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UUCFM Weekly Bulletin

January 29, 2024

Sunday Service

Join us this Sunday at 10:30am in the Sanctuary or via Zoom



For events and happenings that you would like posted in our Weekly Bulletin, please submit by 12pm on Fridays.

Please send all articles for our Monthly Newsletter by 12pm on the 15th of each month.

Please send all articles and events to newsletter@uucfm.org

Newsletter articles should be limited to 250 words. Send artwork or photos in jpg format. If multiple posting dates are desired, please include that in your request.

Upcoming Worship:

  • February 4th - LOVE. With special guest Rev. Dr. Barrion J. Staples.

  • February 11th - ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL GENEROSITY? ( This is also Scout Sunday). Please join us after service for a lunch provided by the Scouts.

To Contact Reverend Sue Gabrielson:

  • revsue@uucfm.org
  • WhatsApp call or message: +506 8891 2847
  • US phone number: 603-395-7559
  • Facebook Messenger: Sue Gabrielson
  • Skype: suegabes


We hope you are joining our annual campaign to finance UUCFM’s mission. If somehow we missed sharing our brochure and pledge card with you, you can pick them up at the Welcome

Table on Sunday or contact Len Cohen, Stewardship Chair for materials or more information: 239-206-5300. Pledges received by noon February 6 will participate in a drawing for tickets

donated by the Gulf Coast Symphony for upcoming performances at the MACC (Music and Arts Community Center) on our campus.

UUCFM Events & Happenings

  • January 30 - Living with Lossevery Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Zoom https://uuma.zoom.us/j/95571979376

  • January 30 - Poetry Group: Writing through Oppression, 2:30 p.m. Zoom. For more information and a link please contact Cat (equalrightscommittee@UUCFM.org)

  • February 3 - Living with Loss, Every Saturday, 10:00 a.m. in-person at UUCFM (Rev. Sue's office) everyone is welcome. For more information: Mary Studer, mstuder929@gmail.com

  • February 3 - Futures Committee10:00 a.mZoom. For more information please contact Bill Petrarca at bill@petrarca.net

  • February 4 - Rev. Dr. Barrion J. Staples, Please join us for Sunday service, in person or on Zoom, with special guest Rev. Dr. Barrion J. Staples

  • February 6 - Parenting with Pride Webinar - Navigating Faith & LGBTQ, 6:00 p.m. To register please click here

  • February 13 - RESET - The Amazing Benefits of Whole Food, Plant-Based Living, 6:00 p.m. For more information and to register please click here

  • There is still time to sign up for February Dinner go-round with other UUs at someone’s home. Good meal, good time, and good friends! Contact Len Cohen (LSCCLU@gmail.com) to sign up or for more info.


13411 Shire Lane

Fort Myers, FL 33912

Phone: (239) 561-2700 

Website: uucfm.org

Email: officemanager@uucfm.org

*Office hours: M-Th 9-1:30

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