UUCGT Flash 
March 8, 2018
Vol. 12, Issue 524
In This Issue
Sunday Service
Lifespan Experience for Children, Youth & Families
Soup-er St. Paddy's Luncheon
Community Engagement
What's Going On?
End Note

Congregational Vision

UU Logo
We are a Congregation creating a better world by nurturing the heart and expanding the mind.
We provide a safe, caring community where all can freely explore diverse religious thought. We work for justice and equality with the power of compassion and compassionate power.
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UUCGT Beacon

If you are not receiving our monthly newsletter, the Beacon, and would like to, please contact the office .

Reflection...The Season of Nonviolence

The Gandhi King Season for Nonviolence (SNV)
The Gandhi King Season for Nonviolence (SNV)
commences on January 30, in cities across the globe. 
The annual 64-day campaign  was co-founded in 1998 by Dr. Arun Gandhi
and runs from January 30th to April 4th,
marking the memorial anniversaries of
Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

UUCGT is the only local congregation participating in this global movement for nonviolence.  This Sunday we will contemplate the intersection of the ideals of the SNV and the source traditions of Unitarian Universalism.   We will offer beautiful music, readings and time for silence. 

We are living in a time when we need more people with a center of peace and nonviolence.

Please join us. 

In blessing - 

Rabbi Chava 

PS - Just a reminder that there is no 9 AM discussion this week.  We have a Program Council meeting at 9 AM in the back classroom.  All are welcome. 

Sunday Service 
Sunday, March 11  -   Rabbi Chava Bahle, Betsy Emdin
10:30 AM Service:   "The Season of Nonviolence"

The Gandhi King Season for Nonviolence (SNV) continues in cities across the globe. The purpose of the campaign is to focus educational and media attention on the philosophy of attaining peace through nonviolent action. 

Our service will focus on celebrating the words and ideas of great visionary leaders, like Gandhi, King, Mandela and the Dalai Lama, as well as other voices who call for nonviolent noncooperation to protest injustice.

Lifespan Experience
f or Children,  Youth  and Fam ilies!

Sundays in March ~  preK - 8th grade

We're very excited to be starting our "Environment Horcrux" in March, and we will continue this through April.  We will spend our time engaging in lessons and stories that promote environmental stewardship, as well as considering the ways in which we can get involved in our community in this regard.  This will include reaching out to UUCGT committees who engage in this kind of work, thus connecting the generations of our congregation in new and wonderful ways.

Suggested reading for families/parents this month!

This month we have a very timely book not only about our connections with the earth, but about peace in our world.

"A Prayer for World Peace" by Jane Goodall
"...J ane Goodall is a world-renowned naturalist who brings her passion and her quest for understanding between all the Earth's creatures to the fore in this beautiful and affecting prayer for world peace . She asks us all to rise above our dogmas, to bring a spirit of generosity to the living world around us, to pray for justice and for those who are suffering.  Illustrated with rich and colorful artwork, this is prayer that's both personal and universal and one that will speak to people of all ages from all backgrounds".   https://goo.gl/4LZkVP


Here are some resources on the topic of violence
that may help you and help those around you:

" Talking to Children About Violence:  Tips for Parents and Teachers"
from the National Association of School Psychologists:    http://bit.ly/2khji7j

" No Exceptions...Lovingkindness is a powerful practice for developing goodwill toward all..."
Friday Night Out is March 9th
Sarah to reserve your spot!

Looking Ahead - Calling Volunteers! 
2 Classroom Volunteers are needed on Sunday, March 25!  
Please contact Sarah if you are available to fill this need!

Opportunities for Community Engagement
Gun Reform Events

March 14, 2018:  #ENOUGH National School Walk-Out @   10:00 AM
Traverse City -  Yes, we are walking out at 10:00 AM for 17 Minutes. 
Stand Together at the intersection of Munson Avenue and Milliken Drive near NMC and TC Central High School.  Co-organized by UUCGT - contact 
office@uucgt   for more information.
"Women's March Youth EMPOWER is calling for students, teachers, school administrators, parents and allies to take part in a  #NationalSchoolWalkout
for 17 minutes at 10:00 am across every time zone to protest Congress' inaction to do more than tweet thoughts and prayers in response to the gun violence plaguing our schools and neighborhoods."  

March 24, 2018:  March For Our Lives  
A march in conjunction with events organized by the students of Florida.  Students  and families of March For Our Lives  will take to the streets of Washington, DC to demand that their lives and safety become a priority and that we end gun violence and mass shootings in our schools today.  

Corresponding rallies in Traverse City, Grand Rapids and Detroit, as well as others across the country.  Please see  rallylist.com for the event nearest you.


**  Save the Date  **
Wednesday, April 4 - 7:00 PM
UUCGT Wednesday Night Speaker's Program
(following Wednesday Potluck)
Please plan to join us for a special evening program with Liz Kirkwood, Executive Director of FLOW (For Love Of Water).  Liz will discuss recent developments on Enbridge Line 5 and other water related activities.  Please see FLOW website for more information:    http://flowforwater.org/
RSVP to office@uucgt.org if you plan to attend.  Thank you!

UUCGT Art Exhibit:   Donated pieces from Members & Friends are on display in the Corridor Gallery.  Many thanks to all who loaned their treasured works of art for this exhibit and to the UUCGT Arts & Exhibitions Committee for organizing this exhibit!

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Local Community Needs

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 FLASH articles are due by Wednesday noon - office@uucgt.org
BEACON articles are due by the 25th each month -

What's Going On ... at UUCGT?

Please contact  office@uucgt.org to schedule meetings and events

Please check UU calendar or website
to confirm cancellations

Meetings & Activities

Peacemakers Needleworkers:  Thursdays, 1:30pm, social hall

Brewing Community:  Thursday, March 8, 5:00-7:00pm @ The Workshop

Meditation Workshop:  Thursday, March 8, 5:30pm, classroom

Vocal Ensemble:  Thursdays, 7:00pm, sanctuary

Friday Night Out:  Friday, March 9, 5:30-9:00pm, classrooms.  Contact  Sarah asap to reserve a spot!

UUCGT Book Club:  Sunday, March 11, 2:00pm, "Beartown" by Fredrik Backman.  Karen Welch, host

Mindfulness Meditation:  Sunday, March 11, 5:00-7:00pm, sanctuary

Stretch & Strengthen:  Monday & Wednesday @ 11:00am

Community Lunch:  Tuesdays - Volunteers meet at 10:30am.  Every week for the past 25 years, UUCGT has provided a free lunch for anyone in the community who would like to come to Friends Church located at Fifth and Oak Streets in Traverse City.  For more information, or to volunteer, call Mary Kiner at 935-3050, or email  marykiner@charter.net

Indivisible GT:  Tuesday, March 13, 12:00pm, sanctuary

Staff Resources:  Tuesday, March 13, 12:30pm, library

Bridge Group:  Tuesdays, 1:00pm, social hall

Leadership Development:  Tuesday, March 13, 5:00pm, classroom

Finance Committee:  Tuesday, March 13, 5:30pm, office

Board Executive Committee:  Wednesday, March 14, 1;00pm, library

Wednesday Supper:  March 14, 5:30pm social / 6:00pm supper - $5/adult & $3/10 & under - Share UU fellowship & yummy food!

Congregational Care Team:  Thursday, March 15, 1:00pm, library

Peacemakers Needleworkers:  Thursdays, 1:30pm, social hall

Landscape Committee:  Thursday, March 15, 2:30pm, library

Policy Committee:  Thursday, March 15, 5:00pm, library

Meditation Workshop:  Thursday, March 15, 5:30pm, classroom

Vocal Ensemble:  Thursdays, 7:00pm, sanctuary

New Moon Women's Circle:  Saturday, March 17, TBA - contact Carolyn Kelly

End Note...
Each one has to find his peace from within.
And peace to be real
must be unaffected by outside circumstances.

~ Mahatma Gandhi


FLASH articles are due by noon on Wednesday each week


UUCGT Office hours:   Mon day - Thursday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

(231) 947-3117       office@uucgt.org         www.uucgt.org