February 2025

February 2

"Our Friends Just Up the Street"

Randy Blasch

What exactly is The Well and why do we support them? Staff and Guests of The Well will share with us.

February 9

"Where Everybody Knows Your Name"

Clint Tawes

For over a decade, Cheers welcomed us to a place ‘where everybody knows your name,’ capturing the warmth of community and belonging. Although our role as a religious community is certainly not the same as a fictional Boston bar, perhaps Cheers can teach us some lessons about hospitality and inclusion. This sermon invites us to reflect on how we can create spaces of radical hospitality where everyone feels valued, celebrated, and truly at home.

February 16

"The Passing of Love Notes: Double Meaning Intended"

Rev. Jane Page

 Rev. Jane will continue to use 60's and 70's songs as inspirational text - this time using the classic - 'What the World Needs Now'! Yes, the focus for this service is LOVE. Jane will share three letters written about love and provide observations and possibilities for us in this unusual time in our history. The service will be on Zoom for those who cannot attend in person. Come join us! Bring your children. We have wonderful RE classes.

February 23

"Bridging the Binary"

Beth Sutton

It's complicated - so let's not get trapped by binary thinking. A TED talk will expand on this topic.

The Joys and Concerns of Democracy

by Rev. Jane Page

"Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." From Churchill by Himself, 574

I’ve quoted Churchill and others in sermons I’ve done about Democracy (read this one), for indeed the results of the process sometimes make us wonder. Many of us were unhappy with the election results this past November. And yet, I still believe in Democracy. We just have to do a better job of helping to shift the culture in positive ways within the constraints of the will of the majority of the people in this last election. (We can’t even blame our electoral college for these results.) I think we’ve made some faulty assumptions along the way and must now consider the deep reasons behind so many people moving in this direction. We will do this and be better for doing so. 

Now, another place we may have “Joys and Concerns” related to our democratic processes is in our UU association, congregations, boards, and committees. We are Unitarian Universalists and have decided as UU’s that even though it is messy, we make decisions together. That means you will not always have your views reinforced by the decision and neither will I. We all will need to listen to one another. Often, we are all in agreement. But occasionally, we are not. Those are the times that the group decision (based on the will of the majority) needs to be honored and respected by all within the association, congregation, board, or committee.

In recent years, our association struggled as we revised Article 2. And after much listening and sharing, the vote was held and we adopted a revision to our bylaws. Fortunately, most of the folks who had problems with the bylaws accepted these changes and we are moving forward. Indeed, we are seeing renewed enthusiasm as our children and we learn about the shared values we lift up – with LOVE at the center. Our congregations are also continuing to make decisions together, with support from most, and with others frustrated that the view they supported was not adopted. Hopefully, we can continue to listen to and understand the concerns of all of us as we move forward. We just need to remember that we do our work together – and make decisions together – and share our love and understanding together.

We are entering a difficult period in our history in this nation. May we, as Unitarian Universalists, demonstrate that we can work with a democratic spirit to spread our light and love to everyone.

With LOVE at the center – Always!


Link for sermon referred to in article: https://statesborouu.wordpress.com/2012/10/17/in-democracy-we-trust-given-on-october-3-2004/

A letter from President

Sharon Ehle

Highlights from the January 5, 2025 Meeting

The Children’s RE Committee made a detailed presentation, mapping out their preliminary plans for the program, including the initial schedule. Board members were enthusiastic about Religious Education renewal at UUCG. There was in-depth discussion and review of our Child Protection Policies and Procedures - where we are to date, and where do we still have improve? Teacher and volunteer training was proposed to be accomplished by the end of January. (See RE news in this newsletter for more info).

The Board unanimously approved the appointment of Linda Ashford as Choir Director, and she discussed her plans for enhancing our music program – possibly including a new pianist. 

Also on the agenda: upcoming events for UUCG Calendar, example: MLK Parade, Dining for Dollars, etc.; new members needed for Committee on Ministry and Legacy Committee; ongoing work on Policies and Procedures; Financial Audit. 

The Board agreed to move meetings to the 3rd Sunday of the month (beginning in March) to facilitate a timely Treasurer’s Report. The next meeting will be held on February 2, 2025.  

Hosts for Clint

We are looking for people to host Clint Tawes on Saturday nights in February and March. He travels a very long distance to be with us so your help and hospitality would be appreciate. Contact Denise Anderson at uucgdenise@gmail.com

If you wish to become a member of UUCG...

please contact our membership team leader Carolyn Wallace at carolynswallace@yahoo.com.

Sunday School!

Help us build our Religious Education (RE) program for children at UUCG (include some photos)!

That laughter you hear on Sunday mornings is some amazing children at UUCG. We are off to a wonderful start with over 15 children and 2 classrooms. In January and February we are having Sunday School the 1st and 3rd Sundays -- and we will go to every Sunday in March and see how we do. Special thanks to Randy Blasch, our ministerial intern, for leading a team to get our program started. Carolyn Wallace has been taking the lead on our curriculum and gathering supplies to make our Sunday School fun and engaging. Beth Stevenson is organizing teaching assignments and details. Give a big welcome to Shaneka Brunson whom we have brought on to take the lead in our childcare classroom. The congregation has been pitching in to make this happen -- here are some ways you can help!

Teachers and Teacher Assistants -- We need people to volunteer to teach at least once a month or to be a teaching assistant at least once a quarter. To be as safe and supportive for our kids, we need two people in each classroom. Volunteers will need a background check, so let us know if you have time to help.

Transportation Coordinator -- Diane Jackson has been identifying and is transporting children to church, but we need some help. Some of our children need rides, so let us know if you can help by coordinating transportation or providing transportation on Sunday mornings.

Food Coordinator -- We want to make sure our children learn and are nourished in spirit and in body. Can you help by volunteering to organize or bring food? We would love to provide healthy snacks/breakfast for all the children. We are finalizing a coordinator, but I know they will be looking for additional volunteers. 

And more to come! Let us know what you might want to do or a talent you might want to share in support of our children. Contact Randy Blasch at randyblasch@gmail.com with questions or to volunteer.


There are 3 things that you can do that WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

  • Coffee for the Well
  • Underwear for the Well
  • Food and Paper Products (especially toilet tissue) for Sparrow’s Nest

Bring your items to church on Sundays. If you have questions feel free to contact Kim Merck at kimym31525@gmail.com

Please join us on Sunday, February 2, 9:00-10:00 AM

UUCG Bill Phillips Forum Room

Discussion leader: Greg Brock

Topic: Tariffs


What are tariffs, what are their history in the U.S. economy and why is the U.S. somewhat exceptional with regard to tariffs. If you know a specific tariff on a good/service, bring it to the workshop or just talk about shopping "duty free".

The Adult Forum is designed to encourage discussion by sharing our stories and wisdom so we may “learn more about being human.” 

We meet to reinforce the “warmth or community” that calls us to attend church.

Meetings are on the FIRST SUNDAY of the month from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.

Ruth Trudeau 

(214) 675-7331


Six women met after church on January 19 to form our 3rd Sisterhood group. We decided that we will usually meet after church, once a month. We will meet in either the Bill Phillips room or the Is Rapoport Room. We invite other interested women to join us on February 16 for our 2nd meeting. (After that meeting, we will need to choose another Sunday other than 3rd Sundays to meet because the board will be meeting on 3rd Sundays after church beginning in March.) Our meetings will begin after the service and coffee hour. We should end by 1:00 pm. If you need to bring some lunch to tide you over, please feel free to do so. This initial group enjoyed getting to know more about each other and having time for some discussion and fellowship. If you have questions about the group, please email Rev. Jane at revjanepage@gmail.com.

MLK Jr. Day Parade in Brunswick

President of our board, Sharon Ehle, marched with some of our young RE kids at the parade on January 20, 2025.

The Abbott Institute Unity in Diversity Luncheon

is scheduled on

Saturday, February 8, 2025, from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m.

at Rise Risley (In the Jackson Building)

1800 Albany Street, Brunswick, GA

RSVP is required via Eventbrite



Sapelo Island - The History Culture and Future of Nature's Gem

A panel discussion moderated by Josiah "Jazz" Watts, Sapelo Descendant and Activist

Sunday, February 16, 2025 from 9:00-10:00 a.m.

(The special Adult RE Zoom Room information is below.)


Join an intellectually challenging and fun conversation with a

group of ardent readers.

“The Sirens’ Call: How Attention Became the World’s Most Endangered Resource”

by Chris Hayes

How the assault from attention capitalism on our minds and our hearts has reordered our politics and the very fabric of our society. [Amazon]


912.266.6558 or drdorin@earthlink.net

This is the ZOOM ROOM set-up specifically for the ADULT RE BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP.

Join at:


Meeting ID: 831 9989 1898

Passcode: 950120 (Passcode must be used.)

CrossWord Puzzles

Looking for a crossword puzzle that is more interesting than the Brunswick News’? John Cowlishaw is creating many puzzles and posting them online at: https://tinyurl.com/47bxef38

Interested in joining UUCG?

Or, do you have questions?


Rev. Jane Page

OR Carolyn Wallace,

Membership Team Leader carolynswallace@yahoo.com

C: 478.279.2769

Elaine Deaver

Newsletter Editor/Part-time Administrator



President - Sharon Ehle

President Elect - Brian Merck

Treasurer - Beth Sutton

Secretary - Sarabeth Sutton

Trustee - Corinne Bachman

Trustee - Chris Soule

Visit our Website

We are located at 1710 Gloucester Street - Brunswick, Georgia


UUCG, P.O. Box 1056, Brunswick, GA 31521
