Undergraduate Research
Opportunities Center
N e w s l e t t e r | N O V / D E C 2 0 2 2
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What a fantastic year it has been! From getting to journey with eight LSAMP students to Costa Rica for our Summer Research Expedition to seeing nearly 20 CSUMB students present their summer research at the annual SACNAS Conference in Puerto Rico, this year has been one to remember.
I’m excited to share that UROC has been awarded a CSU HSI Community Grant program, part of the CSU-wide initiative of the Global HSI Equity Innovation Hub in partnership with Apple. UROC was awarded a $150,000 grant to help provide mentored undergraduate research opportunities for Hispanic STEM students at CSUMB! The grant will provide funding for 10 “Apple Scholars” to engage in mentored research and develop digital portfolios to help promote, curate, and disseminate their scholarly activities for three semesters. The grant, which is administered through CSU Northridge, also includes Apple Computer products for participating students. Congratulations to Rogers Walker and Natasha Oehlman for their hard work in making this happen!
Thank you all for an excellent 2022! I can’t wait to see you again in 2023!
John “Buck” Banks, Ph.D.
UROC Director
*Picture of the UROC team
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As we reflect on the end of the year, we want to express our deep gratitude to all UROC our research mentors, both faculty and staff. Helping students achieve academic success and scholarship truly requires the support of many and we thank each and every one of our research mentors for the roles they play. Thank you! | |
Zurine De Miguel, Psychology
Christine Rosales, Psychology
Matthew Hess, MLML
Michael Graham, MLML
Kevin Grobman, Psychology
Daniel Fernandez, Applied Environmental Science
Brian Woodward, Santa Lucia Conservancy
Alison Haupt, Marine Science
Liz Alter, Biology & Chemistry
Vanessa Lopez-Littleton, Health and Human Services
Steven Kim, Mathematics and Statistics
Jacob Harris, MLML
Amanda Kahn. MLML
Danielle Burchett, Psychology
Sherry Palacios, Marine Science
Lorenzo Covarrubias, Social, Behavioral, and Global Studies
Daniel Pureco, Marine Science
Jennifer Dyer-Seymour, Psychology
Kelly Medina-Lopez, Humanities and Communications
Angeline Nariswari, Business
Daniel Hasagawa, USDA
Maria Bellumori, Kinesiology
Karlee Pasteher, Business
Andria Greene, Applied Environmental Science
Rebecca Pozzi, World Languages and Cultures
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JP Dundore-Arias, Biology & Chemistry
Cheryl Logan, Marine Science
Gerick Bergsma, Biology & Chemistry
John Olson, Applied Environmental Science
Alana Unfried, Mathematics and Statistics
Renee Penalver, Psychology
Katrina Giambertone, MLML
Justin Matthews, Psychology
Keenan Guillas, MLML
Randi Barton, MLML
Jaycee Lanza, MLML
Arun D. Jani, Biology & Chemistry
Timothy Orme, Cinematic Arts and Technology
Jenny Lin, Business
Jennifer Kuan, Business
Alexandra Stella, MLML
Isaak Haberman, Environmental Science
Emily Kron, MBNMS
Shahidul Islam, Computing and Design
Nathaniel Jue, Biology & Chemistry
Amanda Preece, Monterey Audubon Society
Corin Slown, Biology & Chemistry
Jill Yamashita, Psychology
Jennifer Lovell, Psychology
Shannon Snapp, Psychology
Chrissy Hernandez, Service Learning Institute
James Lindholm, Marine Science
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Fall Research Competition 2022 | |
Congratulations to the winners of this year's Fall Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Competition! Ten outstanding presentations represented seven different disciplines to over thirty people in attendance and another fifty virtually. Visit our Fall Competition page for more details on all the student presenters. All presenters are encouraged to apply for the 35 Annual CSU Student Research Competition hosted by San Diego State University April 28-29, 2023. Find out more about the competition. Thanks to everyone who joined us and we hope to see you next year!
1st Place: Pepper St. Clair, Biology. "Analysis of antibiotic pressure on conjugation efficiency of antimicrobial resistance genes in E.coli." Mentor: Dr. Simon Titen, Department of Biology and Chemistry
2nd Place: Paige Siegel, Marine Science. "Spatial Variability and Recovery of Sea Stars along the Monterey Peninsula Post Sea Star Wasting Disease." Faculty Mentor: Dr. Alison Haupt, Department of Marine Science
3rd Place: Daran Towns, Marine Science. "The Effects of Giant Kelp on Ocean Acidification." Faculty Mentor: Matt Hess, Moss Landing Marine Labs
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Where in the World are these McNair Scholars? | |
We caught up with Stefanie Kortman, class of 2011, who is a Senior Lab Technician for the College of Science at CSUMB. Most recently, Stefanie and her team received a USDA Climate Smart Commodities Partnership Award, which will provide advanced, technical assistance in English and Spanish to underserved and small grower operations to reduce nitrogen fertilizer use, plant cover crops and use soil amendments. | |
If CSUMB is the apple tree, I am the fruit that fell, only to end up back in the tree!
I was part of the first cohort of McNair Scholars and UROC that began in fall 2008, and in 2011, I graduated with my bachelor’s in Environmental Science, Technology and Policy with an emphasis in Watershed Studies.
During my undergrad years I started a research program that was the first of its kind both for CSUMB and the greater Monterey Bay region, monitoring soil greenhouse gas emissions from specialty crop production systems. In a few years the program grew as there was more interest in and funding for research related to identifying farm management practices that conserve natural resources (like soil, water, air) and reduce gas emissions while maintaining competitive crop yields. I was able to participate in writing many successful grant proposals to keep the research going, and ultimately support completing a Masters in Environmental Science at…CSUMB!
To date, I have helped secure over $2 million in funding for 16 different projects, but none of that would have been possible without the unwavering support of my PI, Dr. Arlene Haffa, many colleagues from various academic and research institutions with whom we work to accomplish interdisciplinary research, and very importantly, the students who are the workhorses of our lab. It all started with UROC, and many of the students who have participated in our research have been supported by UROC. With the new Agriculture Plant and Soil Science degree program, I am excited for a new crop of students who are passionate about finding solutions to challenges in agriculture and look forward to mentoring and working with them to achieve these goals.
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Stefanie taking field notes. | |
Stefanie working with her undergraduate field assistants Gloria and Lauren. | |
Stefanie with her undergraduate researcher Elise Vasquez at the Summer Research Symposium. | |
Congratulations to the following UROCers who will begin new chapters in their lives as CSUMB Graduates! Be sure to keep in touch and join us at our upcoming spring year-end celebration in 2023. | |
Leta Dawson, Marine Science
LSAMP Rising Researcher
Natalie Hunter, Biology
Danijela Jozinovic, Environmental Studies
Paris Kellogg, Marine Science
Hannah Kim, Marine Science
Julio Hernandez-Vazquez, Statistics
LSAMP Rising Researcher
Smokey Heisey, Business Administration
Valerie Li, Environmental Science, Technology and Policy
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Diego Salgado, Environmental Studies
Stephanie Vu, Business Administration/Accounting
Lesly Rocha, Business Administration
Koret Scholar
Maria Navarro, Psychology
Koret Scholar
Devon McCauley, Social, Behavioral Science
Koret Scholar
Eric DeSoto, Biology
Science Education Research Experience
Nikole Babcock, Psychology
UROC Scholar
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After joining UROC nearly 5 years ago, Dr. Corin V. Gray has accepted an Assistant Professor of Practice position with the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Arizona. She will be moving and starting in January 2023.
In her role as the Research Curriculum Associate, Corin has served as a UROC workshop facilitator, the lead of the UROC Scholars and McNair Scholars Program and instructor for the UROC Summer Research Program helping to prepare over 100 Scholars for graduate study and assist in the professional development of over 200 students. Utilizing her own experiences, she helped inspire and motivate students to continue overcoming educational barriers and challenges in order to ultimately achieve success as learners and professionals. Working alongside Dr. Corin Slown, Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Chemistry, she also co-facilitated the Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) Faculty Fellowship Program. This program provides CSUMB, Monterey Peninsula College and Hartnell faculty the space and structure to develop instructional materials, curricular activities and evaluation strategies for the integration of authentic research activities into new or current courses. Over 50 faculty members have participated in the CURE Fellows Program. Students loved learning from her, faculty enjoyed working with her, and we will miss her.
See you later, Corin!
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Corin, Natasha, and Heather celebrate with UROC Scholar Monique Armstrong after presenting at the Council on Undergraduate Research in 2018. | |
Corin with her husband, Solomon, and newborn, Zenny, at the UROC Halloween Party in 2022. | |
Corin with the 2020 UROC Scholars / McNair Scholars Cohort. | |
Corin with McNair Scholar, Maria Reyes, and UROC Scholar, Lauren Kashiwabara at the 2019 SACNAS Diversity in STEM Conference. | |
Corin with Scholars going on a hike in 2021. | |
Corin with McNair Scholar, Wendy Feng, and UROC Scholar, Amelia Parker, at the 2022 Year End Celebration. | |
Working on a summer research application, fellowship, scholarship, or research graduate school application? Come write with us! UROC will host a special 5-session series where you’ll get uninterrupted time to write; goal setting on your writing project; and opportunities to ask brief questions about your application or writing.
Sessions will run from January 5 to January 19, 2023 from 1-2pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. Registration: MyRaft.
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Research Competition: Apply Today! | |
The CSU Student Research Competition is held each spring to promote excellence in undergraduate and graduate scholarly research and creative activity by recognizing outstanding student accomplishments across the 23 CSU campuses. Submit your application to compete in person at San Diego State University April 28-29, 2023! Learn more!
Due: February 15, 2023 at 3pm
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Have a Great Winter Break!
See you in 2023!
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Chat with us!
Want to get involved in research but don't know where to start? Set up a virtual consultation on the UROC website!
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