UUCGT  Flash 
December 6, 2018
Vol. 12, Issue 563
In This Issue
Article Headline
Children & Youth
UU Social Justice
UUCGT Giving Tree
Christmas Eve @ the State
Donated Dinners
Bulletin Board
Calendar of Events
End Note

Congregational Vision

UU Logo

We are a Congregation creating a better world by nurturing the heart and expanding the mind.

We provide a safe, caring community where all can freely explore diverse religious thought. 

We work for justice and equality with the power of compassion and compassionate power.

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the Beacon
please contact


Celebrating the Festival of Lights

On Hanukkah, we celebrate the ability of small points of light
to push back a world of darkness.
Hanukkah reminds us of this light and of the need to go after it
in order to reveal it to the whole world.
- Torah.org

Sunday Service 
Sunday, December 9
10:30 AM:  "Annual All Music Service for All Generations"
John Bailey, UUCGT Music Director, Coordinator
Join us for this favorite annual service which will include individual pieces performed by congregation members and ensembles as well as choral music performed by the UUCGT Vocal Ensemble.

Children & Youth Programs

Children and families are an important element within UUCGT, and w e are in the process of restructuring our Children  & Youth Programs for Sunday mornings!  Our intention and goals are to build an excellent  future with new and exciting programs f or children  & youth.

If you are interested in serving on the Religious Education Committee or have input to share, please contact Jolynn Paige.   We will be hosting brainstorming sessions in January (every Sunday during the coffee hour!).  Your suggestions are welcomed and encouraged!

Currently on Sundays at UUCGT, child care is provided in our nursery for infants through age 4.  All other children and youth are invited to remain in the service with their families.

Urgent!    Lame Duck Legislature
Save Great Lakes Waters

The Enbridge pipeline is troublesome enough
for the waterways of the Great Lakes.
Now, the Michigan Senate wants a new tunnel built under the bridge to be owned by a new Mackinac Tunnel Authority.  This means Michigan taxpayers will be responsible for damages and yet not have voting control.

Urge a NO vote!!

UUCGT Giving Trees

The 2018 UUCGT Giving Trees have been decorated with colored paper ornaments, glittery decor and the names of two organizations to which you may donate.
This year, donations will be sent to people who suffered so much loss during the Camp Fire in California through a sister UU congregation in Chico, CA.  Please make your checks payable to UUCGT and write  " Camp Fire " on the Memo line.
Or, you may choose to give a donation for refugee relief in Mexico.  
Volunteers from the UU Fellowship of San Miguel de Allende are working with refugees who seek help.  Christie McGue (UUCGT member) is volunteering at San Miguel de Allende during the winter months.  Again, checks are payable to UUCGT with "Refugee Relief" written on the memo line.
Please select an ornament from the Giving Tree as a reminder to bring your check to UUCGT.  Place your check in the basket on the Giving Tree Information Table or i n the offering basket through the month of December!

More detailed information is available in the Fellowship Hall.

UUCGT Christmas Eve Programs

5 th Annual Interfaith Christmas Eve Service
~ 6:30  PM ~

UUCGT sends warm wishes for this holiday season
and invites everyone to join us for our 5th Annual
non-denominational Christmas Eve at the State Theatre!

Music from the UUCGT Vocal Ensemble, stories by Elon Cameron, inspirational messages from Rev. Jody Betten and others will help bring light, love and our extended Traverse City community together for this holiday gathering.

(Call the State Theatre box office to reserve free tickets - 231.947.3446 )


Candlelight Service @ UUCGT
~ 9:30 PM ~

2019 Donated Dinners+  FUNdraiser!

John Hoffmann and Lauren Keinath are coordinating this effort, and  are looking for UU congregants to host a dinner or other related activity in order to have a successful FUNdraising event.

In past years, we have had a variety of donated events ranging from
ethnic themed dinners...
fondue parties...
patio picnics...
sailing on the Bay...
X-C ski outings...
nature walks...
dinners with cocktail music... 
You get the idea!!

These fun, social activities benefit the Congregation as well as designated community groups.   Look for hosting sign-up sheets in the social hall after Sunday Services through December.
Questions?? - contact  John Hoffmann

UUCGT Bulletin Board

Sad News:   Elizabeth Ann (Betty) McFerran, mother of UU friend, Stewart
McFerran, recently passed away.  Our heart goes out to Stewart and his family in this time of sorrow.  Notes of condolence may be sent to Stewart at samcferran@gmail.com.

Please note: This year, UUCGT will not be hosting a Solstice celebration.  The Earth Centered Spirituality group is deeply thankful to have had the opportunity to be a part of the Solstice service for many years.  May you have a blessed Solstice and celebrate the light of this Earth, our home.

UU Membership Team Seeks Greeters...and Greeting is Fun!
and has just become easier (details shared when you sign up)
Two Greeters are needed on December 23 & 30 - Many thanks!

Cash donations to UUCGT - How to get credit:  If you wish to receive credit for cash donations - toward a pledge or for income tax purposes - 
put the cash in an envelope with your name and designation - Congregation or Community Needs - before putting it in the basket on Sunday.  
Several cash donations are received each Sunday that are not clearly identified.  All donations are much appreciated.

Updated UU Office Hours:  Office hours are Monday - Thursday, 9:00am - 3:00pm; closed Friday.  
UU Accountant, Dave Christenson, is in the office on Mondays.
Please note:  UU Office Administrator will be on vacation December 10-12.

Missing Hat:  If you mistakenly picked up a western style hat (Dorfman Pacific) in the back hallway on Sunday, December 2 - please return to Charles Bracket.  Thank you!

* * * * * * * *
Local Community Needs
UUCGT Calendar of Events
(Please contact  office@uucgt.org  to schedule all meetings and events)

New Moon Women's Circle: Saturday, December 8 - contact  Kat Norman

Saxophone Quartet Holiday Concert: December 12, 7:00pm, sanctuary Please RSVP to  Chris Lautz

Meditation Workshop: Thursday, December 13, 5:30pm, classroom

Vocal Ensemble: Thursdays, 7:00pm, sanctuary

Stewardship Team: Friday, December 14, 1:00pm, library

Friday Night Out: Friday, December 14, 5:30-9:00pm, classrooms

End Note...

"Feeling gratitude and not expressing
it is like wrapping a present and not giving it."

- William Arthur Ward


UUCGT office hours
Mon day - Thursday
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Closed Friday

(231) 947-3117       office@uucgt.org         www.uucgt.org