UUCGT  Flash 
October 24, 2019
Vol. 13, Issue 609
In This Issue
Minister's Musings
Sunday Service
Children & Youth
Job Opportunity @ UUCGT
Calling All Music Makers!
Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner!
UUCGT Bulletin Board
Safe Harbor
Social Justice
UUCGT Calendar
End Note...


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We are a Congregation creating a better world by nurturing the heart and expanding the mind.

We provide a safe, caring community where all can freely explore diverse religious thought. 

We work for justice and equality with the power of compassion and compassionate power.


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Minister's Musings...

The transformative journey I've been on for the past 20 years has largely been shaped by the unique ministry of the "Faithful Fools." The Reverend Kay Jorgensen and Sister Carmen Barsody founded the Faithful Fools Street Ministry in San Francisco, California, in 1998. During my first semester of seminary, in the fall of 1999, I took Kay and Carmen's first class,  Bearing Witness,  at Starr King School for the Ministry.
After experiencing several life-changing street retreats with the Faithful Fools in the Tenderloin of San Francisco, I traveled to Nicaragua four times to live in the barrios of Managua for 10 days at a time with a diverse group of students and seekers led by Kay and Carmen. These profound experiences helped me understand my privileged status in life, as I began to peel away my prejudices and assumptions about people who live in poverty.

This Sunday, I'll share some of the transformative experiences during my first extended street retreat with the Faithful Fools as a seminarian.   

Sunday Service
October 27 - 10:30 AM - "Bearing Witness"
Rev. Cathy Harrington, P am Hendrick, c oordinator

Rev. Cathy joined the ranks of Faithful Fools during her first semester of seminary. This sermon shares some of the challenges and awakening experiences that have shaped her ministry and her life.

Children & Youth
Religious Education
Nursery care is available  for infants through age 4

C hildren and Youth are asked to please stay in the sanctuary with their family until after the Children's Benediction.

Join us in costume* on Sunday to celebrate Halloween!
Music, games and popcorn while learning about some of the cultural and religious traditions that connect with our modern-day interpretation of Halloween.

*Out of respect for our youngest members, no full face masks please.

Afterwards, everyone is invited to the UUCGT Fall Festival for a scavenger hunt in the woods, nature wand and crown making, apple bobbing, a photo booth, and more games. 

We hope to see you all there!

Sunday, October 27
12:00 noon - 2:00 PM
Outside event in UUCGT's upper parking lot
Family-friendly celebration & candy-free
Join us to celebrate the wonders of Fall!
Bob for apples , scavenger hunt in the woods,
create a nature wand, games & more!
C ostumes encouraged!
We look forward to seeing you here!

Part-time Co-Teacher for Sunday morning Religious E ducation class
Ideal candidate will have experience working with upper elementary and middle s chool aged children in a group setting; knowledge of world religions or a willingness to  learn about them; and an interest in learning more about Unitarian Universalism. The teacher is  hired by the Board of Trustees and reports to the Director of Religious Education.  This is a part-time position - 4 hours/wk at $16/hr

     * Co-teach RE program for K-8th grade children on Sunday mornings during the worship  service. Will be available at the church one hour before the service and remain through the  coffee hour to greet and communicate with families. (approximately 9:30-12:00)
     * Prepare weekly by reading the lesson plan and learning any background information relevant  to the lesson. Assist in the preparation of materials. (approximately 1 hour per week)
     * Obtain approval from DRE prior to purchases. Keep receipts of materials purchased and  submits for reimbursement.
     * Maintain communication with DRE, other teachers, and RE Committee members.
     * Assist in the delivery of multi-generational services.
     * Attend monthly RE Committee meetings, usually held the first Sunday of each month  following the service.
     * Additional hours and responsibilities can be added based on interest in program development,  outreach, and curriculum planning.  All teachers are required to undergo a background check.

     Email cover letter, resume, and three references to dre@uucgt.org 

Art, B ooks & Baked Goods Sale!
Sunday ~ October 27
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

 - Books by author Heather Shumaker - book signing!
- Natural Fiber Basketry by Nancy Doughty
- Tonawanda Tea Blends by Judy Myers
- Fine-crafted soaps, oils and skin products by Black Dog Soap Works
Life is short - use the fancy soap!
- One-of-a-kind fused glass pendants & tiles by Donna Stein-Harris
- Fit to be Dyed Silk Scares by Mary Anne Rivers
- Beautiful r epurposed wool mittens by Shelley Burnes
- Concrete Garden Accents by Julie Austin
- UU B ooks from Beacon Press & Skinner House
Get ready for Winter Reading!

- Yummy Baked Goods!

Questions? Contact Chris Lautz @ 860-884-7741 

Calling all Music Makers!
December 8th
All Music Service!

Looking for musicians who would like to be involved in our All Music Program on December 8th!  All are welcome! 
Please contact Music Director, Renée Russell, to sign up today!  musicatuucgt@gmail.com  or  (231) 930-7280

UUCGT Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner!
Sunday, November 24
Twin Lakes Park - Gilbert Lodge
  Everyone  is Welcome!
Sign up on Sundays at UUCGT!
$5.00/person or $15.00/family

Bring a dish to add to our bountiful feast
and your own table service
  Room and food set-up - 10:00
Arrival & Fellowship - 10:45
Brief Service - 11:00
Dinner - 12:00
UUCGT Bulletin Board
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Brewing Community r eturns tonight! Thursday, October 24
Come join co-hosts Sarah Montgomery-Richards and John Hoffmann at the Workshop Brewing Company from 5:00-7:00pm. Enjoy your favorite beverage, food menu and conversation.  The Workshop Brewing Company is located behind Hotel Indigo on Garland Street. Join us! Contact  John Hoffmann  if you have any questions.
____________________ _________________________________

The Artwork of MaryAnn Force ~ a Celebration of Her Life and Art
Several of MaryAnn's watercolor paintings are hanging in the  UUCGT Corridor Gallery  for your viewing pleasure ~  Enjoy!
                 "The Children's Garden                            "Moon Day"

                              "Venice"                                   "Summer Cottage"

Weapon Free Zone:  If you have an interest in joining a task force - limited meetings and time- exploring the possibility of UUCGT being a 'Weapon 
Free Zone', please contact Judy Myers or Joan Sheard. This should only be  2-3 meetings and much can be done via email. All voices are welcome.

UUCGT Men's Group:  Monday, November 4, 5:30pm @ Minerva's
"Some TURKEY Facts" - Jack Thole will facilitate a conversation about his recent visit to Turkey.  Articles are available in front entryway.


Benzie UU meets the first and third Wednesday of the month at "Grow Benzie" at 5885 Frankfort Hwy, Benzonia. Potluck is at 6:30pm and service begins at 7:30pm. For more information, email Catherine Green or call or text 231-499-7276.
    November 6 - Marcelo Betti, immigration and family attorney, working with Justice for Our Neighbors will help us see and understand what is going on at the border and with detention centers, and how we might help.
November is our next quarterly distribution
Your suggestions and ideas are always welcome!

Volunteer at Safe Harbor!

UUCGT will be providing the volunteers at Safe Harbor from the evening of Saturday, November 16 through the morning of Saturday, November 23.

We will have a sign up table in the Gathering Space the next three Sundays. Many of our opportunities are filled, but we are particularly in need of volunteers for Saturday, November 16. There are still opportunities to help prepare and serve meals, be an evening host, be an overnight host, or serve and clean up for breakfast. We also need cleaning volunteers on the morning of Sunday, November 17. There are also a few opportunities to provide food items for the week.

Stop by and see us at the sign-up table and participate in a hands-on ministry to those experiencing homelessness in our community.

For more information contact Mike or Sandra McDonald (231)935-3759.


Sign our petition today to send a message to Congress. Americans deserve safe and secure elections, but time is running out to shore up our elections before 2020. Congress must act now to pass adequate election security funding before it is too late.

Clean Air Act... is up for changes!
EPA's proposals would formally overturn protections that have been in place since 1995,  potentially  allowing thousands of large industrial facilities to opt out of rigorous clean air protections limiting discharges of dangerous pollutants and would undermine the protections that Congress intended to provide against toxic air pollutants.
Read more here and comment at  https://bit.ly/2MAvbS2

UUCGT Social Justice Action Team
Emmy Lou Cholak, co-chair
UUCGT Calendar of Events

To schedule meetings and events, contact  office@uucgt.org

Shantideva Fan Club: Thursday, October 24, 9:30am, sanctuary

Brewing Community: Thursday, October 24, 5:00pm, Workshop Brewing Company, Garland Street

Peacemaker Needleworkers:  Thursdays, 1:30pm, social hall

Vocal Ensemble:  Thursdays, 7:00pm, sanctuary

- MENSA Testing: Saturday, October 26, 12:00 - 5:00pm, classrooms

- Safe Harbor: Sunday, October 27, 9:30am, library

- OWL Program: Sunday, October 27, 10:00 - 12:00 noon, meditation room

- Book, Art & Bake Sale @ UUCGT! Sunday, October 27, 12:00 noon - 2:00pm, social hall

- UUCGT Fall Festival! Sunday, October 27, 12-2:00pm, upper parking lot

- Mindfulness Meditation: Sunday, October 27, 5:00-7:00pm, sanctuary - see  www.tcmmg.org  for more information

- Stretch & Strengthen: Monday, October 28 11:00am, social hall

- SokukoJi Buddhist Community Meditation: Tuesday, October 29, 6:30-8:30pm, meditation room. See  https://sokukojitc.org/ for more information

- Stretch & Strengthen: Wednesday, October 30, 11:00am, social hall

- Healthy Congregations: Wednesday, October 30, 4:00pm, ;library

- Wednesday Potluck Supper:  October 30, 5:30pm @ UUCGT - Bring a dish to share - e veryone is welcome!

- Facilities Team: Friday, November 1, 10:00am, social hall

- Death Cafe Gathering: Friday, November 1, 6:00pm, social hall

- Board Retreat Dinner: Friday, November 1, 6:00pm

- Board Retreat: Saturday, November 2, 9:00 - 4:00pm, sanctuary/social hall

- CONTRA Dance @ UUCGT! Saturday, November 2, 6:00pm, social hall! $10, kids free, no experience necessary, live music and caller - Back by popular demand - Join Us!

- Daylight Savings Time Ends: Sunday, November 3 - "Fall" Back!

End Note...

Shades of green
Soft, waving

Bending, trembling
Bowing, bountiful

Red, yellow
Gold, brown

Falling, blowing
Rustling, gathering

Deep, resting

- Max Old Bear
October 2019

fall leaves  


UUCGT office hours
Mon day - Thursday
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Closed Friday

(231) 947-3117        office@uucgt.org          www.uucgt.org