WEEKLY UPDATE | January 8, 2025

UUCGL Masthead






January 12, 2025 | 10am

Marion Austin

Legacy of Service and Love

The Church History Ministry Team

Jack Butterworth, Dean McKennon, Kelly and Tracy Slater will inspire us with stories from our present and our past. We are very excited to unveil more of Marion Austin’s rugs in the Fellowship Room (two are currently on display on the chancel in the sanctuary) and to share more about her life and art. 

Order of Service
Offertory Online
Joys & Sorrows
 Facebook Live  

Worship with us in the Sanctuary or on Facebook Live!

Join our livestream of the service by clicking the button at left

Unfortunately, we did not have a volunteer to operate our livestream last Sunday and were not able to broadcast on Facebook. However, the audio of Rev. Vicki's sermon can be found on our YouTube channel HERE.

Sunday Sign Up 

Each Sunday we rely on volunteer Greeters, Ushers, and Worship Associates to help the service run smoothly, as well as folks to run the Fellowship Hour. Use the button at left to sign up for any future Sunday... and THANK YOU!

A Message from Rev. Vicki

In the Spirit

It’s so cold, it’s hard to want to venture out at all but I hope you will this Sunday. There are two groups of people who have been working very hard, and I with them, to plan and create worship and conversations that we really hope will better inform and inspire all of us to be empowered and educated about our church.

Maybe you’re thinking, “I’m already really committed. I’m involved. I’m a leader.” Great! Please come and share your wisdom and experience, share your passion, get caught up on what is on the leadership agenda in 2025. 

Maybe you’re thinking, “I like going to church and getting a dose of depth and beauty to support my life.” Also great! But did you know that without lay leadership and commitment, our congregation would cease to exist as a church?  READ MORE

A Message from Rev. Chris

We have a nice-sized group planning to attend our first Potluck & Game Night of 2025 this Saturday evening. If you’re considering but haven’t decided, I encourage you to join us and bring a friend, if you’d like, as well! You may RSVP here to help coordinate, but you are also welcome to just come as you are, with or without food or games – we’ll have plenty of both. The weather looks like it will cooperate and it is a good time to be together in community.

This Sunday morning, children and youth will start in the Skylight Room right at 10am to continue with their midwinter curriculum series. We are working towards a short performance for the congregation on February 9th of “The Tortoise and the Hare”, by Aesop (620–564 BCE)! We’ll explore the story and playfully continue working towards our own adaptation this Sunday, utilizing some wonderful theater improvisation activities led by our very own Regina Millis. There are plenty of roles for all interested children and youth. Parents, please let me know if your child would like to participate in the production but cannot make it this Sunday.

Abundant Blessings,

Rev. Chris


A Warm And Caffeinated Welcome

As we welcome more and more visitors and seekers of progressive spiritual community, will you consider hosting a coffee hour? Our sexton, Mike makes the coffee, so hosts are on hand to be a friendly presence and to coordinate snacks (we have supplies in the kitchen and you are welcome to use those and/or supplement them). The church is happy to reimburse food costs. Sign up HERE.  

OWL Classes


Coming this spring:

Our Whole Lives (OWL) Values-based Sexuality Education for Grades K-1 and 4-5

Honest, accurate information about bodies, boundaries, and sexuality changes lives. It dismantles the stereotypes so commonplace in today’s society, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, and fosters healthy relationships.

Grades K-1 and 4-5 class series are open to the public this spring and we invite you to learn more on our website, reach out to Rev. Chris with questions, or just register at https://tinyurl.com/owlclasses! Spread the word using our flyer here.


Volunteers Needed

Sunday Morning Videographers Needed!

We have two folks stepping into Jason Gatlin’s place as Sunday Livestreamers, and would love to have one or two more to round out the team. Please let Rev. Vicki or Rev. Chris know if you can sign on to help! 

Miehle Vacuum Cleaner Needed

The History Ministry Team is hoping to secure a short-term loan of a Miehle vacuum cleaner to help with the maintenance of the hand-hooked rugs created for the church by Marion Austin. Anyone willing to loan their vacuum should contact Kelly Slater at 781-231-6864.

Featured UUCGL Programming & Events

To see more dates and gatherings, check out our website Calendar Page

Social Justice Ministry Team Meeting

January 8th | 7-8:30pm | ZOOM

All are welcome to join the upcoming meeting of the UUCGL Social Justice Ministry Team (SJMT) to learn about and help formulate plans for future activities and events. Visit our website for the ZOOM info.

If you are passionate about social justice we invite you to join us tonight!


Potluck and Game Night

Saturday, January 11 | 5-8pm | Parish Hall

All ages are welcome to gather for a potluck & game night at church! Come for the games, the food, or both! Either way, it is a wonderful way to connect. RSVP to help us coordinate, but you may also just come as you are, with or without food or games. We will have plenty of both. All ages are invited — bring friends!


Connecting Conversations:

Dollars and Sense

Sunday, January 12 | 11:30am | Skylight Room

Tom Billings, Evan Katz, and Rev. Vicki invite you to a conversation following the service about how the church works, trends in membership numbers, and why leadership recruitment is urgent in 2025 (fun fact: our Board of Trustees has gotten smaller and only two members are not concluding their terms in June of 2025). 

Annual Ferry Beach All-Church All-Ages Retreat Weekend

April 25-27 | Ferry Beach, Saco, ME

Save the date to join us at Ferry Beach where you will spend a cozy, relaxing weekend with community enjoying casual conversation, fun activities, healthy & delicious food, and good coffee. There's something for everyone at Ferry Beach, including a sand volleyball court, two playgrounds, a fire pit, an outdoor chapel, and of course, the beach!

Recurring Group Meetings and Programs

Use the links below or contact the church for more information. All are welcome!

Room Map

Website Calendar Page

Adult Programs Page


Thursday Evenings

7:45pm, at UUCGL (Sanctuary)

Church History Ministry Team

*No official meeting in January

2nd Sunday of the month*

11:30am (Fellowship Room)

Dialogue Group

Click here for meeting link!

2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month

5-6pm (on Zoom)

Drumagic Drum Circle

*Additional session on 1/26!

2nd Sunday of the month*

1:30-3:30pm (Sanctuary)

Plant-Based Cooking Group

Join Group HERE!

Select Thursdays, 2x per month

5-7pm (Kitchen & Parish Hall)

Qigong Classes

*On hiatus until late January

Tuesday Mornings

10-11am (Parish Hall)

Saturday Craft Circle

1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month

10am-2pm, at UUCGL (Skylight Room)

Sunday Evening Meditations

Most 1st & 3rd Sundays

5:15-6pm (Sanctuary)

Tai Chi Classes (Beginner)

*On hiatus until late January

Tuesday Mornings*

9-10am (Parish Hall)

Tai Chi Classes (Intermediate)

*On hiatus until late January

Tuesday Mornings*

11-12pm (Parish Hall)

Tai Chi Classes (Advanced)

*On hiatus until late January


3:30-5:30pm (Parish Hall)

Wisdom Circle

2nd Tuesday of the month


Youth Group

Select 1st and/or 3rd Sundays

Are you following UUCGL on Facebook? Check out our Facebook page and hit the "follow" button to see what’s going on at UUCGL and around our area!

UUCGL Resources

Items for the Weekly Update

Send your info to Mary Kiene-Gualtieri (mkgualtieri@uucgl.org).

Stay Connected with UUCGL

Visit our Staff Directory HERE to contact any of us. We're here for you!

UUCGL Board of Trustees 2024-2025

Follow this link to meet the board.

Our Website

Looking for information or seeking support from the church and don't know where to start? Head over to the Members Page of our website. Here you can find connections to almost everything going on at UUCGL. Check it out!

Name Buttons

If you are new to the congregation and would like a name badge, or if you need yours replaced, simply email Misha at mishalina5@gmail.com and she would be happy to make one for you!

Member Portal

Members of UUCGL may contact the office or any member of the staff to obtain the password to our member portal, as we change it periodically.

Financial Matters

Pledge Payments and Donations

HERE are three easy ways to make a donation to the church. Please indicate whether your payment is toward your pledge or for another purpose. Thank you for your support!

Visit Us

Sunday Schedule

Worship & Children's Ministry: 10am

Fellowship Hour: 11am

101 Forest Avenue, Swampscott

(781) 595-8836

Visit our website, follow us on Facebook, or view sermons on YouTube!

We are a Welcoming Congregation. 🏳️‍🌈

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