Students at the USC School of Pharmacy have launched the National Hispanic Pharmacist Association (NHPA) student chapter under the National Hispanic Health Foundation (NHHF). The new USC NHPA chapter was created in partnership with USC’s affinity group Latinx Advancing in Pharmacy (LAP). Read more.

  • Student Spotlight: Luis Larios
  • Helpful Tips to Be a Successful USC Student Pharmacist
  • 2022 PharmD Scholarly Project Symposium
  • PharmD Internship Fair

  • LinkedIn Group
  • PHRD 796B Story Slam
  • School News
  • Faculty and Staff Moves
  • Photo of the Month
  • Upcoming Events

Student Spotlight: Luis Larios

Plans for a new USC Pharmacy location in South L.A. give first-year PharmD student Luis Larios a chance to give back to the neighborhood where he grew up.

Here he talks about how he became interested in pharmacy, why he wants healthcare workers to challenge their perceptions of South L.A., and how he plans to get involved with the new pharmacy, scheduled to open in fall 2023.
Helpful Tips to Be a Successful USC Student Pharmacist

Take advantage of the following services available for additional academic support this semester:

  • Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a peer-facilitated, self-directed learning session open to all first-year (P1) students to help increase their academic performance and success. 

  • PSC 104 and PSC 200 have been reserved throughout the semester for Study Hall Sessions. There are also study spaces available for reservations at various USC Libraries. Rooms may be reserved for up to 2 hours each day per person. There are rooms available for individual and group reservations.

  • Attending office hours is a great way to receive additional help and support from your instructors. Review your course syllabus for faculty office hours or send them an email to request a meeting.

  • Meet with Dr. Cory Reano, Director of Student Success and Engagement, to discuss your academic progress and the resources that are available to you. Feel free to reach out to her at

  • Kortschak Center for Learning & Creativity (KCLC) - KCLC provides learning support tools for all students. This includes online tutorials on learning, motivation, study strategies, and on-demand workshops on a wide range of topics related to academic success. 

2022 PharmD Scholarly Project Symposium
The fifth annual PharmD Scholarly Project Symposium held on March 25 provided students with the opportunity to present original research projects to their fellow classmates, faculty, and alumni.

Congratulations to the following awardees:

Antony Goldenberg, Jacqueline Matian and Jee Choe have been selected as recipients of the Dean's Award for Excellence in Scholarship for their work, “Impact of Therapeutic Inertia on Healthcare Outcomes for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus” (advisors Rory Kim, Jeff McCombs).

Rita Chan and Alyssa Psalm Lejarde have been selected as recipients of the Alumni Award for Excellence in Scholarship for their work, “Assessment of college students’ attitudes and knowledge on opioid overdose and naloxone education and evaluating the effectiveness of a new naloxone distribution program at the University of Southern California” (advisor David Dadiomov).

Lisa Mekhitarian, Christine Kureghyan and Armine Garsevanian have been selected as recipients of the Alumni Award for Excellence in Scholarship for their work, “Impact on Diabetes Management during COVID-19 Pandemic” (advisors Michelle Chu, Scott Mosley).
Thank you to those who attended the
USC PharmD Internship Fair

We had 50 employers on campus representing 20 companies earlier this month at the PharmD Internship Fair. Students had the opportunity to meet employers and learn about available jobs and internships.

If you attended the event, please click the link below to share your feedback. We'd like to hear about your experience and if you were offered any internship opportunities.
Follow us on LinkedIn

Join the USC School of Pharmacy LinkedIn group to get regular updates on new jobs and internships.

For career questions, CV help and internship tips,
contact Dr. Ault at
Congratulations to the winners of the PHRD 796B Story Slam
Congratulations to fourth-year PharmD students, Natalie Kanimian and Thuy Tien Nguyen on winning the Story Slam activity in their PHRD 796B Doctor of Pharmacy Capstone course.

Natalie Kanimian shared a story about her experience working with a transgender patient seeking healthcare and how she educated her team of pharmacists about the importance of being inclusive and accessible healthcare providers to LGTQIA+ individuals.

Thuy Tien Nguyen shared a story about her experience in an active shooting in a community pharmacy while she was completing her Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE). She had taken the patients to safety behind the pharmacy counter while the shooting took place as they waited for the incident to deescalate.
School News
Houda Alachkar, PhD has been promoted to Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy with Tenure.

Julie Dopheide, PharmD, BCPP, FASHP was quoted in Pharmacy Today about how clinical pharmacists and psychiatric pharmacists can improve care for children and adolescents with mental health diagnoses.

Tien M.H. Ng, Pharm.D., FHFSA, FACC, FCCP, BCPS AQ Cardiology has been selected as a recipient of the 2022 USC Mentoring Award for Faculty Mentoring Graduate Students. The award recognizes exceptional individuals who go above and beyond what is expected, fostering an engaging, supportive, and inclusive academic environment through their mentorship of colleagues, graduate, and undergraduate students. He and fellow awardees were recognized at the USC Mentoring Awards Reception hosted by USC’s Center for Excellence in Teaching on April 14, 2022.

Tam Phan, PharmD, AAHIVP gave moving testimony including his personal story on Tuesday, March 29 on behalf of the California Pharmacists Association's co-sponsored bill, AB 2194, as it was heard by the Assembly Business & Professions Committee. AB 2194 addresses cultural competency around LGBTQIA+ patients in the pharmacy.
Nazeli Bairamian, PharmD, BCGP
Director of Pharmacy at Keck Medicine of USC Specialty Pharmacy
Dimitris Sakellariou
Chief Operating Officer
Katerina Urasova
Assistant Director of Professional Experience Programs
Stella Yeghnanyan 
Academic Program Administrator, PharmD Co-Curricular Programs
Photo of the Month
L.A. Times Festival of Books: USC School of Pharmacy's PharmD students provided health screenings and counseling at the L.A. Times Festival of Books on Sunday, April 24, held at University Park Campus. (Photo by Andrea Diaz)
Upcoming Events

Monday, April 25, 6 PM: USC Pharmacy Book Club Discussion, featuring Dr. Rosalyn King, PharmD '76 who will be discussing her book From Watts to the World: A Chronicle of Service. Zoom.

Thursday, April 28, 11 AM - 1 PM: Wellness Pups Visit, hosted by Project Wellness in front of PSC, USC Health Sciences campus.

Friday, May 13, 2 PM: The 115th USC School of Pharmacy Commencement, USC Health Sciences Campus, Broad Lawn.
Suggestions, ideas, corrections? Have something to include in the May 2022 edition of this newsletter? Please email the Student Affairs Office at