No. 253

  USRCC Business Newsletter
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Members' News
TurkStream gas pipeline officially launched in grand ceremony

Gazprom.com, January 8, 2020:  Attending the event were Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of the Republic of Turkey, Aleksandar Vucic, President of the Republic of Serbia, Boyko Borissov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria, Alexander Novak, Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, Fatih Donmez, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey, and Alexey Miller ,  Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee. Burhan Ozcan, Chairman of the Board and General Manager at BOTAS, and Oleg Akustin ,  Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee - Head of Department at Gazprom, joined the event via teleconference.   Read more...
Emerson Funding Helps Expand Innovative Training Program for Early Childhood Teachers in St. Louis

,  January 9, 2020: 
Did you know that 90% of a person's brain development happens before age 5?  Yet in the United States, early childhood education - which is key to lifetime learning and success - does not get the attention it deserves. This is especially true when it comes to professional development for early childhood educators which, too often, is the exception, not the norm. Read more...
The Week in Review
Dollar falls below 61 rubles first time since May 22, 2018

Tass.com, January 10, 2020:   The dollar fell by 0.49% on the Moscow Exchange to the level of 60.99 rubles. As of 18:29 Moscow time, the dollar fell by 0.66% to 60.89 rubles. The last time the dollar was below the mark of 61 rubles on May 22, 2018.  At the same time, the euro depreciated by 0.45% to 67.73 rubles. The price of Brent crude oil futures contract with March delivery on London's ICE decreased by 0.7% and amounted to $64.91 per barrel.  Read more...
Russian Housing Market Shows Biggest Growth since 2012

ussiabusinesstoday.com, January 6, 2020: 
House prices in Russia rose by 3.63% during 2019 to the third quarter of the year, a sharp improvement from last year's 0.18% increase and the highest growth since Q4 2012, Global Property Guide. During the latest quarter, nationwide house prices increased 1.69%. Moscow's prices were up by 5.49% y-o-y in Q3 2019 while they increased strongly by 9.47% in St. Petersburg.  Read more...
Russia's Nordwind Airlines plane makes hard landing in Antalya

Tass.com,  January 10, 2020: A passenger aircraft belonging to Russia's Nordwind Airlines traveling from Moscow has performed a hard landing in Antalya on Friday, Turkish portal Airporthaber informed.  According to the website, pilots of aircraft A321-200 with tail number VQ-BRS requested emergency landing in Antalya due to detection of smoke. During the landing, one of the plane's landing wheels hit the fuselage, deforming it. The portal published a photograph of the damaged part of the plane. Read more...
Russian Firm to Install Wi-Fi in Delhi Metro Trains for $100mn

Russianbusinesstoday.com, January 8, 2020 Technology firm Maxima Digital, a partner of Russia's  Maxima Telecom , will invest $100 million over the next two years to provide free Wi-Fi in metro stations and coaches in the Indian capital Delhi, India Today  reports .   The company has been working with Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) over the past months to offer free high-speed Wi-Fi services on metro trains - a first in India. Read more...
Full-fledged freight traffic over Crimean Bridge to start from July 1 - Putin

Tass.com, January 10, 2020 The full-scale freight traffic over the Crimean Bridge will be opened from July 1 of this year, President Vladimir Putin said on Friday. "Railway transportation of goods [over the Crimean Bridge] will be implemented regularly from July 1," the head of state said.  Read more...
Report: Russia wood pellet production continues to grow

Agriculture.einnews.com, January 9, 2020: A report recently filed with the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service's Global Agricultural Information Network predicts that Russia's wood pellet industry will continue to increase production and exports in response to growing demand from European countries. The report cites the Russian Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) as reporting the country produced 1.4 million metric tons of wood pellets in 2018, up 4 percent from the previous year. Growth was modest when compared to the 30 percent increase in production experienced between 2016 and 2017. Between January and July of 2019, Rosstat reported that wood pellet production reached 766,000 tons, up 121 percent when compared to the same period.  Read more...  
CIS Business News
Uzbekistan to supply over 1 bln USD worth of uranium to Japan

X inhuanet.com , January 8, 2020: Uzbekistan will supply Japan with uranium worth more than 1 billion U.S. dollars between 2023 and 2030, according to a presidential decree posted online on Tuesday.The document approved a roadmap to fulfill the agreements inked during Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's visit to Japan in December last year.The contracts on the supply of uranium by Uzbekistan's Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine were signed with Japanese trading houses Itochu for 636.4 million dollars and Marubeni for 510.1 million dollars to cover a time span between 2023 and 2030.  Read more...
Kazakhstan makes healthcare, payment and salary changes to social sector for 2020

Astanatimes.com , 9 January, 2020 : Kazakhstan's list of social changes for 2020 include implementing a mandatory health insurance system, new social payments, salary increases, restrictions on loans for low income citizens and decreased foreign worker quota. The compulsory social health insurance system took effect Jan. 1. Employers will now deduct 1 percent of accrued income from each employee's salary and transfer it to the Health Insurance Fund. At the same time, employers will continue to make 2-percent deductions for hired personnel in 2020-2021. The payments will entitle Kazakhs to a medical services insurance package that is more comprehensive than the former complimentary one. Those not covered by insurance will be able to visit a local therapist, take a minimum of tests, be examined and treat a number of diseases deemed life-threatening. All emergency medical care will remain free.  Read more...

ACG achieves 500 millionth tonne production milestone

News.az, January 10, 2020:  The half a billion tonnes of oil produced from ACG since 1997 have been transported primarily via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Western Route Export pipelines from the Sangachal terminal near Baku across Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey to the world markets.Gary Jones, BP Regional President Azerbaijan Georgia Turkey: "This milestone is a great contribution to the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the signing of the "Contract of the Century" which, we believe, is a landmark event in Azerbaijan's new history. We as operator are proud to have achieved this production milestone in the historical year for the country and for all partners in ACG. I would like to congratulate all people who have contributed to this achievement and thank our operations team for their continual commitment to safety and reliable operations.  Read more..
US-Russia Related News in Russian
Новости недели
В Минэнерго РФ сообщили, что транзит нефти через Белоруссию осуществляется в полном объеме

Tass.ru,  Январь 11, 2020: На данный момент транзит осуществляется в полном объеме", - сказал Сорокин, отвечая на соответствующий вопрос.Ранее в пятницу пресс-служба президента Белоруссии Александра Лукашенко сообщила, что республика ввела экологический налог на транзит нефти и нефтепродуктов по своей территории. Соответствующий указ подписал президент страны. Читать далее...
Сбербанк снизил ставки по некоторым вкладам в рублях.

Тass.ru, Январь 10, 2020: Сбербанк снизил ставки по некоторым депозитным продуктам в рублях, следует из материалов кредитной организации.Максимальная доходность по вкладу "Сохраняй" составляет 4,5% годовых при размещении суммы от 400 тыс. рублей на срок от шести месяцев до двух лет. С учетом капитализации процентов ставка составит 4,54%. Ранее максимальная ставка по этому вкладу достигала 4,65%. Для владельцев пакета услуг "Сбербанк Первый" доходность снижена с 5,5% до 5,25%. Максимальные ставки по вкладам для клиентов "Сбербанк Премьер" снижена с 5,05% до 4,85%.  Читать далее...
В ЦБ рассказали о новых вариантах пенсионных выплат

Rg.ru,  Январь 11, 2020: В новой пенсионной схеме - гарантированном пенсионном плане - по завершении накопительной фазы у человека будет выбор - получить накопления все целиком сразу, заплатив подоходный налог (сейчас 13%), или приобрести пожизненный пенсионный план. Пока предлагается один стандартный вариант такого плана, хотя пенсионные фонды смогут предлагать и другие, рассказал первый зампред Банка России Сергей Швецов в интервью "Российской газете". В рамках гарантированного пенсионного плана (ГПП), законопроект о котором правительство готовится внести в Госдуму, выплаты начинаются или через 30 лет после начала накоплений или при достижении пенсионного возраста - что наступит раньше. ГПП должен прийти на смену обязательным пенсионным накоплениям, формирование которых заморожено с 2014 года.  Читать далее...

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The U.S.-Russia Chamber of Commerce (USRCC)  is  a 501(c)(6) no t for  profit  corporation with its headquarters  in Houston, Texas,  and offices in the Midwest and the Northeast. The USRCC  was established in 2009 to promote  trade and investment  between  the  Russia n Federation  and the U.S. A.  
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