Introducing On-line Giving
As you may have heard, UUCFM is implementing a new church management software platform
called “Breeze.”
Today we want to tell you about the new on-line giving Breeze feature that will make it much
easier to exercise your generosity.
Try on-line giving to see how easy it is!
1. Go to our Giving Page.
2. Enter the amount you wish to donate.
3. Select the fund(s) to which you want to donate.
4. Select how often you want to donate.
5. Select your payment method.
6. Click on Continue.
7. Enter your payment information.
8. If you choose, select the option to cover the processing fee.
9. Click on the green “give” button.
It’s that easy. From anywhere. From any device. Give it a try.
Note: On-line giving to UUCFM through Paypal will be disabled as of July 1.