Our Annual Generosity Campaign
February 18th is the “end” of our formal campaign. We are delighted to have heard from many of you. We hope to hear from everyone by Feb. 18th. We will have to get in touch with members we have not heard from as we don’t want to make assumptions. Even if you have your pledge handled by automatic withdrawal, we need to know what your commitment will be for the year coming up (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025). Pease call the UUCFM office to make changes to your automatic withdrawal.
The prompt pledgers who won tickets to a MACC performance of their choosing are: Patricia Vivier-Naidl, Mary Tracy Sigman, and Mary Peabody & Diane Bothfeld. Thank you prompt pledgers one and all.
It is easy to make your confidential pledge on line: Please click on the link here