UUCM Monthly News
December 2020
December 2020 -- A Stable Faith

If you’ve been to the website recently and you are a person who notices small changes, you will notice that, by the picture of the church where it used to say, “Closed Due to COVID-19,” it now says, “Our building may be closed…but church goes on!” For any who are wondering about our Christmas Eve service, it too is going on! 
Read Rev. Shayna's entire message.
Virtual Worship - Sundays at 10:30am
Read about December's theme - Stillness
Description of services will be in the Weekly Update, posted online, and in the calendar.
A Message From the Board
As we move into the holiday season and winter, with COVID-19 cases rising here in NH and all around the country, the Board is grateful to the Reopening Task Force for its continued diligent service to UUCM. Their guidance this fall has been greatly appreciated as we strive to keep our members, friends, and the wider community safe, and do our part to slow the spread of the virus.

This holiday season will not be the same as past seasons, as we remain mostly virtual. I will particularly miss being together at the Holiday Fair and the Candlelight Christmas Eve service. The holidays can be a difficult period in the best of times, and this year's extended isolation will add to that difficulty for many of us. Please stay in touch and stay connected to UUCM by reading the Weekly and Monthly Newsletters and joining our virtual Sunday services and other virtual get-togethers on Zoom. I encourage you to invite family and friends to our virtual offerings. They are always welcome. We have made it this far together, and we can get the rest of the way through by helping one another feel connected and cherished.

I hope you and those you love share joy and peace wherever and whenever you can this holiday season.

Blessed Be,
Marti Kennedy, Board President
Update from Reopening Taskforce!
Due to the surge of COVID-19 cases in New Hampshire and beyond, we are reverting back to Step 2. Meetings and rentals are no longer possible in our building. Read about Step 2 of the Reopening plan.
Racial Justice Task Force Proposals Move Forward
On Nov. 15 & 17, the Racial Justice Task Force held discussions of its proposals that UUCM fly a Black Lives Matter flag and that members adopt a formal Statement of Conscience for the Black Lives Matter Movement. More than 30 members and friends expressed approval and enthusiasm for installing a Black Lives Matter flag. Many shared suggestions regarding the flag's location and design.
The Task Force’s next steps are to:
  • Finalize decisions regarding the flag’s location and design.
  • Prepare a formal motion to be voted on.
  • Schedule a Congregational Zoom meeting to vote on the proposal.
To view a short recording of the presentation, click here. The Racial Justice Task Force welcomes your comments and questions about the proposals.
Finance Committee News
We are still on track to take less than we are permitted as part of our Endowment Standard Withdrawal. The good news is that we may not need to take any of the Endowment Investment in Our Future monies (part of the 5-year plan to take $108,000 from our Endowment). Pledges are coming in slightly ahead of schedule. At this time, we are in a good financial position.

Finance Committee Happenings
  • Income from the Virtual Holiday Fair (ends Dec 1) has already surpassed the budgeted amount of $1,500. Many thanks to Bryan Higgs for creating such a professional website and to Pat Nelson for taking such professional photographs of our items. Dona Eaton and Sandy Frades have been busy keeping the virtual fair working.
  • The books on 2019-20 have closed.
  • Working with Property and Friday Guys to create a Maintenance Reserve Distribution Process.
Shop Toadstool on Dec. 12 to Benefit UUCM
Saturday, Dec 12
For purchases of books and merchandise made with a certificate on Dec. 12 at the Toadstool Bookshop, Somerset Plaza, 375 Amherst St, Nashua, UUCM will receive a percentage of the sale. This annual fundraiser is a win-win: for UUCM and a great local business. Information and certificate HERE.
Stay connected! All meetings are being held on Zoom. Check the online calendar or Weekly Update for additional event details and Zoom links.
Monthly Events - Check the online calendar for Zoom links.
Reading for Change
Returning in January
Contact Cathy Goldwater for information. 
Weekly Events - Check the online calendar for Zoom links.
Virtual Coffee with Rev Shayna & UUCM Friends
Tuesdays @ 10:30am
What in God's Name
"What in God's Name" is a podcast featuring Rev. Shayna and her good friend and colleague, Rev. Chris Owen. The show runs about 20-25 minutes and explores current events through the lenses of theology and philosophy. There is a new show each Thursday. You can subscribe to get an email link to the latest show each week and you can listen to any show in the archive at their website: Whatingods.com.
Racial Justice Task Force
Thursdays @ 4-5pm
Discuss issues around racism/racial justice, share resources, and plan actions! Contact Cathy Goldwater for more information
For Pastoral Care Assistance in December: Contact office@uucm.org
Donate Food to SHARE
Please purchase and deliver Pancake Mix & Syrup, Condiments, Cooking Sauces & Seasonings, Cooking Oil, Jelly, and Cold Cereal to SHARE this month. Click to see where to drop off food.
Newsletter deadlines: 
Where to Find:
  • Latest COVID update - Reopening UUCM
  • Directory & Committee Listings - You will the find the newest directories here, in the Members section of the UUCM website.
  • Can't Find It? - The easiest way to find something on the uucm.org website is to use the SEARCH feature.
  • Get Login or Website Help commteam@uucm.org