WEEKLY UPDATE | January 29, 2025

UUCGL Masthead







February 2, 2025 | 10am

"The Bizarre Intimacy of Hatred"

Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein, Worship Leader

It’s not news to any of us that human beings have always had the capacity for hatred. From that childhood bully to that terrible old boss, to the Hatfields and McCoys, hate is a reality. Today we will look at what a strange and sick bond it is, and how to interrupt and break that bond. 

Order of Service
Offertory Online
Joys & Sorrows
 Facebook Live  

Worship with us in the Sanctuary or on Facebook Live!

Join our livestream of the service by clicking the button at left

Sunday Sign Up 

Each Sunday we rely on volunteer Greeters, Ushers, and Worship Associates to help the service run smoothly, as well as folks to run the Fellowship Hour. Use the button at left to sign up for any future Sunday... and THANK YOU!


A Warm and Caffeinated Welcome

As we welcome more and more visitors and seekers of progressive spiritual community, will you consider hosting a coffee hour? Our sexton, Mike makes the coffee, so hosts are mainly on hand to be a friendly presence and to coordinate snacks (we have supplies in the kitchen and you are welcome to use those and/or supplement them). The church is happy to reimburse food costs. Sign up HERE.  

A Message from Rev. Vicki

In the Spirit

I find myself missing my mother a lot these days, as Shirley was exceptionally good at not sentimentalizing reality, and telling me when to hang up the phone and go take a nap, have a meal, or take a walk. Sometimes when I thought we were having a regular chat she would eventually interrupt me and say something like, β€œYou sound very anxious, are you seeing your therapist soon?” She did not approach such subjects walking on eggshells: she was abrupt, clear and unafraid of what she might hear in response. When I was overwhelmed, Shirley would listen and pay real attention and inevitably ask, β€œWhat is it you need to do TODAY?” Or even, β€œWhat is it you need to do THIS AFTERNOON?” As someone in recovery from multiple addictions, she believed in the adage, β€œone day at a time” and counseled her children to break our own stressful times into manageable bites. 

I take from her the practice of breaking time in to manageable bites, and not sugar-coating or β€œwhite-lighting” reality.

ICE raids, a request to the Supreme Court to overturn gay marriage, mandates against gender-affirming healthcare for minors, abolishing of diversity initiatives, banned books, persecution of women seeking to terminate pregnancies, the news of interference with civil rights and private decisions is coming at us every day... READ MORE

A Message from Rev. Chris


For those following along with concern regarding the directives of the current administration, I encourage you to join us for a third discussion On Tyranny this coming Tuesday at noon, on Zoom. It felt important to those who have been attending to continue the conversation, with an emphasis on processing the ongoing situation together and moving towards sharing opportunities for action. Please register here to receive the Zoom link. New participants are welcome.

This Sunday, children and youth will begin separately in the Skylight Room for our final preparations of β€œThe Tortoise and the Hare”, by Aesop (620–564 BCE), and then move to the Sanctuary after worship for a dress rehearsal! The Youth Group will meet for an evening outing at 5pm. As always, please reach out if you have any questions or for more information!

Hope to see you Sunday,

Rev. Chris

Parking Agreement with Town

The Board of Trustees is pleased to announce it has reached an agreement with the Swampscott Public Schools and the Town of Swampscott to allow school staff parking in the lower UUCGL parking lot. 

The plan provides much-needed parking for the school and provides for UUCGL the resolution of liability concerns connected with the traffic and pedestrian easement. The town will also expand its snow removal on UUCGL easement property to include the school parking area for all winter weather events. Parking will begin once all required documents are in place.

As part of the agreement, with UUCGL approval, school parking is permitted on weeknights and weekends. UUCGL also retains the right to use the parking area on school days, with notice, for events such as funerals.

The agreement runs through June 30, 2028 and may be renewed for three-year terms. UUCGL retains the ability to terminate the agreement at any time with notice.

The Board of Trustees thanks the Swampscott Public Schools and the Town of Swampscott for their hard work to resolve important remaining concerns connected with the traffic and pedestrian easements through church property. We are looking forward to working cooperatively with the schools and town as good neighbors.

Elementary school parking started today, January 29th. 

New Group

Dungeons & Dragons Role-playing Group!

A new Dungeons & Dragons role-playing group has formed at UUCGL, and we're welcoming all interested 6th graders and up! Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or a beginner, come join us for a fun, collaborative, and creative experience. We meet once or twice a month on Sundays from 12:30-2:30pm. Parents are welcome to join too! If you're interested or want more info, reach out to Rev. Chris.

Our UUCGL Vegetable Garden

Feedback Please! We are at a bit of a crossroads with our vegetable garden and would appreciate some input from the congregation regarding how to proceed. The vegetable gardens were started to give church members a place to grab some fresh produce to use at home or to donate to community food pantries. Interest in doing this seems to have waned (or vanished!). Also getting folks to help with maintaining and watering has been difficult. Currently, the wooden borders need to be replaced. This isn’t really a big (or expensive) job, but we are wondering if it is worth it? What do you think? Keep the gardens going or dismantle them? Have we not been planting the sorts of things (tomatoes, garlic, herbs) that folks like? What would you like to have grown?

Please let us know what you think by selecting one of the following:
Keep it β€” I like and/or used the garden
Keep it β€” I didn't know I could help myself, but I will now
Keep it β€” I don't use it but I think it's a good idea
Dismantle it β€” I don't think it's worth the effort
I'm indifferent or didn't know we had a garden

If there is enough interest in continuing the vegetable garden, we’ll get your thoughts on what to plant. We really appreciate your feedback.

OWL Classes


Coming this spring:

Our Whole Lives (OWL) Values-based Sexuality Education for Grades K-1 and 4-5

Honest, accurate information about bodies, boundaries, and sexuality changes lives. It dismantles the stereotypes so commonplace in today’s society, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, and fosters healthy relationships.

Grades K-1 and 4-5 class series are open to the public this spring and we invite you to learn more on our website, reach out to Rev. Chris with questions, or just register at https://tinyurl.com/owlclasses! Spread the word using our flyer here.


Volunteers Needed

Sunday Morning Videographers Needed!

We're looking for one or two more volunteers to run our livestream camera during Sunday Services of your choosing. No experience necessary! Please let Rev. Vicki or Rev. Chris know if you can help.

Featured UUCGL Programming & Events

To see more dates and gatherings, check out our website Calendar Page


Tai Chi and Qigong

Tuesdays | 9am and 10am | Parish Hall

For those who want to join the Beginner Class or try Qigong, now is the time! Support your health and well-being by trying a class for free with no obligation. No experience is necessary.

Tuesdays, 9am-10am: Beginner Tai Chi Classes with Robert Chavez

Tuesdays, 10am-11am: Qigong with Rosie Segil



On Tyranny: Continuing The Conversation

Tuesday, Febraury 4 | 12-1pm | on Zoom

ο»ΏThe incoming administration is threatening our democracy and our local community. Timothy Snyder’s book, On Tyranny, offers a series of short and effective lessons that can be applied to our situation today. We would like to continue the conversation, with an emphasis on processing the situation and sharing opportunities for action. New participants are welcome.  

Please register below if you would like to participate and you will receive the Zoom link in an email within an hour of registering (if you have participated before, it will be the same link). Maximum enrollment: 30. Minimum enrollment: 4.

While it is not necessary to have read the book to participate in these Zoom conversations, everyone is encouraged to do so. UUCGL has copies in our lending library in the Fellowship Room, on the bookshelf to the right, along with a library signout sheet for you to fill out when you take a copy.


Potluck and Game Night

ο»ΏSaturday, February 15 | 5-8pm | Parish Hall

ο»ΏJoin us for a potluck & game night! Come for the games, the food, or both! Either way, it is a wonderful way to connect. Please RSVP so we can contact you in case of weather postponement. And feel free to specify what you will be bringing if you'd like, just to make it easier to coordinate with one another. But you do not have to commit to bringing games or food if you just want to come as you are. All ages are invited β€” bring friends!


Sound Healing at UUCGL

Sunday, February 23 | 2:30-4pm | Sanctuary

ο»ΏSound Healing, also known as Vibrational Healing, is a form of non-invasive alternative healing similar to yoga and acupuncture. Endorsed by such disparate figures as the Buddha, Einstein, and Medical Oncologist Mitchell Gaynor M.D., Sound Healing is a deeply effective way to release stress from the body/mind, thus restoring the immune system. 

Please join us for this 90-minute voyage into the bliss, wellness, and healing that can come from profound relaxation via deeply therapeutic sound and tone. The session will be facilitated by sound therapist Joe Hayes. The fee for this event is $25, with a sliding scale. Pay online or with cash or check made out to UUCGL at the door, but do register either way to save your spot. 

Plan to sit in one of the chairs, or bring a yoga mat and blanket and stretch out on the floor of the sanctuary. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a blanket/pillow if you'd like for your own comfort and warmth. 

Recommended for all ages 12 and older. This event often sells out, so please register in advance to secure a spot!


"This was truly one of the most amazing experiences of my recent life. If you get the chance to attend Joe's sound healing event, RUN, don't walk!"

–Ana Forrest, international yoga celebrity and author; founder of Forrest Yoga. 


Annual Ferry Beach All-Church All-Ages Retreat Weekend

April 25-27 | Ferry Beach, Saco, ME

Save the date to join us at Ferry Beach where you will spend a cozy, relaxing weekend with community enjoying casual conversation, fun activities, healthy & delicious food, and good coffee. There's something for everyone at Ferry Beach, including a sand volleyball court, two playgrounds, a fire pit, an outdoor chapel, and of course, the beach!


Recurring Group Meetings and Programs

Use the links below or contact the church for more information. All are welcome!

Room Map

Website Calendar Page

Adult Programs Page



Thursday Evenings

7:45pm, at UUCGL (Sanctuary)


Church History Ministry Team

2nd Sunday of the month

11:30am (Fellowship Room)


Dialogue Group

Click here for meeting link!

2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month

5-6pm (on Zoom)


Drumagic Drum Circle

*Additional session on 1/26!

2nd Sunday of the month*

1:30-3:30pm (Sanctuary)


Plant-Based Cooking Group

Join Group HERE!

Select Thursdays (see calendar)

5-7pm (Kitchen & Parish Hall)


Qigong Classes

*Now Enrolling

Tuesday Mornings

10-11am (Parish Hall)


Saturday Craft Circle

1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month

10am-2pm, at UUCGL (Skylight Room)


Sunday Evening Meditations

Most 1st & 3rd Sundays

5:15-6pm (Sanctuary)


Tai Chi Classes (Beginner)

*Now Enrolling

Tuesday Mornings*

9-10am (Parish Hall)


Tai Chi Classes (Intermediate)

Tuesday Mornings*

11-12pm (Parish Hall)


Tai Chi Classes (Advanced)


3:30-5:30pm (Parish Hall)


Wisdom Circle

2nd Tuesday of the month



Youth Group

Select 1st and/or 3rd Sundays


Are you following UUCGL on Facebook? Check out our Facebook page and hit the "follow" button to see what’s going on at UUCGL and around our area!

UUCGL Resources

Items for the Weekly Update

Send your info to Mary Kiene-Gualtieri (mkgualtieri@uucgl.org).

Stay Connected with UUCGL

Visit our Staff Directory HERE to contact any of us. We're here for you!

ο»ΏUUCGL Board of Trustees 2024-2025

Follow this link to meet the board.

Our Website

Looking for information or seeking support from the church and don't know where to start? Head over to the Members Page of our website. Here you can find connections to almost everything going on at UUCGL. Check it out!

Name Buttons

If you are new to the congregation and would like a name badge, or if you need yours replaced, simply email Misha at mishalina5@gmail.com and she would be happy to make one for you!

Member Portal

Members of UUCGL may contact the office or any member of the staff to obtain the password to our member portal, as we change it periodically.

Financial Matters

Pledge Payments and Donations

HERE are three easy ways to make a donation to the church. Please indicate whether your payment is toward your pledge or for another purpose. Thank you for your support!

Visit Us

Sunday Schedule

ο»ΏWorship & Children's Ministry: 10am

Fellowship Hour: 11am

101 Forest Avenue, Swampscott

(781) 595-8836

Visit our website, follow us on Facebook, or view sermons on YouTube!

We are a Welcoming Congregation. πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

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