Embracing a free and responsible search for truth and meaning while demonstrating our strong belief in the interdependent web of all existence.


September 1

"Celebrating 10 Years with Rev. Jane"

Rev. Jane Page

Join us as we celebrate 10 years of ministry by Rev. Jane. She will share how she has attempted to "Answer the Call" to minister throughout her life. And, YES, there will be cake!

September 8

"This Little Light of Mine"

Clint Tawes

As Unitarian Universalists, our faith is one of deeds, not creeds. In this sermon, we will reflect on how Unitarian Universalists share our values not by proselytizing, but by embodying them in our daily lives. We’ll consider what it means to let our light shine, offering our truth to the world without imposing it on others.

September 15

"Money Makes the World Go Around"

Randy Blasch

Once again it is time for our stewardship kick off. Is it about the community and people, or is it just really all about the money?

ALSO: Members are asked to stay for a very brief meeting regarding a change to the bylaws.

MEMBERS' MEETING The UUCG Board of Directors requests the presence of UUCG members for a special business meeting scheduled for Sunday, September 15, 2024 immediately following the service. Twenty-one (21) members will constitute a quorum for the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to propose a change to Article VII in the UUCG bylaws.


September 22

"Revisiting Ten Years of Themes"

Beth Sutton

Cultivating Mindfulness 2024

September 29

"UUCG Social Justice Recognition"

Denise Anderson and Sharon Ehle

Members will share their passions regarding local and national social justice issues. Additional details will be provided in upcoming weekly UUCG emails. 


If you would like to join us live via Zoom, go to this link on Sundays at 10:30: uuma.zoom.us/j/479-325-3254

In a sermon that I provided to both congregations in August I shared how, like Jacob, I had spent many nights "wrestling with God." Then, I acknowledged that I preferred "Dancing with God" and shared a poem I wrote about that and other activities with the Divine. Some folks have asked that I share that poem, so here it is!

Dancing (and More) with God!

Jane Page

We have waltzed and done the foxtrot too,

But more often it was the twist or the boogaloo.


And I’ve walked with God and talked with God,

I’ve yelled at God and raised hell with God.

I’ve raved at God and been saved by God.

I’ve shoved God and loved God.


My God has been multiplied and unified

My God has revolved and evolved time after time.

Especially after a glass of red wine.


Through laughter and tears of these 73 years,

I’ve changed God’s demeanor from angry to kind,

And at times I believe that I’ve changed God’s mind.

Yes, I’ve changed God’s face and changed God’s place.

And I made HIM surrender when I changed God’s gender.


I’ve hated and rejected God.

Then translated and reflected God.


My God’s now Pure LOVE empowering us all

And I’m blessed to attempt to answer Love’s call!


Yes, my God has changed and I have too

And that can continue, thanks to UU!



NOTES from the BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING on August 4, 2024.

Important Special Business Meeting called for Sunday, September 15, 2024.


The Board of Trustees requests the presence of UUCG members at a special business meeting on September 15 immediately following the service. The quorum for the meeting would be 21 members, and the meeting will be held in the sanctuary as well as on Zoom.

The subject of the meeting is a proposed change to Article VII in the UUCG bylaws.

Existing Article VII



The governing authority of the Congregation shall be an elected Board of Trustees (the Board), which shall consist of four officers – President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer – plus three additional Trustees. The minister and immediate past President shall serve as ex-officio members of the Board.

Proposed Change to Article VII



The governing authority of the Congregation shall be an elected Board of Trustees (the Board), which shall consist of four officers – President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer – plus at least one additional Trustee and up to three. The minister and immediate past President shall serve as ex-officio members of the Board.

The UUCG board meetings are normally held on the first Sunday after service in the Bill Phillips Room. All are welcome.


Quote from the Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt, UUA President in her August 2024 Ingathering message: 

"At this time of ingathering and beginning again, this time of renewal, our call is not to do more things. It is instead to be together to make a commitment to our communities. The simple act of joining together in community is a significant expression of faithfulness in such divided times, and it lies at the heart of how we practice our Unitarian Universalism.”


Inspired by Rev. Dr. Betancourt’s message, the Unitarian Universalists of Coastal Georgia will participate in the UU Climate Justice Revival September 28-29. More information will follow after Board of Trustees members attend training.

Friendly Reminder

UUCG Greeters share past copies of the UU World with visitors and new members. Please bring your copies to share and drop them into the plastic bin on the floor under the membership table.

If you wish to become a member of UUCG...

please contact our membership team leader Carolyn Wallace at carolynswallace@yahoo.com.

Please join us Sunday, September 1 from 9:00-10:15 a.m. in the BILL PHILLIPS ROOM

Discussion Leader: Brian Merck

Come join us for a lively discussion.

The Adult Forum is designed to encourage discussion by sharing our stories and wisdom so we may “learn more about being human.” 

We meet to reinforce the “warmth or community” that calls us to attend church.

Meetings are on the FIRST SUNDAY of the month from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.

Ruth Trudeau 

(214) 675-7331

Coffee Donations for The Well

Coffee (regular, ground), sugar, (bulk - NO packets), and powdered creamer donations are collected and delivered to The Well. Bring the donations to the church and put in the cabinet in the kitchen marked “Coffee for the Well.”

Questions: ask Dona Barth or send email to dona.barth@gmail.com

The Well is a hospitality center for people who are currently homeless, providing resources such as a shower, laundry room, phone, internet access, and address for correspondence.
By providing this venue, FaithWorks helps those who are currently homeless with opportunities to reconnect with family members, access important services to help them leave the streets, and recover from sickness and disease. Our guests often regain employment and restore hope in their lives.
The Well is open to guests experiencing homelessness Monday through Friday from 7AM-5PM. There is a structured check-in process and help from staff and various resources.

For needed items, please click on the link to the list: SPARROW'S NEST FOOD LIST

VALUABLE RESOURCES: Click on the image to view (or print) a copy of these directories.

Currently, we are looking for a Social Justice Team Leader. Until that position is filled feel free to contact Mari Perla if you have questions or have a suggestion for UUCG's social justice work.

Mari: mariperla@aol.com

(408) 421-7781

September 14th Program: Unsung Black Women Heroes of Coastal Georgia

We will have a panel discussion on Anna Alexander, Episcopal patron saint of Georgia, presented by expert Dwala Nobles, EdS and Susie King Taylor, pioneering Civil War nurse and teacher, presented by Hermina Glass-Hill, MHP, Director of The Susie King Taylor Women’s Institute and Ecology Center. Both Alexander and Taylor were hugely influential pioneers in Coastal Georgia. Panel moderated by Bert Roughton, former managing editor of the Atlanta Journal Constitution and author.

  • Anna Alexander was born to formerly enslaved parents at Darien’s Butler plantation and became the first and only deaconess of the Episcopal Church of Georgia.
  • Susie King Taylor was born enslaved in Liberty County and became the first Black nurse during the Civil War, tending to Union troops on St. Simons Island, and later an educator.

Saturday, September 14 from 12:00noon - 1:30 p.m.

Location: 1800 Mexican Restaurant, 5296 New Jesup Hwy, Brunswick, GA 31523 In the private dining room




VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Cultural Day Festival

We’re calling on churches, school groups, organizations, and individuals to volunteer at the 2024 Cultural Day festival on October 19th! With over 1,000 attendees expected, we need your support to make this celebration of Sapelo Island’s rich traditions a success. Help us ensure a smooth and enjoyable event by volunteering in areas like event setup, transportation, hospitality, or entertainment support. More information here.

If interested please contact us.


(912) 485-2197

#SapeloIslandGA #SICARS #CulturalDay2024 #CoastalGeorgia #GullahGeechee #SaltwaterGeechee

#VolunteersNeeded McIntoshCountyGA</pre

Before you know it Dining 4 Dollars will be looking for your bids but before then, we need some exciting and creative events.

These come from you.

Don’t miss out.

If you have an idea, tell us about it.

Click here for our simple form


Contact the concierge team HERE.

Sunday, September 15, 2024 from 9:00-10:15 a.m.

(The special Adult RE Zoom Room information is below.)


Join an intellectually challenging and fun conversation with a

group of ardent readers.

Antidemocratic: Inside the Far Right's 50-Year Plot to Control American Elections by David Daley

“Chilling and convincing, Antidemocratic is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand American politics in 2024.” —Heather Cox Richardson, author of Democracy Awakening


912.266.6558 or drdorin@earthlink.net

This is the ZOOM ROOM set-up specifically for the ADULT RE BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP.

Join at:


Meeting ID: 831 9989 1898

Passcode: 950120 (Passcode must be used.)

CrossWord Puzzles

Looking for a crossword puzzle that is more interesting than the Brunswick News’? John Cowlishaw is creating many puzzles and posting them online at: https://tinyurl.com/47bxef38

Creating the Beloved Community at UUCG -- Get Involved!

Zoomer for our Tech Team -- We need a volunteer (or two!) who will take a turn being in charge of Zooming the service from the sanctuary. Simple task and Kim Merck will train and support you -- and this is part of simplifying our technology while we keep our services accessible for all. Contact Kim at Kimym31525@gmail.com.

Child Caring Volunteers -- When families with children come we want to be ready! Volunteer to be on call to take children out during the service. We are looking for about 12 people -- and have a great group of 6 to start with. Contact Beth at echstevenson@gmail.com.

Be sure you are signed up for all the ways you can get updates about UUCG. We have

Lots going on and we want to make sure you get the word!

Interested in joining UUCG?

Or, do you have questions?


Rev. Jane Page

OR Carolyn Wallace,

Membership Team Leader carolynswallace@yahoo.com

C: 478.279.2769

Elaine Deaver

Newsletter Editor/Part-time Administrator



Mari Perla - President

Beth Sutton - Treasurer

Sarabeth Sutton - Secretary

Corinne Bachman- Trustee

Dona Barth - Trustee

Sharon Ehle - Trustee

Visit our Website

We are located at 1710 Gloucester Street - Brunswick, Georgia


UUCG, P.O. Box 1056, Brunswick, GA 31521
