November 2024

November 3

"Dare we Hope"

Randy Blasch

How do we hold space for those things for which we have no control?

The UUCG Choir will sing "A Prayer for Healing" by Joseph Martin.

November 10

"Try to See it My Way"

Clint Tawes

In a time of deep division, it’s easy to dismiss or even demonize those whose beliefs and values differ drastically from our own. However, understanding the factors that shape another person’s perspective can help us build empathy and foster dialogue, even when we fundamentally disagree. In this sermon, we will explore the value of stepping into someone else’s shoes—not to change our own views, but to deepen our understanding of the world through the eyes of others. By doing so, we create space for more meaningful conversations and stronger connections.

November 17

"Post Election Reflection"

Rev. Jane Page

Rev. Jane will use the song "For What its Worth" to explore "What's Going On" in this Post Election Reflection.

November 24

"Revisiting Ten Years of Themes"

Beth Sutton

Come enjoy a TED talk on the power of curiosity and cultivating this practice with a brief discussion to follow.


If you would like to join us live via Zoom, go to this link on Sundays at 10:30:

I don’t know about you but I’ve been having fun looking back at songs from the 60’s with Rev. Jane. Why is it we always think the previous times, songs or stories were better than we have today?

By the time you actually read this article, we may very well know who the next President is or we may still be sitting on pins and needles waiting for election day and the results. Regardless of how the election turns out, things will not be the same. There is a possibility that we will have people in power who yearn for the “good old days” without fully understanding the consequences or embracing the wonderful things that have been brought on in our current times. Or maybe the power will be held by the other group that is looking forward to putting the past away in the archives, not understanding that for those that embrace the past, change is painful.  

There is so much anger and division between people, certainly more than I’ve seen in my lifetime, and that anger is allowing both sides of the conversation, (I use the term conversation loosely), to not be able to see from another perspective. Change is hard, change is good! Change is scary, change is exciting! Change is, well… change and it will be coming whether we like it or not. It’s what we do with that change that will set us apart as a denomination and as a people. We will need to be welcoming to those who are afraid of the future and those who are frightened of the past. We are built for this. It will be hard work, no doubt, but we are up for it.

After November 5th, we will have people mourning and people celebrating and when the tears are dry and the confetti has stopped falling, we need to be there with love at the center to work even harder to make our part of the world just a little bit better.

Sending you all love and light.


As a reminder, this Friday, November 1, is the end of our pledge campaign. The budget for next year is based on everyone's pledges for 2025. If you still plan to contribute but haven't yet, you can access our form online at this link: ONLINE PLEDGE FORM

Our thanks to all of you who have been so generous.

In faith and with hope for more beauty and love in our world,

Beth Stevenson and Blaise Dismer

Co-chairs, UUCG Generosity Pledge Team

NOTE: the Online form is also available on the UUCG website's HOME page:


To print a pledge form CLICK HERE

The annual congregational meeting is scheduled for Sunday, December 15 immediately following the service.

We need the attendance of at least 25 members to form a quorum.

The UUCG board meetings are normally held on the first Sunday after service in the Bill Phillips Room. All are welcome.


Friendly Reminder

UUCG Greeters share past copies of the UU World with visitors and new members. Please bring your copies to share and drop them into the plastic bin on the floor under the membership table.

If you wish to become a member of UUCG...

please contact our membership team leader Carolyn Wallace at

Please join us on Sunday, November 3, 9:00-10:00 AM

UUCG Bill Phillips Forum Room

Topic: The Tao of Willie

Discussion leader: Jim Finklea

Tao is the absolute principle underlying the universe. It is the code of behavior that is in harmony with the natural order. The interpretation of Tao in the Tao-te-Ching developed into the philosophical religion of Taoism.

“The Tao of Willie Nelson is the basis of my discussion,” Jim Finklea says. 

“I have questions – and I want to hear your answers!

East? West? Is there a difference? Beans in the chili or served on the side?

Let’s have some fun and share some common sense philosophy.”

The Adult Forum is designed to encourage discussion by sharing our stories and wisdom so we may “learn more about being human.” 

We meet to reinforce the “warmth or community” that calls us to attend church.

Meetings are on the FIRST SUNDAY of the month from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.

Ruth Trudeau 

(214) 675-7331

Sunday, November 17, 2024 from 9:00-10:15 a.m.

(The special Adult RE Zoom Room information is below.)


Join an intellectually challenging and fun conversation with a

group of ardent readers.

James: A Novel, by Percival Everett

From “AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • SHORTLISTED FOR THE NATIONAL BOOK AWARD AND THE BOOKER PRIZE • KIRKUS PRIZE WINNER • A brilliant, action-packed reimagining of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, both harrowing and darkly humorous, told from the enslaved Jim's point of view. In development as a feature film to be produced by Steven Spielberg • A Best Book of the Year, of the Year so Far for 2024: The New York Times Book Review, Esquire, W Magazine, Bustle, LitHub.”


912.266.6558 or

This is the ZOOM ROOM set-up specifically for the ADULT RE BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP.

Join at:

Meeting ID: 831 9989 1898

Passcode: 950120 (Passcode must be used.)

CrossWord Puzzles

Looking for a crossword puzzle that is more interesting than the Brunswick News’? John Cowlishaw is creating many puzzles and posting them online at:

Creating the Beloved Community at UUCG -- Get Involved!

Zoomer for our Tech Team -- We need a volunteer (or two!) who will take a turn being in charge of Zooming the service from the sanctuary. Simple task and Kim Merck will train and support you -- and this is part of simplifying our technology while we keep our services accessible for all. Contact Kim at

Child Caring Volunteers -- When families with children come we want to be ready! Volunteer to be on call to take children out during the service. We are looking for about 12 people -- and have a great group of 6 to start with. Contact Beth at

Be sure you are signed up for all the ways you can get updates about UUCG. We have

Lots going on and we want to make sure you get the word!

Interested in joining UUCG?

Or, do you have questions?


Rev. Jane Page

OR Carolyn Wallace,

Membership Team Leader

C: 478.279.2769

Elaine Deaver

Newsletter Editor/Part-time Administrator


Mari Perla - President

Beth Sutton - Treasurer

Sarabeth Sutton - Secretary

Corinne Bachman- Trustee

Dona Barth - Trustee

Sharon Ehle - Trustee

Visit our Website

We are located at 1710 Gloucester Street - Brunswick, Georgia


UUCG, P.O. Box 1056, Brunswick, GA 31521