp, Deepika Singh, Heather Campbell, Simran, Eleza Boban Kollannur, Aamir khan, ShivaGangaiah.Kp, Adrianna Maberry, Bruce Willett, Michael Templeton, Maria Gouveia, Okebiorun Moses Kehinde, Duncan Kinnear, Malinga Prabhasara, Bellinda Monge, Linda Mudie, Habib Ur Rahman Qasimi, Rahwa Embaye, William Brenton Jr., Jhon Silva, Adrianna Maberry, Sabina Giri, Casey Wilson, Linda Mudie, Brian Russo, Rohini Swaminathan, Amélie Davis, Eli Cox, Patricia Solís, Javier Arce-Nazario, Miguel Garriga, Roy Wirth, Tim Hohn, Suthakaran Sundraralingam, Deninis Irorere, James Smith, and Emmor Nile.

Thank you for your continued support of URISA's GISCorps!

In This Issue
Message from the Core Committee
Featured Projects
Volunteer Profiles

URISA's GISCorps Core Committee

Shoreh Elhami

Dianne Haley

Dave Hansen

Allen Ibaugh

Carol Kraemer  

German Whitley

Leslie Zolman


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Partner Organizations








Disaster Charter   


...and many more

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Volunteer Database

It is critical to our operations that our volunteer database is as up-to-date as possible, since it is this database that we query to find volunteers suitable for deployment on a mission.

If you have not updated your record recently, please do so by logging in here.

News from Friends of GISCorps 


Nonprofit Organization Program  


Disaster Response and Assistance


ArcGIS Online for Organizations

Shopping for GISCorps' Stuff?

Do you find yourself in need of a new T-shirt, coffee mug, ball cap or tote bag? Do you want to help promote GISCorps' good work? Well, you are in luck! You can now find various GISCorps items at our online shop.