Message from Assistant Administrator 
Brock Bierman

2018 was an exciting year. Through USAID's commitment to innovation , empowering women and girls , investing in youth and building new partnerships with the private sector , many of our partner countries made real progress.

Whether considering the historic potential of the 10 young leaders pictured above who will serve as the founding members of the European Democracy Youth Network, a community of young people who seek common ground across national, linguistic, and cultural borders, to the bold new entrepreneurs launching businesses with USAID support, I'm sure you will see this region's potential for inclusive, democratic and prosperous transformation.

Moving forward, we'd like to ensure that our friends and partners have access to the latest updates in Europe and Eurasia, so we will be issuing our newsletter each month. We'll also be highlighting the Journey to Self-Reliance underway in each one of our partner countries -- don't miss this month's focus on Armenia, written by USAID/Armenia Mission Director, Deborah Grieser.

Take a look at the video below to see snapshots of our shared accomplishments throughout the region. I know I have all the evidence I need that the prospects for 2019 look better than ever.
We hope you will follow this journey through our newsletter and by following me on Twitter @BBiermanUSAID and the Europe & Eurasia Bureau @USAIDEurope.
USAID Europe & Eurasia Highlights - 2018
Journey to Self-Reliance - Europe & Eurasia
The Europe and Eurasia region exemplifies the Journey to Self-Reliance. From 24 original partner countries, 11 countries are no longer foreign assistance beneficiaries, 22 have joined the World Trade Organization, 11 have acceded to the EU, and 12 have joined NATO. A new Memorandum of Understanding with Slovakia, a former USAID assistance recipient, demonstrates how USAID continues to engage in strategic partnerships with former beneficiary countries. While development gains seldom move in a straight line, over the past year, there is no question that USAID partner countries have taken important strides toward creating a brighter, more prosperous future for their citizens.  Read more about each E&E partner's Journey to Self-Reliance
USAID Mission of the Month - Armenia
USAID support to Armenia began with humanitarian assistance in response to a devastating earthquake in 1988. Over the years, USAID’s partnership with the Armenian people has embodied the Journey to Self-Reliance. Despite the geopolitical challenges the nation faces, Armenia is becoming a leader of its own development. Find out more
Private Sector Engagement - Small Business in Oklahoma Makes Big Difference in Georgia
Through its new Private Sector Engagement Policy, USAID increasingly works with the private sector to design and deliver our development and humanitarian programs. In Georgia, when a devastating stink bug infestation began, we teamed up with our partners at the U.S.-based Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture ( CNFA ), USAID and a small company from Oklahoma, Trécé, that specializes in invasive bugs, to help the Georgian people tackle the challenge. Find out more
Innovation - New Model for Regulatory Cybersecurity Strategies
Cybersecurity is the newest threat to energy security in Europe and Eurasia. With our partners at NARUC, USAID builds resilience and expertise within energy regulators in the Black Sea region and beyond.  Find out more
Empowering Women - In Belarus, Women Lead the Way
Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator Margot Ellis reflects on how USAID is transforming the business and social landscapes for women in Belarus. Find out more
Investing in Youth - Young Entrepreneurs Creating New Opportunities in Belgrade
Deputy Assistant Administrator Gretchen Birkle meets young entrepreneurs changing the landscape of Serbia's economy. Find out more
Staff Reflections - The New Ukraine Thrives in Unlikely Places
While the conflict in eastern Ukraine remains, signs of transformation serve as a powerful tool of hope that a peaceful, stable, and united Ukraine is within reach. Read more
- Alison Case, USAID/Ukraine Desk Officer
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