A Message From the Board
As we move into the holiday season and winter, with COVID-19 cases rising here in NH and all around the country, the Board is grateful to the Reopening Task Force for its continued diligent service to UUCM. Their guidance this fall has been greatly appreciated as we strive to keep our members, friends, and the wider community safe, and do our part to slow the spread of the virus.
This holiday season will not be the same as past seasons, as we remain mostly virtual. I will particularly miss being together at the Holiday Fair and the Candlelight Christmas Eve service. The holidays can be a difficult period in the best of times, and this year's extended isolation will add to that difficulty for many of us. Please stay in touch and stay connected to UUCM by reading the Weekly and Monthly Newsletters and joining our virtual Sunday services and other virtual get-togethers on Zoom. I encourage you to invite family and friends to our virtual offerings. They are always welcome. We have made it this far together, and we can get the rest of the way through by helping one another feel connected and cherished.
I hope you and those you love share joy and peace wherever and whenever you can this holiday season.
Blessed Be,
Marti Kennedy, Board President