We often get asked why we place certain photos of our players up on our social media or our website. It's a good question!
We are always trying to be representative of our entire Southwest area and our contingent of juniors and the events they are participating in. We definitely enjoy relaying their success.
Many times it comes down to a simple decision: Do we have an image of that participant from that event? Today's media cycle demands us to be quick and timely, and we like to show things from just-happened events.
When events are held outside of our Southwest areas (like say a Level 3 event in Las Vegas or an ITF event in Costa Rica, we often do not have images from those events, unless a parent or coach snaps one. So, one way you can help us, and thereby helping give your child some potential recognition, is by taking quality images - clean backgrounds, well lit, posed even - of your children at events we are not at (especially if they win an event or a sportsmanship trophy) and to share them with us here at USTA Southwest.
We can't guarantee they will always be placed up, but the likelihood is far greater if we do actually have a quality image from an event we are not at. Cell phones take awesome pictures these days!
We love our parents/coaches/tournament directors sharing positive info about their kids and the things going on in their tennis lives anyway! Help be a resource for our kids by sending over photos, along with a little info about the photo, or by tagging us when you're posting them on all of our relevant social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram).
(Example, "Child A (name) and the Boys' 16s singles 1st place trophy from the Mike Agassi No-Quit Championships in Las Vegas at the Darling Tennis Center). That's enough info right there for a quality Instagram of Facebook post!
In the meantime, check us out and follow us by clicking the social media icons just below this story.