No. 252

  USRCC Business Newsletter
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Members' News
Turkish Airlines expanding fleet, opening four new routes in 2020
Hurriyetdailynews.com, January 1, 2020: Turkish Airlines  will open four new routes in 2020 as it expands and updates its fleet, according to the chairman of Turkey's flag carrier. "We finished all procedures to launch flights to Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, Tokyo's Haneda Airoport , Newark, New Jersey, and Vancouver, Canada in 2019," said İlker Aycı, adding that now they are just waiting for the necessary permits.  Read more...
Royal Dutch Shell Is a Top Stock for 2020. Here's Why.

Barrons.com, December 30, 2019:  The next 10 years could be better, as the industry scales back spending on new oil and natural-gas projects and returns more cash to shareholders. Royal Dutch Shell has adopted the investor-friendly approach and could be the best play among the global supermajors Read more...
The Week in Review

From dream to reality: Russia's 'Silicon Valley' to mark 10-year anniversary with new projects

Rt.com, January 1, 2020 R ussia's Skolkovo innovation center, which is marking 10 years since its founding, has ambitious plans for 2020 and beyond to continue promoting technology and helping small innovative startups grow into profitable companies.  Skolkovo Technopark was built from scratch almost a decade ago to create a platform for research and innovation in key spheres such as energy, IT, space, biomedicine, and nuclear technology. Now the complex has facilities spread around 800,000 square meters and hosts around 500 startups, while there are an additional 1,500 enterprises beyond its campus. Skolkovo hosts around 50 research centers employing more than 15,000 people.  Read more...
Nornickel to Fund 15-year Housing Renovation Project in Norilsk

ussiabusinesstoday.com, December 30, 2019: 
Russia's metals company Norilsk Nick el ( Nornickel ) will undertake an ambitious project to finance 50% of a housing renovation project in its home city of Norilsk in the Krasnoyarsk Region . The program's total cost is estimated at 85 billion rubles ($1.37 billion), the company's Vice President Dmitry Pristanskov told the state-run news agency. Read more...
Russia unveils €390 billion plan to overhaul its economy

Euronews.com, December 30, 2019:  The Russian government unveiled on Monday a €390 billion plan to overhaul its economy by 2024, at the end of what should be President Vladimir Putin's last term in office. The  investment programme , which features 13 so-called National Projects, follows the " May Decrees " signed by Putin after his re-election last year, in which he pledged to cut poverty in half and significantly boost life expectancy.  Read more...
Russia, Belarus find temporary solution for resuming oil export to Belarus - source

Tass.com, January 3, 2020 Russia and Belarus have found a temporary solution for renewing oil export to Belarusian oil refineries with the aid of one-off oil shipments from independent suppliers, a source in the Russian government informed TASS. Russia expects to finalize the corresponding agreement in the near future, the source added.  Read more...
Aeroflot Named Most Punctual Airline in 2019

Russiabusinesstoday.com, January 3, 2020:  Russian flag carrier  Aeroflot  was named the most punctual mainline airline in 2019 in the annual On-Time Performance (OTP) Review by travel data and analytics firm  Cirium Lenta.ru  reports The airline had an OTP score of 86.68 percent, while Japanese carrier All Nippon Airways ( ANA ) followed in a close second at 86.26 percent. 2018's number one, U.S.-based  Delta , ranked third at 85.69 percent. However, ANA was ranked fifth and Aeroflot sixth in the OAG Punctuality League 2020, where  Garuda Indonesi a  topped the list of the 20 most punctual airlines with an OTP score of 95.01 percent.  Read more...

Russia's grain exports to exceed 47mn in 2019-2020 season

Intellenews.com, December 30, 2020Grain exports from Russia will exceed 47mn tonnes in 2019-2020 agricultural season, the head of the Russian Grain Union Arcady Zlochevsky estimated on September 20, as cited by Reuters. 
Exports activity is seen as bleak by RGU, although the union assumes it could pick up in the second half of 2019 due to deflation of domestic grain prices. The union estimates that the grain harvest in 2019 will amount to 121mn tonnes.
Russia is now earning some $20bn a year from grain exports - more than it earns from arms exports. Combined exports of agricultural products grew 20% to $25.9bn in 2018, almost twice as much as exports of arms and weapons.  Read more...  

CIS Business News

Industrial output in Kyrgyzstan makes KGS 249.7 bln since early 2019

Kabar.kg, December 30, 2019 For the first 11 months of this year, industry in Kyrgyzstan   has shown positive results and reached 101.1% excluding Kumtor Gold Mine, the press service of the State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use of Kyrgyzstan reported Tuesday. According to the Committee's data, the volume of industrial output amounted to KGS 249.7 billion and increased by 9.6%. The main growth is due to the production of gold, increasing by 18.9%. Without this position, the volume of industrial production is KGS 132.3 billion, increase by 1.1%, which amounted to 101.1%.  Read more...
Belarusian Railways injects Br600m into investment projects in 2019

Eng.belta.by, December 30, 2019: The Belarusian Railways injected some Br600 million into the implementation of investment projects in 2019, head of the Belarusian Railways Vladimir Morozov said as he spoke at an event to mark the 157th anniversary of the Belarusian railways operator on 27 December, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Railways. In 2019, the Belarusian Railways implemented significant projects in infrastructure, freight terminals and rolling stock renewal, Vladimir Morozov said. Modern information technologies were actively implemented. The company continued work to electrify the Zhlobin-Kalinkovichi section. The implementation of this project will make it possible to increase the share of electrified railway sections up to 25% of the total railway line s.  Read more...

Kazakh start-ups win funding at SAP UP competition in Russia

Astanatimes.com, December 30, 2019: "We were in Moscow for three days. It was very interesting. The money will help us with our plans, because we have to pay for designers, methodologists, developers - as you know, it's not as simple as just making a product. Children should be able to enjoy it," said Kid Security startup founder Asat Ashamanov .   Read more..
US-Russia Related News in Russian
Новости недели

Взносы в социальные фонды будут взиматься с более высоких зарплат

Rg.ru, Январь 3, 2020:  В 2020 году увеличивается предельный порог зарплат, с которых взимаются взносы в Пенсионный фонд России (ПФР) и Фонд социального страхования (ФСС). Так, взносы в ФСС будут браться максимум с годовой зарплаты 912 тысяч рублей (или 76 тысяч в месяц), в прошлом году максимальный порог составлял 865 тысяч рублей в год (72 тысячи рублей в месяц).  Взносы в ПФР работодатели будут перечислять за работников с максимальной годовой зарплаты 1,292 миллиона рублей 107,6 тысячи в месяц. В 2019 году предельная сумма была 1,15 миллиона рублей или 95,8 тысячи рублей. Ставка - 22%. Впрочем, если у работника зарплата выше, то с этого "хвоста" тоже будут делаться взносы, только уже в размере 10%.  Читать далее...

Зимы без снега грозят поменять всю экономику России

Мk.ru, Декабрь 31, 2019:  Теплая и по большей части бесснежная зима на просторах почти всей территории европейской части России озадачила многих специалистов. Ученых беспокоят, что бесснежные зимы могут стать причиной нехватки воды - тогда придется пересматривать всю экономику Читать далее...

Мировые цены на нефть могут вырасти в начале 2020 года

Iz.ru, Январь 3, 2020:  Мировые цены на нефть могут вырасти в начале 2020 года, полагают опрошенные «Известиями» эксперты . Котировки толкают вверх сокращение добычи участниками соглашения ОПЕК+ и надежда на прекращение торговой войны США и Китая.  Аналитики считают, что стоимость нефти способна дойти до $75 за баррель . При этом  в последующие месяцы ожидается обратное движение, и в итоге не исключено, что средний уровень цен в этом году окажется даже ниже, чем в 2019-м . Особенно это касается российской марки Urals, которая может потерять почти $4 за баррель.  Читать далее...

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The U.S.-Russia Chamber of Commerce (USRCC)  is  a 501(c)(6) no t for  profit  corporation with its headquarters  in Houston, Texas,  and offices in the Midwest and the Northeast. The USRCC  was established in 2009 to promote  trade and investment  between  the  Russia n Federation  and the U.S. A.  
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