Kelpie Wilson, USBI Outreach and Education Committee Chair

Biochar stories and research are found online everywhere now. That’s great, but how can you determine which information is most current and credible? Providing you with reliable answers is the goal of USBI’s new Biochar Learning Center (BLC) on the USBI website. Over the next year, we will be building a repository of information for beginner, intermediate, and advanced biochar learners. Here are assets now available:

The Biochar Atlas - an online, interactive tool from the USDA-ARS. The tool provides guidance to farmers, gardeners, and other end-users on the potential benefits of biochar, including decision support tools to select biochar types and amendment rates. Learning level: Multiple

Green Roofs, Biochar, and You - This publication covers the benefits of biochar in green roofs and outlines a project completed at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Learning level: Intermediate

Combined Heat and Biochar Technology Assessment for a Composting Operation - This USBI White Paper by Kelpie Wilson and Tom Miles compares several different technologies currently available from vendors that can provide heat energy and biochar for a hypothetical vermicompost operation. Learning level: Intermediate