December 11, 2024

USCCB Urges President Biden to Commute All Federal Death Sentences

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is urging Catholics to contact President Biden to implore him to commute all current federal death sentences to terms of imprisonment before his term ends.

President Biden has an extraordinary opportunity to advance the cause of human dignity by sparing the lives of the 40 men currently on federal death row. 

The U.S. Catholic bishops have long called for an end to the death penalty. In 1980, the USCCB issued a statement calling for its abolition, referencing the bishops’ vote in 1974 to oppose capital punishment. They outlined concerns with the death penalty that remain relevant today, including that the death penalty extinguishes possibilities for reform and rehabilitation; the imposition of capital punishment involves the possibility of mistakes; the legal imposition of capital punishment in our society involves long and unavoidable delays; carrying out the death penalty brings with it great and avoidable anguish for everyone involved; and that the death penalty is carried out in an unfair and discriminatory manner. 

In the ensuing years, the USCCB has taken frequent and consistent actions to oppose the death penalty and advocate for its abolition, including a call on the Biden Administration in 2021 to commute federal death sentences to terms of imprisonment. Furthermore, in 2018, Pope Francis updated the Catechism of the Catholic Church to state that “the Church teaches, in the light of the Gospel, that ‘the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person’, and she works with determination for its abolition worldwide.” 

In 1853, Wisconsin became the first state to permanently abolish the death penalty for all crimes. Wisconsinites know it is possible to adequately protect the community without resorting to the death penalty. Therefore, we are in a unique position to advocate for those who still face government execution and to work towards abolition. 

As President Biden prepares to leave office, please renew this call by taking action today. To contact the President, please click below:

Take Action

Thank you for advocating for mercy and human dignity.

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