WEEKLY UPDATE | November 27, 2024

UUCGL Masthead







December 1, 2024 | 10am


Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein, Worship Leader

Let’s join for a gentle, meditative worship service on this first Sunday of Advent, which comes from the Latin adventus, arrival, coming, approach. How, when and why we might cultivate spiritual practices for patience, waiting and silence.


Order of Service
Offertory Online
Joys & Sorrows
 Facebook Live  

Worship with us in the Sanctuary or on Facebook Live!

Join our livestream of the service by clicking the button at left

Sunday Sign Up 

Each Sunday we rely on volunteer Greeters, Ushers, and Worship Associates to help the service run smoothly, as well as folks to run the Fellowship Hour. Use the button at left to sign up for any future Sunday... and THANK YOU!

A Message from Rev. Vicki

In the Spirit

It is so powerful when visiting our members who have memory loss to see their faces light with recognition and joy when I tell them that the congregation sends its love. I made such a visit yesterday and sang with Anne to a recording of β€œSpirit of Life” sung by the All Souls Choir that I played over my phone. As I drove away through the (much-needed!) rain, I reflected on the fact that the connections we make through all of the practices of community can make deep impressions that endure through many of life’s changes and challenges. It is truly a blessing.

I hope that you all have a restful day tomorrow, a day of gratitude and perhaps some feasting. If memory serves from my own family history, football gets involved in there at some point. We always had coleslaw as a Thanksgiving side because my dad loved to have turkey sandwiches with coleslaw on dark rye bread and mayo while he cheered on his teams. Whatever your traditions, I hope they bring you joy.

In faith, hope and love, 

Rev. Vicki 

A Message from Rev. Chris

I am finding my practice of gratitude especially important to me this Thanksgiving. It is an anchor directly into the Source of All Life. In that spirit, I am grateful to be a part of this church community, and I am grateful to those of you who were able to step up to organize and lead the very successful potluck and game night last Saturday night, and a very successful pageant rehearsal last Sunday morning, when I was out sick!

This coming Sunday, children and youth will begin separately in the Skylight Room to work on our pageant, followed by a dress rehearsal in the Sanctuary, after church, from 11:15–12:15 pm. We will also work on the pageant on Sunday morning 12/8, and have a final, full dress rehearsal after church. READ MORE

🎁 The Season of Giving 🎁

Here are some ways you can give to the larger community this season...

UUCGL Mitten Tree

Join in this UUCGL tradition! Each year we bring in gifts of new mittens, gloves, hats, or scarves to adorn our Christmas Tree in the Sanctuary during the offertory portion of the service one Sunday in December. These items will go to the children and adults served by Lynn Community Health Center Pediatrics Services who are in need of some warmth this winter. These gifts of warmth are greatly appreciated! More info to come.

My Brother's Table Holiday Gift Card Collection

My Brother's Table collects gift cards to give to our guests for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Your support in sponsoring a guest with a $20 gift card will help make the holidays a little brighter for our neighbors. The Table is accepting gift cards now through December 20th. You may purchase gift cards and drop them off, or simply give them online. For more information visit mybrotherstable.org/giftcard

SPUR Holiday Cheer Drive

Our friends at SPUR provide winter essentials and meaningful holiday gifts to over 600 local children, as well as adults experiencing homelessness in Beverly, Lynn, Marblehead, Salem, and Swampscott. You can help by sponsoring a wish list! For more information and to participate visit www.spurholidaycheer.com.

If you have any questions about the items requested, please contact Rev. Vicki who has been briefed by Kim Nothnagel, SPUR's Director of Communications and Community Relations. Kim assures us that "if you're doing this with love, empathy, and generosity, that's the most important thing."

St. Stephen's Holiday Drive

Our friends at St. Stephen's Church in Lynn have asked us to support a holiday drive for Market Basket Gift Cards. Market Basket is preferred by members of the community, and we hope that you will pick some up in the next weeks to help our neighbors this season.

ECCO House Party

Saturday, December 7th | 4–6 pm

Community Minority Cultural Center, 298 Union St., Lynn

Join UUCGL members Scott Nowka, Martha Curry, and others for a cup of chili or soup and learn about the good work our partner ECCO (Essex County Community Organization) does, connect with this dynamic community, and get the opportunity to make an impact.

ECCO has had many successes throughout Essex County on housing and helped get the new state housing law passed. They are regrouping now and are considering statewide initiations. Come learn about ECCO and the impact it has made, and will make, towards a just and equitable world!

RSVP to the Lynn/Swampscott party here: bit.ly/eccoparty2024

Featured UUCGL Programming & Events

To see more dates and gatherings, check out our website Calendar Page


Youth Christmas Pageant

December 15 | 10am | Sanctuary

Mark your calendars for our live adaptation of A Christmas Carol during the worship service. Would you like to be involved? There are many roles and ways to help out behind the scenes for adults. If you're interested, contact Rev. Chris.


Recurring Group Meetings and Programs

Use the links below or contact the church for more information. All are welcome!

Room Map

Website Calendar Page

Adult Programs Page



Thursday Evenings

7:45pm, at UUCGL (Sanctuary)


Church History Ministry Team

2nd Sunday of the month

11:30am (Fellowship Room)


Dialogue Group

Click here for meeting link!

2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month

5-6pm (on Zoom)


Drumagic Drum Circle

2nd Sunday of the month

1:30-3:30pm (Sanctuary)


Mindfulness Morning Meditations

Mornings, every day

7:30-7:50am (on Zoom)


Plant-Based Cooking Group

Join Group HERE!

Select Thursdays, 2x per month

5-7pm (Kitchen & Parish Hall)


Qigong Classes

Tuesday Mornings

10-11am (Parish Hall)


Saturday Craft Circle

1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month

10am-2pm, at UUCGL (Skylight Room)


Sunday Evening Meditations

Most 1st & 3rd Sundays

5:15-6pm (Sanctuary)


Tai Chi Classes (Beginner)

Tuesday Mornings

9-10am (Parish Hall)


Tai Chi Classes (Intermediate)

Tuesday Mornings

11-12pm (Parish Hall)


Tai Chi Classes (Advanced)


3:30-5:30pm (Parish Hall)


Wisdom Circle

2nd Tuesday of the month

12-1:30pm (Skylight Room)


Youth Group

Select 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month


Are you following UUCGL on Facebook? Check out our Facebook page and hit the "follow" button to see what’s going on at UUCGL and around our area!

UUCGL Resources

Items for the Weekly Update

Send your info to Mary Kiene-Gualtieri (mkgualtieri@uucgl.org).

Stay Connected with UUCGL

Visit our Staff Directory HERE to contact any of us. We're here for you!

ο»ΏUUCGL Board of Trustees 2024-2025

Follow this link to meet the board.

Our Website

Looking for information or seeking support from the church and don't know where to start? Head over to the Members Page of our website. Here you can find connections to almost everything going on at UUCGL. Check it out!

Name Buttons

If you are new to the congregation and would like a name badge, or if you need yours replaced, simply email Misha at mishalina5@gmail.com and she would be happy to make one for you!

Member Portal

Members of UUCGL may contact the office or any member of the staff to obtain the password to our member portal, as we change it periodically.

Financial Matters

Pledge Payments and Donations

HERE are three easy ways to make a donation to the church. Please indicate whether your payment is toward your pledge or for another purpose. Thank you for your support!

Visit Us

Sunday Schedule

ο»ΏWorship & Children's Ministry: 10am

Fellowship Hour: 11am

101 Forest Avenue, Swampscott

(781) 595-8836

Visit our website, follow us on Facebook, or view sermons on YouTube!

We are a Welcoming Congregation. πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

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