Managing Weather Impacts During USGA Championships
Preparing golf courses to host USGA championships is challenging. For a major championship, such as the U.S. Open, logistics both inside and outside the ropes can seem overwhelming. Fan experience and television broadcast windows impact the agronomic preparation of a golf course. Most golf facilities will never host an event that has the scale and complexity of a major championship. However, lessons can be learned from championship preparation that apply to daily maintenance and the preparation for events at any course.
Multimedia Content
Course Care Video
THE 9: Championship Weather
Although the weather is out of our control, there are a few things you can do to plan for it when there's an important event coming up. Here’s how weather conditions play into not only preparations for a USGA championship but even a smaller event at your favorite local course.
Photo Gallery
Coping With The Inevitible
Storms can wreak havoc on a golf course, washing away excellent playing conditions in a matter of minutes. This photo gallery depicts just a few things worth considering so you’ll be prepared to restore playing conditions as quick as possible after the next storm.  
Green Section Collection: Dealing With The Weather
These interactive digital collections include additional supporting articles, a photo gallery and videos that provide relevant information on the primary subject. The collections can be viewed online in a user-friendly digital magazine format, saved as a PDF or printed.
Research You Should Know
Cooling Creeping Bentgrass Putting Greens
Hot, humid weather can cause bentgrass to quickly decline. Researchers at Auburn University are investigating how fans and syringing can help keep your bentgrass cool this summer.
Fore The Golfer
Weather Ready

Wind, rain, humidity and heat all have a tremendous impact on playing conditions. Here are a few surprising ways the weather affects your game even when you’re not at a golf course.  

Regional Updates

West Region
Superintendents gathered in Arizona to view cutting-edge techniques used to produce high-quality ultradwarf bermudagrass greens.
Northeast Region
Agricultural spraying technology provides a practical solution for difficult-to-spray areas such as bunker banks and green surrounds.

Central Region
Research from Rutgers University and the USDA have shed new light on understanding and managing dollar spot disease.
Southeast Region
If you’re looking for a way to use fewer inputs and save some money, here’s how to analyze and simplify your spray program.
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USGA Green Section publications are made available through the courtesy of the United States Golf Association (USGA®). The reuse of these materials is authorized only if the following conditions are met in their entirety. This policy applies to all Green Section publications, including articles, videos, presentations, and webcasts.

The USGA Green Section Record (ISSN 2156-5813) is published twice monthly via electronic mail by the United States Golf Association®.