Here's our weekly update on news and topics STARRS tracks, monitors and shines a spotlight on in order to expose the Marxist CRT/DEI woke agenda in the military and to show the danger of this ideology and how it affects morale, readiness, recruitment and retention. Also the vax issue pertaining to service members. Our purpose is education and awareness for an informed citizenry.

Click on the HEADLINES to read the articles on our website, STARRS.US.


Our Joint Town Hall is on Monday! Make sure you are registered. The Zoom link will be sent out this weekend.

Register for Town Hall

Latest STARRS & Stripes Podcast:

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The Amazing Military Aviation Life of F-4 Wild Weasel Al Palmer

Tables have turned and now we're interviewing the host of STARRS & Stripes podcast,

CDR Al Palmer, US Navy ret (also USAF) and his amazing career. WATCH/LISTEN

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Why Scott Perry, Brigadier General, ultimately resigned: the Army’s woke agenda betrayed his core values

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A Serious Pentagon Must Hold a ‘Plucking Board’

By Forrest L. Marion, Ph.D. Retired U.S. Air Force officer and military historian

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Rep. Banks Launches Probe Into Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ Joining Officer Ranks

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White Males Need Not Apply, USAF Ditched Merit for Diversity

By Dave Patterson, retired U.S. Air Force Pilot

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Air Force seeking those willing to DEI for their country?

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DEI: A Cancer on the Armed Forces

By Maj. General John Deyermond, US Army ret STARRS New Hampshire State Leader

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Army’s Top Enlisted Leader Removed Diversity Consideration for Top Enlisted Roles

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U.S. Army Drops Diversity Requirement For Selecting High-Level Non-Commissioned Officers

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Your Mother Wears Combat Boots

Former Army Ranger Will Thibeau reviewed the book, Unit Unfit to Fight: How Woke Policies Are Destroying Our Military by Amber Smith

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Nat Sec Watchdog Urges Army To Investigate Military Training That Called Pro-Life Orgs ‘Terrorist Groups’

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West Point Needs a Reset, Part 2: In Their Own Words

By Tony Lentini, USMA '71

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Army Hit With Lawsuit After Stonewalling Inquiries Into West Point’s Removal Of Iconic Mission Statement

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U.S. Naval Academy on Trial for Unconstitutional Use of Race in Admissions (The Legal Arguments: Part 1 of 3)

By Capt. Charles “Cully” Stimson,

US Navy JAG Corps, ret

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Naval Academy Defends Race in Admissions

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Lawyers offer closing arguments in trial over whether Naval Academy can consider race in admissions

Maybe USNA needs to see this movie:

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Are You Racist?–Movie Review of “Am I Racist?”

Reviewed by Lt Col Eric M. Vogel, USAF ret, USAFA ’73

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Months After Biden’s Promise to Pardon Thousands of LGBTQ Veterans, Only 8 Have Applied

6 were Air Force

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Is Our Military Prepared?

By Lt Col Phil Bail, USAF ret

STARRS Wisconsin State Leader

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America’s Military Can’t Endure Another Four Years Of Democrat Rule

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Book Review of “Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me” by Dr. Wilfred Reilly

Reviewed by Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN ret STARRS Board of Advisors

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A Call From STARRS Leadership for Volunteers

Press Release

Comments from the article, Why Scott Perry, Brigadier General, ultimately resigned: the Army’s woke agenda betrayed his core values:

“That is why I retired too. That and an organization that valued diversity over experience. I would never recommend that a young person go into the military today.”

“My brother has 37 years in the DoD and he’s retiring for the same reason. He sits in more white privilege classes than he does the required ship maintenance.”

“I retired from the U.S. Army as a senior officer after over 35 years of active duty service for similar reasons cited by BG (Ret) Perry. The current state of our armed forces is woefully unprepared to engage in and win a conventional war with our current advisories, especially if they join forces. Unfortunately for America, it appears the next war we will be engaged in will be on U.S. soil.”

“After 20 + years, I have had a enough and am also retiring. Anyone who tries to convince you we are the best fighting force on the planet are wrong. We have grown where the service members who join to fight to defend this country are not the majority anymore.”

“My son retired from the Navy for the same reason. I worked for the AFROTC and saw the waste of $$$ daily.”

“That was one of the reasons, not the main reason, I retired from the service after 24 years. I saw a service member enter the service and came to our unit going through gender reassignment process. They claimed they were a female and started getting therapy sessions. That caused them to be non-deployable. Then they got approved for the surgery to remove parts to make them more female like. That and then the recovery time was over a year and a half. By the time they were fully transitioned and fully able to deploy that service member's service obligation in active duty was up. So they joined, got paid the whole time, got free tax payer paid counseling, surgery, vacation, medical, and 4 years of tax payer paid college funds for what? Nothing.”

“I came from a multi-generational military family. I served in the US Army. I married a guy in the USAF. When our youngest son got to the point of joining the military, we talked him OUT of it. The way our government/military treated our family the last 5 years that my husband was active duty, we knew that it would only get worse. It has. I'm SO glad we talked him out of joining the military!”

"He was talking about a trend toward progressivism that he saw as antithetical to a military that was designed to strip soldiers of their individual wants and needs and rebuild them into one fighting force." He's right. There is also another casualty of this progressivism. That casualty is morale. A lack of morale in a fighting force is extremely dangerous. Extremely dangerous to lives as well as the security of this country and its interests.”

“Congressman Perry speaks for so many of us that left a career that we loved because we could see the handwriting on the wall. Sad to say but our military has been neutered.”

Remember to register for the Joint Town Hall on Monday:


E Pluribus Unum – Unity is America’s Strength

Wake Up, Stand Up, Speak Up and Never Give Up!

We are US military veterans and citizens concerned about the divisive racist and radical CRT/DEI ideology infiltrating the military and seek to expose, stand up against, and eliminate it in order to keep our country safe.

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  • We STAND against the CRT/DEI/Woke agenda in the military & service academies
  • We educate on the dangers of this racist and radical ideology in the military
  • We monitor and call out the CRT/DEI/Woke agenda in the DoD through our website & social media
  • We seek the truth of what is happening in the military through FOIAs
  • We hold accountable the Academies and Services when they push this radical agenda
  • We speak Truth to Power . . . Hard Truths
  • We write articles and policy papers alerting people to this harmful agenda
  • We work with Congress and Panels to provide knowledge and ideas to combat the problem
  • We help like-minded organizations and media to get out the truth
  • We provide a network and listening ear to cadets, service members, veterans and families who are sick of this ideology being forced on them and worried about the future of our country. If you feel this way too, know that you are not alone!


Follow Matt Lohmeier on X and other platforms @matthewlohmeier


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