Thursday, September 9, 2021
We join together to encourage spiritual growth, 
build a beloved community, and act for peace and justice.
Update on UUCF Water
  • Good news: UUCF's water pressure has been fully restored.
  • However, we need to do due diligence to make sure recent repairs haven't introduced any bacteria into our water system, and we are waiting for lab results that will hopefully be back sometime on Friday, September 10.
  • We will both post an update on our website homepage (and email the congregation) by Saturday at Noon with information regarding this Sunday, September 12. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
This Sunday, September 9

10:30 a.m. Sunday Service:
both "in-person" (masks required inside) & "online" available
"In-person option": details here

"Reading the Same Stories Differently"
- Rev. Carl with our new Interim Minister Kathryn Adams as Liturgist
Special Music by Deb & Nick Int Veldt

Please spread the word
to anyone you know who may be interested.
(Zoom link also available at

11:45 a.m. Friendly Forum:
September's Split-plate Recipient, Blessings in a Backpack
(Room 113 & Zoom):

12:00 p.m. Earth-centered Spirituality Service:

3:00 p.m. Atheists/Humanists/Agnostics (AHA) Discussion Group:
All Sundays at 3pm on Zoom:

Check our homepage for
the next 7 days of online opportunities:
General Announcements &
Upcoming Events

Sign-up for Chalice Groups (“small group ministry”) on Zoom by Friday, September 24. These groups of 8-10 members or friends of UUCF meet twice a month (October through May) to discuss various topics such as life transitions, spirituality, and relationships. The goal is to create community and nurture personal growth through individual sharing and deep listening. This year we are adding a group specifically for those in the 80+ age group that will focus on the wide range of issues that pertain to Elderhood. Registration is open online through Friday, September 24 for all groups. To sign-up, click on the registration link at or in the center of the UUCF homepage, If you would like more information about Chalice Groups, please contact Bobbi Mead at or Carolyn Rocha at

Artist, Connie Balukoff, in the Building this Sunday, September 12: The artist for our current art show, Connie Balukoff, plans to be at UUCF immediately following the Sunday Service. She will be in the gallery hallway to talk to people about her art. Connie will set up her prints, and framed pieces, and copies of her children’s books in Room 115. The Visual Arts Committee will handle any sales while she talks to people in the hallways.

Dismantling Racism Team (DRT) Monthly Meeting: Monday, September 13, 6:00 p.m.

Donation Yoga for Advancing Beginners: Tuesdays, 10-11am (Chapel/Zoom). One of the best ways we can stay resilient and healthy is to exercise and cultivate mindfulness. These donation classes with E-RYT 200 Irene Glasse are open to individuals fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (two weeks past their last vaccination). Masks are not required but you are, of course, welcome to wear one. An Advancing Beginners class is most accessible to people who have some basic familiarity with yoga and are able to comfortably take low lunge (lunge with one foot forward and the back knee touching the mat), tabletop, warrior two and other foundational yoga poses. Previous classes can be viewed here.

Connecting through Poetry Group: Wednesdays, 12:30 p.m. Join us for a weekly time of sharing, exploring a poem together, & open conversation: password: poetry.

Anti-Racism Book Club: Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 p.m., hosted by UUCF’s Dismantling Racism Team: Zoom discussion series of the book How The Word Is Passed: A Reckoning With The History Of Slavery Across America, by Clint Smith. All are welcome. Here’s the Zoom link.

“Pride Tribe” MKP (“Mankind Project”) Group: meeting at UUCF on 2nd & 4th Saturday mornings. MKP has 3 groups in the Frederick area. It is a men’s social & support group guiding men to deeper lives of integrity, authenticity, and service. This GBTQQ MKP group is open to anyone who is Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, or Questioning. Prior to attending, please contact Richard Warren ( for more details.

UUCF Book Club schedule has changed! We will now meet via Zoom on the third Friday of the month. Our September book for discussion is Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro, September 17, at 7:30pm. A zoom link will be sent out by Jane Hufstedler a few days in advance. Much as we enjoyed the two meetings held in person, concerns about the rise in Covid cases compel us to return to Zoom for the foreseeable future.

Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening by Joseph Goldstein” with Rev. Carl: Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm on Zoom (September 21 - December 14, 2021). Join us for a study of a classic book by one of the great living meditation masters. Learn—and cultivate direct experience of—the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, the Five Hindrances, the Five Aggregates of Clinging, the Seven Factors of Awakening, and much more! To sign-up for class and receive the Zoom link, email

Rev. Carl's 10 Year Anniversary/UUCF's 60 Year Anniversary Celebration: A committee is being formed, chaired by Mike Morse, to plan for and execute a celebration of Rev. Carl's ten years of ministry with UUCF, to be held in conjunction with UUCF's 60th Anniversary. The time frame is around June 5, 2022. Several persons have already agreed to serve on such a committee. If you would like to be a member working to plan for this occasion, please contact Mike Morse at 301-367-7640 or email within the next two weeks.
Library Blessing Ceremony & Open Browsing, Saturday, September 18, 6:30 pm
Labyrinth Walk to follow: It has been a long journey, but the UUCF Library is ready to open! Our library is home to a huge collection of metaphysical and pagan books, tarot and oracle decks, periodicals and more. Over the last two years, our Library Mages have been working diligently to get the library ready for borrowing. Join us for a ceremony to inaugurate, formally name our library, and offer blessings to support its work. Our ritual will be outdoors with books representing different topics in the library to carry the blessing. After the ceremony, there will be open browsing (masks are required indoors) for groups of four per library room. The Labyrinth walk will follow our ceremony, so there should be plenty of time to browse as well as walk the Labyrinth and enjoy the drum circle. Our collection can be viewed at

This library has been a labor of love for many people over years, from its start as part of the Open Hearth Foundation in Washington, DC. It was formed initially by books donated to create a resource for local pagans and those who follow or are interested in earth-centered spirituality. After the OHF closed, the library was eventually donated to the Frederick Covenant of Universalist Unitarian Pagans (CUUPS). Over 3,000 books, tarot decks, magazines and other items were transferred to the Universalist Unitarian Congregation of Frederick. Since then, volunteers have worked to organize the library and incorporate additional materials donated to the library that are in keeping with the six sources of Universalist Unitarianism, expanding it beyond its roots as a resource for pagans. Facebook event here.
It's that time of year to register for the 2021-2022 Religious Education program at UUCF. Be sure to click the link below and sign your child up by September 12th so that you have the most up to date information on our monthly plans, classes and events!

Lend a Hand for Afghan Relief

The Social Action Committee asks your help in providing Welcome Home Gift Boxes distributed to Afghan families resettling in the Washington, DC region. Partnering with the Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area, SAC is collecting boxes which individuals or groups create following the directions of the needed contents found at We’re holding a Friendly Forum on September 19 to talk about the work of Lutheran Social Services and to help individuals and groups partner on gift-box creation, if they desire. SAC members will collect completed boxes and deliver them to LSSNCA in Hyattsville before the end of September. In the meantime, contact with any questions you may have.
Upcoming Frederick Covenant of UU Pagans (CUUPS) September Events

Blackfeather Mystery School: Crow Course
The 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 7 PM
The Blackfeather Mystery School is a full-spectrum training in Empowered Witchcraft developed by mystic witch Irene Glasse and spiritworker Caine Dreamwalker. The 2021 series is the Crow level, an intermediate training. Prerequisites include experience journeying and cultivating spirit allies, a good understanding of the fundamentals of witchcraft, and a willingness to practice class content outside the classroom. Content includes sharpening Divination skills, Healing in both Witchcraft and Spiritwork modalities, Pagan Pastoral/Clergy Service, Past Life Reconciliation, Soul Retrieval, Dedicant Work, Psychopomp skill-building and more. Facebook Event hereZoom link here. Class is currently available on Zoom only.

Thursday, September 2nd, 7 PM: Components of a Magickal Healing Session
Thursday, September 16th, 7 PM: Past Life Reconciliation

Earth-centered Spirituality Service
Sunday, September 9th, 12 PM
This time provides an opportunity to focus on the Sixth Source of Unitarian Universalism: “Spiritual teachings of earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.” Although we had hoped to return to in-person Earth Services, the rise of the Delta variant has caused us to reconsider. Here’s the Zoom link. If it asks for a passcode, please use: 536567. Facebook event here.

Full Moon Labyrinth Walk and Drum Circle
Saturday, September 18th, 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Come enjoy the beauty and peace of the Labyrinth by the light of the full moon! This will be an outdoor, drumming walk. The event will be canceled in the event of rain.
If you are vaccinated and outdoors you can wear a mask or not as you like. If you are not vaccinated you must wear a mask. Per UUCF policies, you must wear a mask if you go inside the building.

The first half hour will be a quiet walk, the remainder drumming, so feel free to bring hand drums and other percussion instruments.

If you haven’t walked a Labyrinth before, there is no ceremony or ritual. A Labyrinth Walk is safe, open Sacred Space for personal exploration. Please plan to arrive by 9 pm to allow enough time for your walk. For an in-depth article on Labyrinths and what to expect at one of our open walks, visit this link:

This Labyrinth Walk follows our Library Opening Ceremony and the library will be available for browsing during the walk (masks required).Recommended donation of $5. Please help support Labyrinth Walks at the UUCF. Facebook event here.
Community News
The 20th anniversary of 9/11 is a moment to reckon with our past and reimagine our future. We mourn the thousands of lives lost that day. We also grieve the hate violence and state violence on people of color in the twenty years since 9/11. This learning hub is a place to learn about the decades-long impact of 9/11 on people of color through the work of Sikh activist Valarie Kaur. Watch the film. Read the book. Download the guides. Stand in solidarity.
Our faith calls us to act in solidarity, understanding that interdependence means “None of us are free until all of us are free.” Our lives and future are bound together, and together is how we move forward toward living out our faith in a just and loving world.

This is why we need YOU to help us launch the Side With Love Action Center: a place for folks to come together across differences, issues, and geography to end oppression and build democratic, sustainable, and thriving communities focused on our four key issues:
  • Climate Justice
  • Decriminalization
  • Democracy & Voting Rights
  • LGBTQ+ & Gender Justice
Come launch with us, 9/12 @ 2pm ET / 11am PT!

Join This Month's WHWH Briefing!
Learn more and take action to "Stop Voter Suppression and Partner for Voting Rights and a Multicultural Democracy" 

Hear from Andrea Miller, Center for Common Ground, and the UUSJ Democracy Action Team 
We are deeply concerned that states today have placed many unnecessary barriers on voting, so much so that we proposed a 2021 Action of Immediate Witness.

“Between January 1 and July 14, 2021, at least 18 states enacted 30 laws that restrict access to the vote." Legislatures are making it especially difficult for voters of color, indigenous people, and young voters to register and vote -- the very people voting laws are supposed to protect. We are equally concerned that partisan gerrymandering, as well as enormous and often hidden monetary contributions, are undermining the integrity of representative government.

We know the Senate must pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the For The People Act. The For the People Act sets the expectations that states must meet, the John Lewis Act protects our rights and provides a remedy when required.

They work together! 
We need to side with love on this... we need to act!
Join us Wednesday, September 15th at 7pm ET to learn more. 

Frederick County Ethics Commission

The Frederick County Executive is soliciting letters of interest from individuals to fill two (2) seats on the seven member Frederick County Ethics Commission (“Commission”). Persons having a desire to serve in this capacity must be residents and registered voters of Frederick County. The Commission publishes advisory opinions on the Ethics Law and the Public Ethics Law and administers the application of these laws to Frederick County officials and employees, and others who are subject to the laws’ provisions. The Commission also decides complaints alleging violation of the Ethics Law and exercises responsibility for enforcement of the lobbying provisions in the Ethics Law and the Public Ethics Law.

For more information about the Commission, including the Ethics Law and Standing Operating Procedures, visit

The Commission meets on the second Wednesday of each month during the evening, as needed. Other Qualifications and Requirements include:
• Ability to understand and apply the Ethics Law, including the lobbying provisions in the Ethics Law, and the Public Ethics Law to a variety of factual situations;
• General familiarity with the structure and work of the county government; and
• Understanding of general ethical principles applicable to governmental entities.
If interested in serving, please send a letter of interest and a current resume by regular mail to the Office of the County Attorney, 12 East Church Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701 (Attention: Ms. Kim Long) or by e-mail to

Deadline to submit required paperwork: 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 24, 2021 Frederick County Government does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment or the provision of services
Announcements for our weekly e-newsletter are due no later than Wednesday noon. Please keep your announcement 50 words or less. If you have a graphic for the group or organization, please include that as well. Email to