UUCM Monthly News
February 2025
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We are a spiritual fellowship dedicated to building beloved community
-- within and beyond our doors.
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Minister Musings by Rev. Julie Lombard
Let us warmly welcome February’s worship theme:
Living Love through the Practice of Inclusion.
It’s the community’s job to figure out how we can stretch into the so-called margins to broaden our understanding and the ability to be inclusive. Inclusivity is not ‘How do we make you a part of what we are?’ but ‘How do we become more of what you are?’ ~ Sensei, Rev. angel Kyodo williams
This month, we will ponder what inclusion means. The dictionary may define it as the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure, but does this beloved community truly welcome any and all? And should we?
Take a moment to reflect upon a time when you felt you or someone you loved were not being included. How did it make you feel? Did you lose trust in the group that wasn’t welcoming? What did they do to be exclusive?
Maybe you found yourself on the other side of that equation or somewhere in between. Have you ever read The Hundred Dresses, the 1944 children's book by Eleanor Estes? Estes was haunted by the role she played in a group of friends that excluded another student. She wrote the book hoping she might inspire others to not side with the bullies. Inclusion represents the health in a community reflecting its ability to re-imagine who they are and why they are here.
Whether you explore these conversations in a group setting such as Small Group Ministry, in a Tidbit session with Nancy Baker and friends, or individually with a friend and/or with your minister, do not be afraid to linger on this topic. We want to know what inclusion means to you. Who you are and who we are as a church community are important questions to revisit.
The better we know who we are and why we are here, the more effective we will be at living our mission to build a beloved community. We cannot just leave the doors open. We need to be mindful of why we return and who we want to serve while we gather together.
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From the President's Desk
Dear fellow congregants,
This message is mostly to express my deep gratitude for all of you at UUCM and the work we do to sustain this shared ministry.
I really didn’t know what a “shared ministry” was, even as recently as last year when I served on the board and sort of knew a bit about what was going on. But this year, after witnessing the wonderful work of UUCM volunteers over the holidays, in our Social Justice service on January 19, in the Leadership Circle of January 5, in the Social Justice committee meeting on January 20, I am beginning to really appreciate what we share here.
I think the leadership we have at our church is exceptional. I see many folks who are newer attendees at church gladly taking on significant responsibilities. I see individuals stepping outside their comfort zones to have difficult conversations. I see people working long and hard to get things right, whether it be at the holiday fair, or pulling off a new worship service when the planned one had to be abruptly rescheduled, or at meetings that need to change up their agendas.
This is what makes us special. These connections we have to our church and increasingly to each other are deep and real and lasting. Thank you all for making it so.
Michael Conley, UUCM President
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February's Worship Theme: The Practice of Inclusion
Just saying the word “inclusion” conjures it up: The primal hunger to belong; the longing to be let in. No one likes standing outside the circle. No one likes leaning against the locked door listening to everyone else laughing inside. From the time we are little, inclusion and belonging is the thing we seek. It’s the hoped for Holy Grail. The promised resting place.. Read more.
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February Worship Services
Sunday Services at 10:30 a.m. (in person and on Zoom). Details at uucm.org.
February 2 – Eucatastrophe: The Unexpected Happy Ending
Nancy Baker and the Worship Team
In fairy tales, time and space are suspended. The story is carried along by magic, which leads to a happy ending. But sometimes the hero isn’t so heroic, gets out of character, and makes mistakes. What happens when the storyteller bails the hero out? This service is about the power of orchestrating a happy ending for yourself and others.
February 9 -- Lessons from Samuel
Rev. Julie Lombard
As a youngster, Samuel Habib had beautiful dark eyes and an infectious smile. He was bright, curious, and anxious to assert his independence. But his parents had many questions about raising a child with cerebral palsy. This is what is at the heart of Including Samuel, a documentary produced by Samuel’s dad, Dan. It asks fundamental questions all parents with special needs children must ask: “How do parents foster a sense of belonging in the family, at school, and in society? How can they make sure their emotional cues also benefit their children?” Join us as we learn about the Habib family from Concord, NH, and their now adult child who continues to teach all about inclusion.
February 16 -- In the Aftermath
Rev. Julie Lombard
Rev. Deborah Pope-Lance is an expert who came together with others to contribute to the Alban Institute’s book, When a Congregation is Betrayed: Responding to Clergy Misconduct. Pope-Lance is the only UU among the authors, and she lends her perspective on the distinct task of the afterpastor to restore trust in the person and office of the minister after harm has been done to a beloved community. Afterpastor churches have an uncanny knack for conflict and triangulation, so how does a new minister find a way to be included into serving this kind of community?
February 23 -- Into the Spotlight (Family Sunday)
Rev. Julie Lombard
Grayson has a secret: “He” is a girl born in the wrong body. The weight of this secret is overwhelming her, and she fears ridicule, scorn, and rejection from telling her truth. She itches to break free and she finds a unique place to share her true identity -- on stage. Will the spotlight be enough to help her shine and be who she was born to be? We’ll explore a coming-of-age story and Amy Polonsky’s first novel, Gracefully Grayson, which tells the tale of a young person’s spirit and the enduring power of love and acceptance.
Help with Sunday Services
On Sundays, you are encouraged to participate in or help with various aspects of the service that we all enjoy. Sign up to be a Worship Reader, Garden Door greeter, bring Sunday snacks, help with Coffee Hour setup/cleanup, or pass the Collection Plate. Sign up here.
Candlelight Vespers & Soup
6pm on Wednesdays thru 2/26/2025
Join us to soothe your soul with music, poetry, and prayer in our candlelit sanctuary at 6pm on Wednesday evenings followed by a simple meal of bread and soup (except on Community Supper nights). Rekindle your flame with a little help from your friends at UUCM during this darkest time of the year. Rev. Julie Lombard will lead this brief half-hour alternative worship series. Dinner will be waiting on the stovetop at 6:30pm, so please join us!
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Children and Youth Committee (CYC) News
Co-chairs Marti Kennedy & Julie Adl-Zarabi
There will be Children’s Circles on February 2, 9, and 16. February’s Family Sunday is February 23. We look forward to seeing you!
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Help make UUCM's 2025 Auction the best ever!
Here’s how you can help NOW.
- Offer your vacation home/condo for a weekend.
- Offer to cook your favorite food/meal. Serve at your home, at church or deliver to the high bidder.
- Offer a service. Your special skill is probably just what someone will bid on.
- Visit your favorite store or restaurant and ask for a gift card, which always sell for at least face value. Donors benefit when a new customer redeems the card.
Plan to be there on Saturday, Feb 15th at 6pm. Mark your calendar now!
Send email to auction@uucm.org or contact Lynn Lippitt or Dona Eaton
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Congregational Meeting
Sunday, Feb 23
There will be a Congregational Meeting after the worship service on February 23rd. The topics to be discussed are:
1. Using money from the Building Fund to update UUCM's heating system.
2. Discussion of how our new security grant will go and what the result might be.
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News from Székelyszentmihály
In 1990, UUA President William Schulz said: “[A concrete way to] help rebuild religious freedom in Transylvania . . . is by encouraging your congregation to become a ‘sister church’ with one of the 130 Unitarian congregations in Transylvania.” UUCM was one of the congregations that answered the call. Each year, we are thrilled to hear how they are thriving and growing. Read Rev. Tamas' letter.
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January Adult Ed
The Pack Horse Librarians, presented by Susan Deschenes
2nd Weds., Feb. 12 @ 4pm on Zoom
In 1936 the Federal Works Progress Administration (WPA) created a library extension program intended both to provide employment for women and to bring library service to the Appalachian region of Eastern Kentucky. The Pack Horse Library Project, as it became known, eventually served nearly every resident in the nearly 10,000-square-mile region. The packhorse librarians not only became part of daily life in the mountains but also gained acceptance into what was otherwise an unapproachable culture of rugged individualism and abject distrust. Questions? Contact Nancy Baker.
Join Zoom Meeting here. Meeting ID: 501 980 5748. Passcode: 257737
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The Surface of Mystery: The Alpha & the Omega: A Comparative Look at How Religious Traditions View Creation and the End of Human Time -- This month: Buddhism
3rd Weds., Feb. 26 @ 4pm on Zoom (and recorded)
In the 2nd program each month, Nancy Baker will look at one religious or spiritual tradition and explore its ideas about how the world began and how it will end through the lens of theology, philosophy, mythology, art, and literature. The work of Huston Smith will anchor the comparative theology. The traditions included will be: Primal religions, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Taoism, and Native American perspectives in that order. Recordings of these presentations are available here. Questions? Contact Nancy Baker. Join Zoom Meeting here. Meeting ID: 501 980 5748. Passcode: 257737
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Lectio Divina at The Elms Center Dining Room
Tuesday, February 18, 2-3pm with Rev. Julie Lombard
This outreach Adult Education Program is a shared ministry in partnership with The Elms Center, 71 Elm St., Milford, NH. It is open to all who would like to learn with their beloved community and Rev. Julie.
Lectio Divina (Latin for "divine reading") is a traditional Benedictine practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with all that is holy and to increase the knowledge of a text. It does not treat these words as texts to be studied, but as the Living Spirit to live by. Any text may be considered sacred when it shares the values we are being asked to embody. Therefore, they may come from any divine source composed by humankind practicing the various world religions -- the Bible, the Koran, the Veda, poetry, or hymns/song.
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Social Justice Meeting
Monday, Feb 17, 5:30-7pm in Emerson
We’ll discuss planning for the Sustainability Fair on April 12 where we’ll have a table to share information on work we’re doing toward updating our Green Sanctuary Certification by 2030. We will also promote veganism by selling vegan cookies and encouraging people to attend the Earth Day Vegan Potluck Dinner & Discussion that the SJC is hosting at UUCM on April 22 at 6 pm. To learn more about the SJC's work and future plans, contact Lynn Lippitt.
All are welcome to attend our meetings (normally on the 3rd Monday each month). If you ask Lynn to put you on the SJC distribution list, you will hear of any schedule changes, plus upcoming plans and agenda. In February, we’ll have a potluck of appetizers and desserts, so please bring food to share as you are able. If you cannot attend in person, join us on Zoom.
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UUCM Free Community Supper
Weds., Feb 19, 5:30-6:30pm
Connect with church friends and members of the community for supper! Tasty, healthy meals with a veggie option are being served. Questions? Or want to volunteer to help? Contact Nancy Danzinger.
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Ministerial Evaluation Update
The ministerial evaluation process is underway. As you may be aware, our minister, the Rev. Julie Lombard, is a contract minister whose current contract ends on June 30, 2025. The input of every UUCM Member is crucial in providing meaningful feedback to our minister, as well as aiding to plan for our future.
A survey has been issued and is currently open for responses to members and staff. The survey runs from January 26 and will close on February 9 at midnight, allowing 2 weeks to respond. (See links below for those that need them.) Here is a timeline for the process, with dates to be finalized in the next weeks:
- Mid-February: The Ministerial Evaluation Team reviews the data
- March: A findings report will be shared with Rev. Julie. The board will receive a summary and also meet with Rev. Julie.
- April: The congregation will receive a summary. Focus groups will be called to make an informed decision before the end of the church year whether to call Rev. Julie as our minister, or extend her contract, or seek another minister.
LINKS for Members and Staff: CLICK HERE for the online Ministerial Evaluation Survey.
If you prefer a paper copy for any reason, CLICK HERE for a pdf that you can print / OR / please reach out to Jamie Ferrier to have one mailed to you. Email: office@uucm.org Phone: 603-673-1870. Completed paper copies should be returned to Jackie by hand, or mailed to arrive in her mailbox on or before Saturday, February 8, 2025. Mailing address: Jackie Davis, 46 Maplewood Dr., Temple NH 03084.
If you have any questions about this survey or the evaluation process, you are welcome to reach out to me (Jackie Davis). Email: circademic@gmail.com. Phone: (603) 562-6974. THANKS!
~ Jackie Davis, Evaluation Lead
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Rev. Julie's Thanks to All the Helpers
Adult Programs – Nancy B's Tidbits & SGM leaders Nancy B, David H, Linda H, Linda P
Board - For having healthy dialog in the board meetings, coffee talks, & with a UUA Congregational Consultant & support of the Ministerial Survey (Special Thanks, Jackie & the Exec Team), & special thanks to Michael & David preparing for the 1/5 Leadership Circle
CoM - For working with the board & minister to host healthy conversations; special thanks to Lisa M & Karen W.
Choir - For supporting our music ministry throughout the holiday season, making Christmas extra special.
CDC -For the ongoing search for leaders - Membership.
CYC & our youth - For a fantastic multigenerational service featuring a Solstice Skit. Special thanks to Marti.
Community Meals Volunteers - For feeding the hungry & offering them needed fellowship.
Crafters - For all who make this creative fellowship happen weekly in support of the fair.
Finance - To Heather & team for volunteering to lead stewardship, working with the board & their attention to fundraisers.
Fire Safety Support Team – For the Eatons' & Candy's support on Christmas Eve.
Social Justice Ministry - For planning an MLK celebration & hosting the SAQM display.
Membership - To Judy E & Nancy D partnering to plan restructuring of the Membership Team.
Music Ministry - To Amy and the many musicians making our music special in December, and the Choir: Jane, Graham, Suellen, Ellie, Jackie, & Annalee.
Pastoral Care - To Nancy D & the team for supporting many members & friends. The memorial reception soon after the fair was an amazing feat to behold.
Poinsettias - Thanks to the Hochstetler family for this beautiful display during the holiday season.
SHARE Needs Your Support
Please help stock the Food Pantry at SHARE with Toothbrushes & toothpaste, deodorants, shampoo & conditioner, bar soap, feminine hygiene products, diapers, wipes.
Leave donations under the sign in Barnum Hall or click to see where to drop off food donations.
Are You Missing Dishes/Plastic Containers?
In the room adjacent to the UUCM kitchen is a collection of containers that have been used to transport food to UUCM since the Holiday Fair. Please take yours home; then you can use them again to bring more food to church!
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Pastoral Care Assistance
A Pastoral Care request can be made by clicking on one of these highlighted links: Rev. Julie Lombard, Jamie (Congregational Administrator), or Nancy Danzinger (Pastoral Care Chairperson).
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Members - Get the Latest UUCM Directories
UUCM members: Click here for these directories:
Leadership Directory lists members of leadership and committees with contact information.
Church Directory lists all UUCM members & friends with contact info. An asterisk indicates those who have signed the Membership book. Keep yours current by sending updates and corrections to office@uucm.org.
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Contact Info for UUCM Personnel and Leadership:
Jamie, our administrator, has open office hours from 10am-2pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. To schedule an appointment, please call 603-673-1870 x1 or email office@uucm.org. On Wednesday and Friday, she works remotely and can be reached by email.
Rev. Julie is available by phone or by appointment Sun-Wed, and Thurs in emergencies. Call or text her at 603-724-0978. Email is the slowest way to connect with her, so do not use email to relay emergency info.
The UUCM Board can be reached at board@uucm.org.
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Weather Cancellations at UUCM
It’s Snowing – Are Sunday Services/Programming Canceled? If so, you can still participate via Zoom. To find out whether we will be meeting in church:
- Call the Church at 603-673-1870. If in-person church is canceled, the answering machine will tell you.
Check the calendar on the website. The title will say ‘Worship Service (Online Only) due to Snow’
Check WMUR-TV (News 9) or http://www.wmur.com/weather/closings and look for “Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Milford” under the letter U.
Note that these closure notices apply to church services and programs only. It is up to group leaders, committee chairs, and renters to notify their people if a meeting is canceled.
Closings on Other Days:
If the office is closed, there will be a message on the answering machine. It is best to call ahead to ensure someone is in the office. For meetings or activities, check with the group leader.
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Where to Find:
Directory & Committee Listings - You will find the newest directories here under the Member Resources tab on the UUCM website.
Get login or website help - Send email to commteam@uucm.org.
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Find it on UUCM.org
The easiest and quickest way to find information on our website is to use the Search feature. Enter a word or two into the search box located at the upper right on any page.
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