Annual Meeting Deadlines and Reminders

USDA photo
Calling All Members: Channel your Inner Photographer!
Do you need a break from your Annual Meeting logistical preparations? Your USAHA leadership team certainly thinks you do! Once your travel and lodging arrangements are booked and you have planned your days in Providence through the meeting app, get your camera out and capture the amazing images from the industries you support. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this time it could also be worth several hundred bucks and some pretty good bragging rights for the winners of the inaugural USAHA & AAVLD Photo Contest. Review the official contest rules , and consider submitting your best photo(s) depicting Animal Agriculture and Laboratory Science (limit one photo per category) by midnight, Pacific time, October 1. Prize categories include winner, runner-up and peoples’ choice, and monetary awards range from $100 to $500. We look forward to seeing our world through your lens!

Many Committee/Subcommittee Agendas Are Now Available
The USAHA committees and subcommittees are the workhorses of our organization, and your committee chairs have been working hard to put together some great agendas. If you are a committee chair who has already submitted your agenda for Providence, thank you! If you are putting the final touches on your agenda, please submit them as soon as possible. Attendees, have a look at the agendas received to date to begin planning your days in Providence!

Student Scholarship Applications Due September 14
USAHA is proud to foster the next generation of agricultural professionals by supporting student scholarships for Annual Meeting attendance. Scholarship applications for students interested in attending this year’s meeting are due on September 14. If you know a student who would benefit from attendance, please let them know about this opportunity, and if you are a student, spread the word! USAHA recognizes the hard work of Dr. Valerie Ragan and the Center for Public and Corporate Veterinary Medicine at VA-MD College of Veterinary Medicine, and the generous donations from districts and individuals who fund the scholarships. Details can be found under “Announcements” at
Annual Meeting Teasers
  •  Dr. Juan Lubroth, Chief Veterinary Officer of the UN - Food and Agriculture Organization will speak on African swine fever during a special keynote presentation on Monday, October 28.

  • Want to spend a few extra minutes networking with your colleagues at this year’s Annual Meeting? New this year we set aside time at the Monday morning Networking Breakfast, before the Keynote Session.

  • The USAHA mentorship program is returning for another year. The executive committee will be reaching out to past mentors very soon for pairing up with first-time meeting attendees.

  •  First-time attendees and USAHA mentors, plan to attend the New Member Orientation on Sunday, October 27 at 5:30PM. We will be meeting in a bigger room this year so everyone will get a seat! All the cool kids will be there!

  • Use the app to manage your personalized schedule, access resources for the meeting, connect with other attendees, track your attendance and receive up-to-date information and announcements! Registration required before access – tied to your email address

  •  To learn more about how to take advantage of all that Providence has to offer, visit Go Providence.

Welcome New Members!

We are pleased to introduce you to the newest members of the USAHA team! Welcome to the following individuals who have joined USAHA in July, August, and September:
Individual Members
  • Scott Dee - Pipestone Applied Research
  • Bryan Deimeke - SES, Inc.
  • Honorata “Kuki” Hansen – Assn. of Public Health Laboratories (APHL)
  • Erika Alt – West Virginia Dept of Agric
  • Beth Yongue – North Carolina Dept of Agric
  • Robert Bailey – Datamars
  • Guy Ellis - Cactus Feeders
  • Nikki Enderle - USDA-APHIS-VS
  • Joseph Essler - Texas A&M Vet Med Diag Lab
  • Jayme Garrett - West Virginia Dept of Agric
  • James Hollis - Clemson University
  • Nancy Jackson - MS Board of Animal Health
  • Marisa Rotolo - Iowa State University
  • Maggie Baldwin – Colorad Dept of Agric
  • Jimmy Tickel - Texas A&M University
  • Mohamed Abouelkhair – University of Tennessee
  • Katelyn Durbin - Tufts University
  • Scott Fritz - Kansas State University
  • Brooke Kitting - University of Pennsylvania
  • Brooke MacNeill – Colorado State University

Thank you all for your leadership and the contributions you make to USAHA!
U.S. Animal Health Association |