December 2024

December 1

"Season of Darkness - Celebration of Light"

Rev. Jane Page and Intern Minister Randy Blasch

Rev. Jane will share a short homily on "Season of Darkness" and Randy will share a short homily on "Celebration of Light." Come join us as we explore this complicated season together.

December 8

"UUSC: Guest at Your Table"

Sharon Ehle

This year we are celebrating Guest at Your Table’s 50th anniversary with the theme “Expanding the Welcome Table."

December 15

Annual Christmas Pageant

Rev. Jane Page

Join us once again for our Annual Impromptu Christmas Pageant for All Ages! Come early and select your costume to participate in the nativity play. Rev. Jane will narrate and play carols. Others will serve as the chorus and sing the traditional Christmas carols during the pageant. 

December 22

Christmas Carols and Cookies!

Beth Sutton

Join us for a time of singing Christmas Carols and our Annual Bake Sale!

December 29

"The End is the Beginning"

Beth Stevenson

A season of endings and beginnings. Congregational Hymn Sing led by Linda Ashford.


If you would like to join us live via Zoom, go to this link on Sundays at 10:30:

Practicing Radical Hospitality this Holiday Season

The holiday season has arrived. This is often lifted up as a time of giving gifts and sharing food and hospitality in our homes and in our places of work and worship. This year, especially, is one where we surely need to reach beyond our normal practices of hospitality and reach for what many have called “radical hospitality.” 

In an article about radical hospitality published in UU World, Rev. Marilyn Sewell, minister emerita of the First Unitarian Church in Portland, Oregon said:

“I speak of radical hospitality today because there is a world out there that needs home, that needs community, and I want us to stretch spiritually, to stretch ourselves open. I know that when we take the risk—yes, of course, we’ll blunder, we’ll make mistakes—believe me, I have blundered more than once—but when we take the risk, our lives will grow so much richer and deeper because we have extended ourselves. Our creativity will blossom, for we will not be stuck with our old assumptions, our narrow ways of perceiving reality. Our world will grow wider and softer and more trusting.”

How are ways we can open ourselves up to a more radical kind of hospitality, the kind lifted up by St. Benedict in his Rules for Monasteries. The rule states: “Let all guests who arrive be received as Christ," grounding this practice in Jesus' own words: "I was a stranger and you welcomed me" (Matthew 25:35). 

During this holiday season and beyond, may we be revolutionary in extending our warmth and love to all we encounter. 

With Love at the Center!


A letter from President Mari Perla

Beloved Members of UUCG,


Each UUCG board trustee has a fiduciary responsibility or duty to UUCG to maintain moral, ethical, and financial practices to protect the congregation.  


It has become clear that my concern to keep the congregation safe from potential liability is in conflict with the wishes of others on the board.  


It is not in my best interest to serve on the board in 2025. I have resigned from the UUCG Board of Trustees effective November 25, 2024. Thank you for allowing me to serve our UUCG community since 2021.


With love at the center of my covenant with UUCG, I wish you a peaceful holiday season.

The annual congregational meeting is scheduled for Sunday, December 15 immediately following the service.


  • A slate of names of nominees for open positions on the Board of Trustees.
  • Proposed budget for 2025
  • Approval of minutes from special called congregational meeting on September 15.
  • Approval of minutes from last years annual congregational meeting on December 3, 2023

We need the attendance of at least 25 members to form a quorum.

The UUCG board meetings are normally held on the first Sunday after service in the Bill Phillips Room. All are welcome.


Friendly Reminder

UUCG Greeters share past copies of the UU World with visitors and new members. Please bring your copies to share and drop them into the plastic bin on the floor under the membership table.

If you wish to become a member of UUCG...

please contact our membership team leader Carolyn Wallace at

For the month of December, we want to help folks at The Well with donations of winter type clothing: sweaters, coats, hats, long pants, long sleeve shirts, and shoes. We hope that many of you will be cleaning out closets and will donate items you no longer want or need. Bring them with you to a Sunday service and see Dona or Kim.

Please join us on Sunday, December 1, 9:00-10:00 AM

UUCG Bill Phillips Forum Room

Discussion leader: Ruth Trudeau

Topic: Against Panic: A Survival Kit


Margaret Renkl wrote in her New York Times article after the November election of Donald Trump to be President of our country, “To fight the calamities that are coming, we will need to find what gives us joy even amid the fight, and we will need to find a way to rest when the fight is too much to bear.”


We’re uncertain and disquieted about what lies ahead. Let’s talk about it. What’s your plan? What gives you joy? Together we can move from the dark (as some characterize it) and share light we all have within us.

The Adult Forum is designed to encourage discussion by sharing our stories and wisdom so we may “learn more about being human.” 

We meet to reinforce the “warmth or community” that calls us to attend church.

Meetings are on the FIRST SUNDAY of the month from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.

Ruth Trudeau 

(214) 675-7331


Sunday, December 15, 2024 from 9:00-10:15 a.m.

(The special Adult RE Zoom Room information is below.)


Join an intellectually challenging and fun conversation with a

group of ardent readers.

When the Ice Is Gone: What a Greenland Ice Core Reveals About Earth's Tumultuous History and Perilous Future

by Paul Bierman 

From “In 2018, lumps of frozen soil, collected from the bottom of the world’s first deep ice core and lost for decades, reappeared in Denmark. When geologist Paul Bierman and his team first melted a piece of this unique material, they were shocked to find perfectly preserved leaves, twigs, and moss. That observation led them to a startling discovery: Greenland’s ice sheet had melted naturally before, about 400,000 years ago. The remote island’s ice was far more fragile than scientists had realized―unstable even without human interference.

Changes in Greenland reverberate around the world, with ice melting high in the arctic affecting people everywhere. Bierman explores how losing Greenland’s ice will catalyze devastating events if we don’t change course and address climate change now."


912.266.6558 or

This is the ZOOM ROOM set-up specifically for the ADULT RE BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP.

Join at:

Meeting ID: 831 9989 1898

Passcode: 950120 (Passcode must be used.)

CrossWord Puzzles

Looking for a crossword puzzle that is more interesting than the Brunswick News’? John Cowlishaw is creating many puzzles and posting them online at:

Creating the Beloved Community at UUCG -- Get Involved!

Zoomer for our Tech Team -- We need a volunteer (or two!) who will take a turn being in charge of Zooming the service from the sanctuary. Simple task and Kim Merck will train and support you -- and this is part of simplifying our technology while we keep our services accessible for all. Contact Kim at

Child Caring Volunteers -- When families with children come we want to be ready! Volunteer to be on call to take children out during the service. We are looking for about 12 people -- and have a great group of 6 to start with. Contact Beth at

Be sure you are signed up for all the ways you can get updates about UUCG. We have

Lots going on and we want to make sure you get the word!

Interested in joining UUCG?

Or, do you have questions?


Rev. Jane Page

OR Carolyn Wallace,

Membership Team Leader

C: 478.279.2769

Elaine Deaver

Newsletter Editor/Part-time Administrator


Mari Perla - President

Beth Sutton - Treasurer

Sarabeth Sutton - Secretary

Corinne Bachman- Trustee

Dona Barth - Trustee

Sharon Ehle - Trustee

Visit our Website

We are located at 1710 Gloucester Street - Brunswick, Georgia


UUCG, P.O. Box 1056, Brunswick, GA 31521