UUCGT Flash 
December 22, 2016
Vol. 10, Issue 461
In This Issue
Sunday Service
Lifespan Experience for Children, Youth & Families
Christmas Eve at the State!
What's Going on at UUCGT?
Photo Finish
Congregational Vision
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We are a Congregation creating a better world by nurturing the heart and expanding the mind.
We provide a safe, caring community where all can freely explore diverse religious thought. We work for justice and equality with the power of compassion and compassionate power.
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UUCGT Beacon

If you are not receiving our monthly newsletter, the Beacon, and would like to, please contact the office .


"Here, in our church, you are just as much a holiday miracle as the turning of the earth, as persistence and dedication to a faith, as the creation of each new life.  We see the love you give to others, the space you create to hold one another's joys and sorrows, and the generosity and spirit you entrust to this community.   You are the holiday miracle.  This community is one of miracle-makers."
- Gwen Matthews 
Beloved friends, I so look forward to our 3rd annual Christmas Eve celebration at the State Theatre this Saturday (doors open at 5 PM, service begins at 5:30 PM) - not only because it is such a sweet community celebration, but because it is a chance for us to take all of what is best about UUCGT to the broader community.  I am delighted and excited that the community has the opportunity to experience the ideas and ideals of our congregation.  You are the miracle!

On Christmas morning, please join me and Music Director, John Bailey, for a simple, warm service celebrating both Christmas  and Hanukkah in story and song.  It will be a wonderful gathering. 

With every good blessing and much love to you for the holiday season - 

Rabbi Chava 

A few notes:
1)   Christmas Eve:   Reserve free tickets by calling the State Theatre box office at (231)947-3446.   We are still seeking a couple of ushers for the event - you get great reserved seats!  Please contact Hal Gurian to offer 30 minutes of service.

2)  As many friends and members are traveling this week and next, there will be no 9 AM Thursday morning meditation on 12/22 or 12/29 at the congregation.  I am still seeking a lay leader who wishes to take leadership of this program.  Also, please check the UUCGT calendar or committee chairs for holiday schedules.

Sunday Service 
Sunday, December 25 - Rabbi Chava Bahle
No 9:00 AM Program
10:30 AM Service: 
"Christmas Day & Hanukkah - A  Holiday Morning Reflection "
Come join us for a mellow Christmas morning's reflection at our last service of 2016.  The service will be simple, resonant and sweet.   We'll turn down the lights, kindle the menorah and enjoy the beauty of this day.
(Children & Youth will remain in the service, no nursery on this Sunday) 

Lifespan Experience  f or Children and Youth (and Families!)
Sunday Service:  10:30 a.m.  
Sunday programming for Children and Youth throughout the 2016 - 2017 program year will complement the Sunday Services in our efforts to move closer to congregational thematic ministry.  This thematic calendar will explore the Six Source traditions, and consider wisdom from around the world. 

Important note about holiday services in December and January
So that our staff may celebrate the holidays with their families, and so that children and youth are offered the opportunity to share the joy of the season with their parents,  there will be no programming for children and youth, or nursery services on Christmas Sunday or New Year's Day .   

Suggested reading for families/parents this month:
" One World, Many Religions: The Ways We Worship ",  Mary Pope  Osborne

Our Child of the Month is Max Matchett

Make sure you take a moment to greet Max when you see him, and check out the poster featuring him in the social hall!

Each month we will give special attention to a child or youth from our UUCGT community!  A picture of them will be featured in the social hall, along with a little bit about them.  Interested in more information and how to participate?  Click   HERE

2nd Annual Heifer Tree!

We are excited that we are once again organizing a Heifer Tree during the month of December.  This year, our children have set a very lofty goal! - $1,500 to donate a "Joy to the World" basket.  The Joy to the World gift includes two sheep, four goats, one heifer and two llamas. Your donation will also fund training for the animals' feeding and care.

  • Through December there is a tree in the UUCGT Lobby with paper animals on it.  These animals each have a dollar amount.
  • Select your animal(s) and write a check to UUCGT with "Heifer" in the memo.  Put the animal(s) and your check in the Business Administrator's mailbox in the office.  After 12/25 we will send all the money collected to Heifer, in the hopes of donating a "Joy to the World Basket".
  • Feel free to select a holiday donation card from the table by the tree. Use these cards to send to your friends and family if you would like to turn your donation into a sustainable gift.

UUCGT Director of Lifespan Experience,  Sarah Montgomery-Richards  is taking time off from her work at UUCGT to care for the newest addition to the Montgomery-Richards clan!  All concerns related to Lifespan Experience should be routed to Marco Cabrera at dedybear@gmail.com or to his cell, 231-715-8757.  Marco, as part of the Lifespan Experience Committee, will be working with the committee to coordinate LE programming .

W hat's Going On At UUCGT?

Click  HERE for UUCGT Website Calendar
Activities are also listed in the Order of Service & Beacon
Please contact the office to schedule Committee meetings & events

Enjoy the holiday season!

Wednesday Supper:  Our next Wednesday Supper is scheduled for Wednesday, January 4, 2017.  

Stretch & Strengthen:   No classes on December 26, 28 or January 2
Classes resume Wednesday, January 4th.

Mindfulness Meditation:  Sunday, January 1, 2:30-6:30pm (1st Sunday)  
(No gathering on Christmas)

Social Justice Action:  Sunday, January 8, 12:00 after service, classroom
In times of change, understanding and action are often called for and help us get a grip on things.  Let's meet and see what we can do, what we can join, what we want, how we can help each other?  
12:15  Welcome and introductions
12:30  Proposals for action
  1:00  Sharing information about actions that are already taking place
  1:30  Adjournment 
Let  Emmy Lou Cholak know if you can attend.

UUCGT Men's Group:  Monday, January 9, 5:30pm, Minerva's.  Reading materials are available in the office.


  All Music Service Thank You!  
Many thanks and gratitude to everyone for the wonderful holiday music shared on December 4th!   Please view photos here:   http://bit.ly/2i86Kt9

  Higher Grounds  Coffee:  Orders are due Sunday, December 25. Coffee purchases benefit Social Justice Action projects.  Please fill out your order form and check and place in the Coffee Order envelope in the alcove area.

  2017 Directory - Members & Friends:
The 2017 Congregation Directory of Members and Friends will be formatted in January, many thanks to Jane Watts and Susan Sherman.  We ask all members and friends to review and verify your listing in the current 2016 Directory, and if there any updates, please  promptly  notify the office via email ( office@uucgt.org )
All members, including those welcomed on November 6th, need to make a monetary contribution of record (this is acting on your Pledge) to be noted as a member in this annual directory.  Please know that a financial contribution of record must be given by check, or  if given in cash, placed  in a clearly labeled envelope in the UUCGT side of the offering basket.  
Contact Sheri Novak,  bookie@uucgt.org for more information.

Enjoy a delicious meal, make new  friends , and enjoy the company of fellow UUs in support of our congregation.  

  UUCGT Book Club:  Sunday, January 8, 2:30 pm  (note time change),
"Elizabeth Street" by Laurie Fabiano.  Enjoy a good read over the holidays!

Local Community Needs

Photo Finish...

 phone: l(231) 947-3117       website:   www.uucgt.org         email:   office@uucgt.org


Office hours:  Monday by appointment

 Tuesday - Thursday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


FLASH articles are due by noon on Wednesday each week