July 2019
On the 50th anniversary of the moon landing and Woodstock:
A conversation with
Robert Atkinson
"Year of Living Deeply: A Memoir of 1969," by Robert Atkinson, is a coming-of-age spiritual quest framed by the marker events of that historic yearthe moonwalk, Woodstock, the maiden voyage of Hudson River Sloop Clearwaterfocusing on the inner journey of investigating the world’s religions.

Atkinson had Pete Seeger and Joseph Campbell as mentors, lived in a cabin in the woods, visited Arlo Guthrie at his farm, stayed in a Franciscan monastery and returned to his college to teach a course on folk-rock lyrics as poetry. He shared with his students the lessons of a life lived deeplywhat all his adventures had been preparing him for .

Tapestry Video:
"Learning Friendships
Learning English"
A program called "The English Corner" grew out of conversations among friends in Vancouver, Canada, on how they could help their community. They realized that immigrants attending the local university needed help integrating into community life and practicing English. They designed a program focused on having deep, meaningful conversations as a way of building community. After success in Canada, the English Corner was brought to the Chicago area.

Houston’s yoga devotionals meld body and spirit
When Houston Baha’is began offering a weekly devotional gathering that incorporates practices of yoga, it wasn’t just to give neighbors a way to enjoy fellowship and exercise.

They saw it, says Jing Chen, a local Baha’i, as a way to weave a pattern of community life in which the transformative powers of the Divine Word permeate all gatherings.

From Brilliant Star Magazine

For Kids:

For Parents and Teachers:

"Firesides" Online and IRL

Informal gatherings for introductory conversations about the Baha'i Faith are called "Firesides." They are excellent opportunities for people to ask questions and learn about how the Faith’s teachings relate to contemporary life. You can take part in one of these discussions either online or in real life.

To find a Fireside near you call 800-22-UNITE (800)-228-6483) or email

Register for upcoming online Firesides, hosted by Lea Iverson. Join her on Monday, July 15, July 29, Aug. 12, or Aug. 26 at
8:00 pm Eastern; 7:00 pm Central;
5:00 pm Pacific.

Connect anytime
Do you have a particular question about the Baha i Faith? Let us know if you'd like to talk with a Baha i, request free literature, or find Baha is near you.
Online book discussions

"Some Answered Que stions"
by 'Abdu'l-Baha
Wednesdays at 7:00 pm CDT

July 17, July 24, July 31, and Aug. 7
Perjeah Dhevun leads an interactive discussion based on the book, "Some Answered Questions , 2nd edition ." Topics include: Proofs and Arguments for the Existence of God; The Origin of the Universe and the Evolution of Man; Good and Evil; and Some Christian Topics. 

Purchase the book  HERE

Register for the Some Answered Questions group. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the Zoom meetings.

National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States
1233 Central Street, Evanston, IL 60201
enewsletter@bahai.us | www.bahai.us
800-22-UNITE (800-228-6483)