USDOE Webinar on Improving Access to Career Pathways Programs for Adult Students
2020 Nursing Education Investment Grants
Chancellor's Office Provides Guidance Related to Credit English as a Second Language
CAEP Summit Schedule Now Available, Still Accepting Photos of Programs in Action
Last Two Data & Accountability Roadshow Fall Workshops
USDOE Webinar on Improving Access to Career Pathways Programs for Adult Students
Join the U.S. Department of Education and partners Monday (10/21) from 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Pacific time for a webinar on the Ability to Benefit (ATB) provisions of the Higher Education Act (34 CFR §668.141-668.156).
This topic will be of interest to adult education, career and technical education, workforce development, and postsecondary practitioners and advocates, including those working with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Perkins V programs.
Fulfilling one of the ATB alternatives allows a student without a high school diploma or its equivalent to receive Title IV federal student aid (e.g., a Pell Grant or Direct Loan) to pay for postsecondary education if the student is enrolled in an eligible career pathway program. This webinar will deepen your understanding of the potential of ATB by explaining what it is, the history behind it, examples of its current use at a community college and in a state community college system, and how you could start the conversation at your college or in your state to expand or institutionalize ATB use.
Webinar presenters are:
- Casey Sacks, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Colleges, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education
- Aaron Washington, Management and Program Analyst, Office of Policy, Planning, and Innovation
- Laurie Kierstead-Joseph, Director of Adult Education Services, Pima Community College
- Nikitna Barnes, Assistant Director for Resource Development, Mississippi Community College Board
- Erin Berg, Community College Program Specialist, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education
2020 Nursing Education Investment Grants
The Foundation for California Community Colleges intends to award 2020 Nursing Education Investment Grants to support projects that facilitate, coordinate with or complement efforts to educate and train nurses through California community colleges.
Up to $450,000 in total funds will be awarded in one or more grants.
A Letter of Intent (LOI) must be submitted by November 15, 2019.
Based on evaluation of LOIs, select applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal.
Chancellor's Office Provides Guidance Related to Credit English as a Second Language
The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office issued a memo late last month providing guidance to colleges regarding compliance with the credit English as a Second Language (ESL) relative to Assembly Bill 705 (2017) and Assembly Bill 1805 (2018).
The intent of the memo was to clarify the obligations of the colleges to help ESL departments implement AB 705 and AB 1805 and achieve the Vision for Success goals of increasing degrees and transfer.
CAEP Summit Schedule Now Available,
Still Accepting Photos of Programs in Action
Which Sessions Will You Attend? Start Planning Now
CAEP Summit 2019 schedule
is now available! Start planning which sessions you want to attend, as we prepare to convene at the Hyatt Orange County for CAEP Summit 2019 in two weeks. The schedule includes session titles, dates, times, locations, presenters, abstracts and programs areas.
CAEP Summit 2019 Consortia Photos
Thank you to all who have submitted photos to showcase adult education programs across the state! There is still time to submit. We will accept photos until Friday (10/18). Each consortium can submit at least one photo, or up to one photo per agency, of an adult education program in action. Photos can be submitted in .png or .jpeg file formats to
[email protected]
The photos will be shown at the Summit during breakfast, lunch and the networking event.
Last Two Data & Accountability Roadshow Fall Workshops
Join CAEP's Neil Kelly and Jay Wright from CASAS in person to cover new 2019-20 policy changes, updated methods and definitions for PY 19-20, review data and accountability, program metrics and more.
The next workshop is Oct. 28 in Vista, followed by a Nov. 21 workshop in San Bernardino.
Using Tech Tools to Amplify Student Voice
Oct. 23, 2019
12 p.m.-1 p.m.
Whose voice do you hear, the teacher's or the student's? During this session you will learn how you can empower students to speak up using a variety of technology tools. Participants will be introduced to multiple tools in a fast-paced session. Come and join us as we explore how technology might be use in your adult education classroom.
Equity in the Classroom
Oct. 24, 2019
2 p.m.-3 p.m.
some aspects of equity in education are beyond the scope of the classroom, there are many things that can be done in the classroom to ensure an equitable environment for students. Attend this webinar to learn what is meant by equity in the classroom, why it matters and how you can leverage this knowledge to better support your students.
Coming Up
- Oct 30: 19/20 Member Program Year Budget and Work Plan certified by consortia in NOVA
- Oct 31: Student data due in TOPSPro (Q1)
Looking Ahead
- Dec 1: 17/18, 18/19 and 19/20 Member Expense Report due in Nova (Q1)
- Dec 1: July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 Instructional Hours and Expenses by Program Area due (actuals) in NOVA and certified by consortium