USC Gould School of Law Real Estate Forum - Early Bird Rates End February 19th!
The USC Gould School of Law 2016 Real Estate Law and Business Forum is March 10 at the Jonathan Club in downtown Los Angeles.  Los Angeles Headquarters Association (LAHq) has teamed up with the USC Gould School of Law to co-sponsor this leading real estate law and business conference and offer you a more than 10% discount.  Register now -- early bird registration rates end on February 19. 

The Forum has a well-earned reputation as a can't-miss insider's guide to what to expect in the future.  The 2016 Forum promises to be another show stopper, with morning keynote speakers Stanley Gold (Shamrock Holdings) and Richard Ziman (Rexford Industrial Realty) sharing their recipes for success, and luncheon keynote speaker Kevin Demoff (Los Angeles Rams) explaining the challenges and hurdles in the Rams' return to L.A., the new stadium, and the exciting programming being planned there.  

Throughout the day, over 70 of the best and brightest national speakers focus on telling you what you need to know in 2016. Speakers include Kristin Adrian, Nedra Austin, Robert Bickel, Steve Bram, Michael Bruckner, Brian De Lowe, Lewis Feldman, James Frost, Jack Gardner, Alexandra Glickman, Andrew Gross, Channing Henry, Jenna Hornstock, Stanley Iezman, Meea Kang, Professor George Lefcoe, William Lenehan, Spencer Levy, William Lindsay, Thomas McCarthy, Adrian Metter, Carl Muhlstein, Jay Newman, Hal Pohl, Wayne Ratkovich, Seleta Reynolds, Dan Rosenfeld, Thomas Safran, Chip Sellers, Patricia Sinclair, Meriem Soliman, Glenn Sonnenberg, Sarah Spyksma, Gary Tenzer, David Upshaw, Alexander Vouvalides, Michael White, William Witte, plus dozens of other real estate stars! 

The Forum features four sessions designed to show you what is new in real estate development. Front line panelists address how transportation affects development in L.A., legal impediments to development, affordable housing, and how Silicon Beach happened and what happens next.  

Other sessions will address finance innovations, including specific sessions on commercial realty purchases, construction loans and changes in commercial real estate financing, and creative real estate, including how hotels are changing neighborhoods and vice versa, using sale-leasebacks and property spin-offs, and new developments in joint venture agreements. The day closes with sessions on ADR and how to resolve real estate disputes, and the Forum's signature roundup of quick hits on new real estate issues.  Click here to see the full line up of speakers and topics.  

Five networking opportunities, including a mint julep New Orleans jazz reception, and a breakfast session offering MCLE legal ethics credit, are designed to help you to reconnect with other opinion and thought leaders, trend setters, and real estate professionals looking to make a difference in Los Angeles.  Over 500 people are expected to sign up for the Forum - don't miss this opportunity for top notch networking.  

Contact the USC Gould School of Law Continuing Legal Education office with any questions at (213) 821-3580 or [email protected].  

USC Gould School of Law Continuing Legal Education
A tradition of excellence addressing today's issues  

Telephone: (213) 821-3580
Fax: (213) 821-3575
Email: [email protected] 

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